Health/ PE / Class
Year 10 / Unit
RAW / Topic
Communication skills
Achievement Objective(s)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
What should the students learn?
Students will be able to identify and use communication skills required to have success in co-operative games / Assessment and/or Success Criteria
How do we know what we have learnt?
All- identify a communication skill. ( talking, pointing, listening)
Most- identify and describe where communication skills can be used in games and everyday life
Some- take a leadership role, and help their group communicate ideas effectively.
Key Competency Focus
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Managing self- during team games/activities the student will need to manage themselves effectively, be mature and responsible.
Participation and contributing- they will need to use different communication strategies to help their group, and contribute their ideas.
Time / Student Learning Activities / Teacher Activities
5mins / Starter
Introduce reward system, at the front of the class, I’m going to put a box, if I think you behave or perform well within tasks, you can put your name in the box ( when told to). The more times u put your name in the box the more likely you will be pulled out to gain a reward at the end ( canteen vouchers)
Activity 1.
Brainstorm different ways of communication, via pass the pen activity. ( you will need to split the class into 2 different groups).
Activity 2 name game pass.
Set the class up in a circle and using a small ball, pass it around. The player who has the ball says his name, then before passing it says the name of someone else in his group. Once a player receives the ball they lose a life:
1 leg
2 knees
1 knee
The idea of the game is to have all players finish as close together as possible.
Activity 2Line ups.
Students need to get themselves in lines. In the following orders with the following restrictions:
Last 2 digits of their cell phone
Tallest to smallest- Blind folded
Age-without talking.
Activity 3- human knots
Stand students in a circle and get them to put the right hand into the middle and hold hands with a person on the opposite side of the circle. Then do the same with the left.
Round one can talk
Round 2 no voices.
Activity 4- Hog call
Students get into pairs, whilst in their pairs they come up with a compound name. ( a word made up of 2 words)
Pairs then spread out around the room, and try to find their partner by making noises.
First time they can use their code name
Second time no voices only sounds.
Conclusion (wrap up)
Return to the original brainstorm, how many more words can we add, have students describe situations whereby these communication forms can be sued. / Introduce today’s SLO and topic.
Today we are looking at identifying communication skills and using them in different tasks.
There is no white board in the class so pin up A3 paper on the wall.
Allow students to play without assisting first.
Before the second go, have them sit down in a circle and suggest why they weren’t successful in the task which was given? What do they need to change?
When blind folded make sure students are in an environment whereby they won’t hit walls or objects.
Split the group into 2 smaller teams of about 15.
When attaching hands encourage students to but one hand high and the other low ( this increases difficulty)
2 A3 sheets of paper 4 pens ( 2 of one colour 2 of another)
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement – where to next?
Teacher practice – what have I learnt?
what will I change?

T:\SECONDARY\TLE\Lesson Plan - students.doc