DOC eInvoicing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General Questions

DOC Search Questions

DOC User Questions

General Questions

What is DOCeInvoicing?

The DOC (Digital Operations Center) portal allows licensees to efficiently transact business with Microsoft via web-based tools. This is the Microsoft web user interface that allows license agreement contacts to access digital and on-demand invoice and agreement data and assign DOC user permissions to other contacts at their company. This portal is independent of the WMLA Licensing Portal.

What do I use DOC eInvoicing for?

You can use the DOC portal for the following:

  • Viewing invoices
  • Viewing basic agreement information
  • Assigning new contacts from your company as users of DOC

What are the Software and Hardware Requirements to use DOC?

  • The DOC portal is compatible with Internet Explorer only. Other browsers are not supported at this time. Because the DOC portal was created with Microsoft Silverlight technologies, the Silverlight browser plug-in must be installed to access it. In order to access the DOC portal, the following OS and browser pre-requisites must be satisfied:

Operating System / Internet Explorer (32-bit only) / Silverlight
7.x / 8.x / 9.x / 10.x / 11.X / 4.x / 5.x
Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) / X / X / X
Windows Vista SP2 (32 and 64-bit) / X / X / X / X / X
Windows 7 SP1 (32 and 64-bit) / X / X / X / X / X
Windows 8 (32 and 64-bit) / X / X
Windows 8.1 (32 and 64-bit) / X / X
  • The following table describes the minimum hardware requirements that you need for the DOC portal:

  • Component
  • Minimum Requirement

  • Processor
  • 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)

  • RAM
  • Minimum requirements for the Windows operating system

  • Display Resolution
  • 800 x 600 (minimum) and 1280 x 720 (recommended)

  • Internet
  • 1-megabits per second (Mbps)

Who gets access to DOC?

The General Notices contact listed on your license agreement will be YOUR Company Administrator and can grant access to DOC to whomever they want. Once the General Notices contact portal account is activated, they will be the ONLY one able to assign user roles and data permissions to individuals at their organization as needed. These assigned roles and data permissions provide individuals with the ability to access DOC portal applications. Due to the fact that your Company Administrator is the only one able to assign/ change user roles a backup Company Administrator is highly recommended.

What is a DOC Company Administrator?

The Company Administrator will manage the company’s access to DOC and must be assigned the User Account, Manage role for the entire company. The Company Administrator is solely responsible for the use and provisioning of the Microsoft DOC system for its employees. They must possess a corporate email address on their company’s primary domain to be an administrator. It is also recommended to have a backup Company Administrator to avoid interruption of service should the primary Company Administrator be unavailable. Your General Notice contact under your license agreement will be assigned as your first Company Administrator.

Click here for additional DOC user questions.

I need help! Who do I contact?

For technical or operations support questions, contact the Digital Operations Center Helpdesk by sending an email to .

How do I log in to the DOC portal for the first time?

  • New Users will receive two emails once their account has been created.
  • The Welcome email will provide detailed first time login instructions.
  • The Important Information email will provide a pin code (PIN) that is used for first time login.
  • Enter your PIN from your PIN email. Click Submit.
  • Install Silverlight if prompted. You will then reach the DOC Home page.

How do I access the DOC Portal Home page?

You can access the DOC Portal Home Page by going to .

I received an Electronic Alert, what does this mean?

  • An Electronic Alert is emailed to the user that is assigned to the agreement being invoiced.
  • Open the email attachment to find a list of invoices that are ready to view in DOC.
  • Click the See DOC Invoiced Details link for the invoice you wish to view in DOC.

Once you’ve clicked on the link to view the invoice details, you will be redirected to the DOC system. Login to view and print your invoice.

Can I opt out ofusing DOCand receive paper invoices instead?

Yes, you have the option of not using DOC to receive invoices. If you do decide to “opt” out of DOC you can still access DOC but you will receive paper invoices instead of electronic versions. To officially opt out you will need to email .

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DOC Search Questions

How do I view an Invoice in DOC?

  • To view information for a certain invoice number, under the Invoices menu, click on Invoice Home.

  • On the Invoice Home screen, click on the Invoice Number link for the invoice you would like to view.
  • To view a PDF version of the invoice, click on the Invoice Document link. You will be prompted to accept the terms and conditions the first time you view an online invoice.
  • Click the I Accept button to continue.
  • The desired document (invoice or credit memo) will be displayed in PDF format within a new browser window.

How do I search for an Invoice on DOC?

  • Go to the Invoices menu, and select Search Invoices.
  • On the Invoice Search page, select your search criteria and enter your search values. Click Submit.
  • From the list of search results, Invoices can be viewed and printed by clicking on the link. Agreements many also be viewed.

Can I view copies of my agreements in DOC?

  • Although a fully executed copy of your License Agreement is not available in DOC a summary of your agreement will be available for Company Administrators once it is signed by all parties and fully executed.
  • Please contact the WMLA Licensing Team f your company requires a copy of your executed PlayReady or Components license agreement.

How do I view basic agreement information in DOC?

  • To view an Agreement from the Agreement Home page, click on the Agreements menu tab and click Agreements Home Page.
  • Find the Agreement number you would like to view, click on the Agreement Number link.
  • The Agreement basic information will come up to provide a summary of the Agreement.

How do I search for my agreement in DOC?

  • Go to the Agreements menu, and select Search Agreements.
  • On the Agreement Search page, select your search criteria and enter your search value. Select Submit.
  • From the found list, Agreement Details can be viewed by clicking on the link.

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DOC Company Administrator User Questions

Why do I need a backup Company Administrator and how do I set up their account?

You need to have a backup Company Administrator to avoid interruption of service should the primary Company Administrator be unavailable. The backup Administrator’s account should mirror the Primary Company Administrator’s account and be assigned the User Account, Manage role.It is also recommended that the backup resource be provisioned with all the same roles and data permissions assigned to the Company Administrator.

What are the different roles I can assign to Users in DOC?

The following matrix provides you with the access available in DOC for each role:

WMLA License Agreement Contacts / Roles to Assign in DOC / Function / User Will have access to:
General Notice
(Company Administrator, Backup Administrator) / User Account, Manage
Shasta Inv OEM Customer
Shasta Org View External Detail
Shasta Participant Viewer External DetailPfunc
Shasta AV OEM Basic / Manages ENTIRE company’s access to DOC
Responsible for assigning roles and permissions for every user of DOC / Provisioning other Users and Assigning roles
Full Invoice tool access
Full Organizations tool access
Full Participants tool access and Participants Function
Agreement tool Access
Bill To / Ship To / Royalty Reports / Shasta Inv OEM Customer
Shasta Org View External Detail
Shasta Participant Viewer External DetailPfunc
Shasta AV OEM Basic / Grants Full Access to Home, Agreements, Invoices and Reports features in DOC / Full Invoice tool access
Full Organizations tool access
Full Participants tool access and Participants Function
Limited Agreement tool Access
General Company Contacts / Shasta Org Viewer External Basic
Shasta Participant Viewer External Basic
Shasta AV OEM Basic / Grants Limited Access toHome, Agreements, Invoices and Reports features in DOC / Limited Organizations tool access (all pages but limited fields)
Limited Participants tool access (all pages but limited fields)
Limited Agreement tool access

Can I use the DOC to change a company contact my license agreement?

No, you cannot use DOC to change a company contact on your license agreement. To change a company contact, please visit or contact .

How do I create a new User Account?

In order to grant access to DOC to a new User you must be a Company Administrator.

  • Click Administration in the top menu bar, and then click Create User Account. The Create User – Account Profile page will display.
  • From the Create User – Account Profile page, enter data into all mandatory (*) user profile fields.
  • Assign a Home Company.
  • Select the appropriate Customer Group(s).
  • Select the appropriate Account Type.
  • Click the Next button. The Create User – Assigned Roles page will display.
  • From the Create User – Assigned Roles page, use the check boxes to select the desired role(s) to assign to the user.
  • Click the Next button. If you are provisioning a backup Company Administrator the Create User – Admin Rights page will display, otherwise the Create User – Data Permissions page will display.
  • From the Create User – Admin Rights page, Assign the company for which the user should become an Administator/License Agreement Contact.
  • Click the Next button. The Create User – Assigned Data Persmissions page will display.
  • Select the user’s company name from the Company Search area, and then click Assign to give the user the proper data permissions.
  • Once you have selected their Assigned roles, Admin Rights and Assigned Data Permissions, you will be presented with a summary of the User Name, User Contact Email, plus the User Security Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • clickSend email, to send a Welcome email and a PIN email to New User for activation.
  • After the User logs into DOC, they will be able to access the DOC based on the roles and permissions they were assigned by their company Administrator.

How do I modify a User Account?

In the event that an existing account needs to be modified, follow these steps:

  • Click Administration in the top menu bar, and then click Modify Existing Account.
  • The Account Search – Modify page will display.
  • Select User from the Account Category drop down menu. Enter any other search criteria and click the Search button. The search results will display in the Results table at the bottom of the page.
  • Select a user from the Results table. The Modify User – Account Profile page will be displayed.
  • All of the available links in the navigation progression are enabled for selection.
  • Make changes to the Account Profile page or select a navigation link to visit the desired page to make changes.
  • Once changes are complete, click the Save button. The following message will display: Changes have been saved successfully.
  • Continue to select navigation links to modify the user as needed, being sure to click the Save button on each page.

What do I use the Account Templates in DOC for?

  • Account templates are very similar to regular user accounts, but cannot be activated for use. Instead, they are cloned (copied) to create user accounts.
  • Templates enable Company Administrators to save standard sets of account attributes, roles, and permissions for repeated use.
  • Using templates streamlines user creation and facilitates a more accurate and efficient process.
  • Templates can only be in Staged or Suspended status, they will never appear as Pending or Active, since they do not enable system access.
  • Template can be modified if a job function or company structure changes.
  • License Agreement Contact/Company Administrators can only access templates for companies within their administrative rights.

How do I create an Account template?

  • Click Administration in the top menu bar, and click Create User Account. The Create User – Account Profile page will display.
  • Check the Template checkbox.
  • From the Create User – Account Profile page, enter data into all mandatory (*) user profile fields.
  • Assign a Home Company
  • Select the appropriate Customer Group(s)
  • Select the appropriate Account Type.
  • Click Next. The Create User – Assigned Roles page will display.
  • From the Create User – Assigned Roles page, use the check boxes to select the desired role(s) to assign to the user or template.
  • Click Next. The Create User – Assigned Data Permissions page will display.
  • From the Create User – Assigned Data Permissions page, select the company for which the user or template should have data permissions, then click Assign.
  • Click Next. The Create User – Confirmation page will display.
  • From the Create User – Confirmation page, you will be presented with a summary of the Account Template information. Account Status at this point will be Staged.
  • When creating an Account Template, all steps are complete at this point. Account Status will remain Staged and no emails will be sent.

How do I modify an Account Template?

In the event that an existing Account Template needs to be modified, follow these steps:

  • Click Administration in the top menu bar, and then click Modify Existing Account.
  • The Account Search – Modify page will display.
  • Select Account Category > Template (User) and click Search. The search results will display in the Results table at the bottom of the page.
  • Select an Account Template from the Results table. The Modify Existing Account – Account Profile page will display.
  • All of the relevant links in the navigation progression are enabled for selection.
  • Make changes to the Account Profile page or select a navigation link to visit the desired page to make changes.
  • Once changes are complete, click Save. The following message will display: Changes have been saved successfully.
  • Continue to select navigation links to modify the user as needed, being sure to click Save on each page.

What does the cloning feature do in DOC?

Cloning is the process for creating a new user account by duplicating and modifying either an existing user account or template user account. It provides an accurate and efficient way to create an account with only the new user modifications required (such as name and email address) or if desired, other values such as role assignments and data permissions can be modified in the cloned account. Microsoft recommend creating a new account via cloning when the attributes are very similar to an existing account.

How do I clone an account / create a User from a template?

To Clone an Account from an existing User Account or Account Template, follow these steps:

  • Click Administration in the top menu bar, and then click Clone Account. The Account Search page will display.
  • Enter any search criteria and click Search. The search results will display in the Results table at the bottom of the page.
  • Select a user from the Results table. The Clone Existing Account – Account Profile page will display with data preselected based on the selected account.
  • Make any desired changes to the Account Profile.
  • Enter an email address into the Contact Email and Verify Contact Email fields.
  • Click Next. The Clone Existing Account – Assigned Roles page will display.
  • From the Clone Existing Account – Assigned Roles page, use the check boxes to assign or remove any role(s) from the user or template.
  • Click Next. The Clone Existing User – Assigned Data Permissions page will display.
  • From the Clone Existing User- Assigned Data Permissions page, the company for which the user or template should have data permissions can be changed (if applicable) by selecting the company in the Company Search box and clicking Assign.
  • Click Next. The Clone Existing User – Confirmation page will display.
  • From the Clone Existing Account – Confirmation page, you will be presented with a summary of the account information. Account Status at this point will be Staged.
  • If you are creating an Account Template, all steps are complete. No emails are sent for an Account Template.
  • If creating a User Account, click Send email to deliver a Welcome email and a PIN email to the new DOC portal user.
  • When the emails are queued successfully, Account Status will be Pending.

How do I suspend or reactivate a User?