Meeting of NASSPDA Board on March 16th, 2014


Conference call meeting started on Sunday, March 16th, 2014, at ~3:05 PM EDT.

In attendance: Lee Fox (Treasurer, Finance Committee Co-Chair & Judges Committee Chair), Garret Gerritsen (Membership Co-Chair & Finance Committee Co-Chair), Pat Hogan (GLISA Representative, Membership Co-Chair & Communications Director), Christopher Kelleher (Vice-President), Benjamin Soencksen (Secretary & FGG Delegate), Kathy Wildman (Website Committee Chair; joined ~3:25 PM EDT) & Barbara Zoloth (President)

The President posted the following agenda on March 12th, 2014, with important sections to address highlighted in red:

A.Standing Items

1.Record any polls since last meeting

2.Approve minutes from last meeting

B.Committee Reports

  1. Financial Report
  2. Membership Report
  3. Newsletter report
  4. Membership renewal report
  5. Student membership report
  6. Adjudicator Application Report
  7. Scholarship Report

a.sending out announcement of opportunities for 2014 to whom?

b.offering 5 scholarships each for GG9 and NA Championships

C.Old Business

  1. Items temporarily on hold –
  2. Proposed changes in NASSPDA Board Policies and Procedures —remaining questions
  3. Definition of quorum and “super majority”
  4. Committee to review and “rationalize” policy and procedure documents
  5. Election of Board members/officers

b.Request for history of same-sex ballroom dance (for website) and explanations of rules and procedures (for eNewsletter)

2.Coordination with other organizations

a.Gay Games 2014: FGG/ESSDA/GLISA

i.Report on venue: no risers; no additional lighting

  1. Professional staff update
  2. Detailed competition schedule
  3. Designing certificates



a.Report from Website Redesigning Committee

  1. Student membership added?

4.Upcoming/recent competitions

  1. Philadelphia Liberty Dance Challenge, PA State Championship, March 29, 2014
  2. April Follies, Oakland, US National Championship, April 26, 2014
  3. Rainbow Dance Championship, Montreal, Canada, June 14, 2014
  4. Gay Games 9, Cleveland, World Championship, August 12-15, 2014
  5. Boston Open, MA State & North American Championship, October 11, 2014
  6. North American Outgames, St. Louis, Memorial Day Weekend 2016:

Requested for 2016 NA Championships

  1. World Outgames, Miami, Week of Memorial Day 2017 (incl. IAGLCWDC Conv.?)
  2. Gay Games 10, Paris, 2018

5.Competition Rules

6.Non-Board committees

  1. Dance Camp committee
  2. Queer Youth Outreach committee

7.2014 Board election

  1. Election in process and closes March 22, 2014

D.New Business

1.Priorities for 2014?

2.Letter from NASSPDA in April Follies 2014 program?

E.Schedule next Board meeting(s)

A. Standing Items

to A.1.: n/a

to A.2.: Approved

Minutes & Notes 140216

B.Committee Reports

to B.1.:

NASSPDA’s current account balances:

operating account $7,137.71; savings account earmarked for the scholarships fund $3,297.01, includes the additional allocated amount for 2014

to B.2.a.:

The next eNewsletter is slated to be published in April.

to B.2.b.:

71 are active memberships, which includes 5 organizational. 120 memberships have expired. Another reminder to renew membership will be sent.

to B.2.c.:

No members have yet registered at the student membership level.

to B.3.:

There had been no new applications from judges received since the previous meeting.

to B.4.a. & b.:

An announcement of the 5 scholarships available for each, GG9 and the NA Championships, was included in the most recent and will be in the upcoming eNewsletter, as well as on Facebook and part of an e-mail to the entire mailing list of NASSPDA.

C.Old Business

to C.1.a.i. through iii. & b.: Postponed

These agenda items are temporarily on hold until after GG9.

to C.2.a.i. through iv.:

The Organizing Committee of GG9 DanceSport had a conference call the previous Sunday, at which it was confirmed that the proposed budget presented to the organizers of GG9 has been approved minus the risers and additional lighting in the ballroom.

Registration for DanceSport at GG9 is somewhat complicated, since a team name has to be established by one partner of a dance couple or formation team, which then generates a team code to be used by the other partner or team members for registration.

A teacher and studio owner from Cleveland, Antonio Nunez has gotten in touch with NASSPDA and offered his assistance, including practice space at his studio (approx. 20 mins. from venue).

to C.2.b.: Postponed

There had been no update about IFSSDA at the time of this meeting.

to C.3.a.:

Another website designer is interested in helping to redesign NASSPDA’s website and will submit a work authorization, detailing the proposed work scope and fee.

to C.3.b.:

After the creation of Student membership, efforts will be made to outreach to that community.

to C.4.a.:

Registration for the PLDC has been very low. The competition is therefore scheduled to start in the afternoon on Saturday, March 29th, 2014, and most likely will employ only 3 judges.

to C.4.b.:

The organization of April Follies is on track, with 68 competitors already having registered.

to C.4.c.:

A sanction application for the Montreal Rainbow Dance Challenge has yet to be received.

to C.4.d.:

Member of the GG9 Organizing Committee, Mat Rosswood, will be the sole MC for the entire 4 days of competition. (in addition, see also above “to C.3.a.i. through iv.”)

to C.4.e., g. & h.:

There were no updates at the time of this meeting for these events.

to C.4.f.:

Kathy Wildman volunteered to take the helm for the organization of DanceSport at the NA Outgames, held in St. Louis in 2016.

to C.5.a.:

This agenda item had been resolved at a previous meeting (see “Minutes & Notes 140118”).

to C.6.a. & b.: Postponed

There had been no updates on these committees at the time of this meeting.

to C.7.a.:

Members have been invited through Survey Monkey to cast their votes for this year’s Board election. The deadline is March 22nd, 2014, after which the results will be posted.

D.New Business

to D.1.: Postponed

Discussion for NASSPDA’s set of priorities in 2014 was postponed until after the Board’s election and confirmation of officers.

to D.2.:

The Board agreed to include a letter from NASSPDA’s Board in the program of April Follies 2014 citing NASSPDA’s current status and progress.

E.Schedule next Board meeting

The next conference call meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, April 19th, 2014, at 3:00 PM EDT.