San Rafael High School Hall of Honor

Request for Nominations 2018

The San Rafael High School Hall of Honor (HOH) Committee is seeking nominations for the 2018 HOH Induction Ceremony. This event will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the Hayes Theater.

The HOH was established in 2009 to pay tribute to individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to San Rafael High School including:

o Positive impact on students

o Improved the quality of San Rafael High School

o Contributed time & energy to the betterment of San Rafael High

o Positive reflection on San Rafael High

o Made a valuable contribution to society

oNominee has been removed from service for at least 10 years and/or has been of service for ten or more years.

Please consider making a nomination to this program. Nomination Forms are located on the San Rafael High School Home Page at:

Nomination Deadline – February 28, 2018.

Official Nomination Form is on the reverse of this announcement.

Recognition “Hall of Honor” Nomination Form

Name of Nominee: ______

Street Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______


Category: (Please check all that apply):

___ Alumni ___ Donor ___ Volunteer ___ Community Member

___ Staff ___ Coach ___ Other

___ Athletics, Drama, Extra-Curricular Programs

Noteworthy contributions to San Rafael High from 19 ______to ______

On a separate piece of paper, please state the contributions this individual(s) has made to San Rafael High School that make them a candidate for this honor. Include contributions, impact on the school/program(s), time given, and what makes their specific contributions stand out. Include specific examples.



o ImprovedthequalityofSan RafaelHighSchool

o ContributedtimeenergytothebettermentofSanRafaelHigh


o Madeavaluablecontributiontosociety

  • Nominee has been removed from service for at least 10 years and/or has been of service for ten or more years.

Your Name: ______

Phone (Cell): ______Phone (H or B):______

Your Address:______

Signature:______Date: ______

  • Nomination letter must be typed in size 12 or larger font.
  • No more than two pages.
  • Additional letters are not necessary.
  • All applications must be received by February 28, 2018.
  • All nominations will be kept in our files for three years. We may request additional updatedinformation.
  • Incomplete or incorrectly submitted nominations maynot be considered.

If you have any questions regarding the process please call event chair, Judy Colton at (415) 317-7333 or email at .

This year’s Hall of Honor Induction ceremony will be on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6:00 PM in the San Rafael High Hayes Theater.

Deliver completed nomination forms to:

San Rafael High Hall of Honor Committee

c/o Glenn Dennis, Principal

150 3rd Street,

San Rafael, CA 94901