Math of Finance

Course Syllabus


Coach Sam Coley

Welcome to Math of Finance! This is an exciting and dynamic course in which we will work together to explore ways that math is used in the “Real World”. This course requires that you use all the skills learned in Math I, Math II, and Math III in order to investigate and solve application problems. I am very excited about this class and hope to have an amazing year.

First Semester Topics Covered / Units of Study

  • Chapter 1: The Stock Market
  • Chapter 2: Modeling a Business
  • Chapter 3: Banking Services
  • Chapter 4: Consumer Credit

Second Semester Topics Covered / Units of Study

  • Chapter 5: Automobile Ownership
  • Chapter 6: Employment Basics
  • Chapter 7: Income Taxes
  • Chapter 8: Independent Living
  • Chapter 9: Planning for Retirement
  • Chapter 10: Prepare a Budget


All students will actively participate in class and demonstrate good work ethic.

All students will present work that reflects their best abilities.

All students will be responsible to complete any outside work.

All students will be challenged and experience successful problem solving.

Grading (this is subject to change):

Course grading will includeassessments (50%),classwork (40%), and practice work (10%).

Attendance / Missed Assignments:

Math of Finance is a rigorous course and much of what we learn in this class will come from in-class assignments, group discussions, and collaborative projects. Regular attendance in this class is crucial to students’ success. In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed / make-up work and turn it in within the same number of days that he / she was absent. If a test or major project is missed, that student will be responsible for completing it on the day that they return. If an absence occurs the class period before a test or project, the student will be required to complete the test or project on the assigned day since all major grade assignment dates are given with plenty of notice.


  • 3-Ring Binder (recommend 1.5 - 2inch)
  • Notebook Paper
  • Pens and/or Pencils
  • Colored pencils (optional but helpful for graphing and shading)
  • Highlighters(optional but helpful for note-taking)
  • Scientific calculator
  • 2GB (or bigger) FLASH DRIVE for projects and research

Classroom Expectations:

  • Come Prepared: Be ready to learn; have paper, pen/pencil, book, and any homework.
  • Always Respectful: No talking back-use appropriate tone when speaking; be polite to every person on class.
  • Engaged in Learning: Participate, pay attention, take notes, complete class assignments, don’t interrupt when another person is speaking.
  • Show Responsibility: Complete assignments, turn in work on time, do your own work
  • Compliance with all school wide guidelines as outlined in the student handbook which is located on the school website for your review. Know the rules – ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Contact Information:

Text @f23f40 to (267) 460-6854