Chemistry Courses Topics Lists

Last updated: 3/24/10

Course Name and Number: ___CHEM 3811: Analytical Chemistry______

Instructor: _____Agyeman______

List of topics that should be covered in this course:
Chemical Measurements
SI Units and Prefixes; Conversions between Units; Significant Figures; Propagation of Uncertainty (Precision and Accuracy); Scientific Notation; Logarithms; Types of Errors; Chemical Concentrations; Preparing Solutions (Dilution); Stoichiometry; Equilibrium Constant
The Gaussian Distribution (mean, mode, median, standard deviation); Student’s t Test (Confidence Intervals); Grubbs Test for an Outlier
Volumetric Analysis (Titrations)
Principles of Volumetric Analysis; Titration Calculations; Solubility Product; Titrations of a Mixture; Titrations Involving Silver Ions
Gravimetric and Combustion Analysis
Examples of Gravimetric Analysis; Precipitation; Gravimetric Calculations; Combustion Analysis
Acids and Bases
Definitions of Acids and Bases; Definitions of [H+], [OH-], pH, and pOH; Strengths of Acids and Bases; pH of Strong Acids and Bases; Weak-Acid and Weak-Base Equilibrium
Buffer Solutions; The Handerson-Hasselbalch Equation; Buffer Action; Preparing Buffers; Buffer Capacity; Acid-Base Indicators
Acid-Base Titrations
Strong Base with Strong Acid; Weak Acid with Strong Base; Weak Base with Strong Acid; Finding End Point
Polyprotic Acids and Bases
Amino Acids as Examples; pH of Diprotic Systems; Principal Species; Titrations of Polyprotic Systems
EDTA Titrations
Metal-Chelate Complexes; EDTA; Metal Ion Indicators; EDTA Titrations; pH-Dependent Metal-EDTA Equilibrium
Electrode Potentials: Redox Chemistry and Electricity, Galvanic Cells, The Nernst Equation, Standard Potentials and Equilibrium Constants, Reference Electrodes
Electrode Measurements: The Silver Indicator Electrode, Junction Potential, Ion-Selective Electrodes
Properties of Light; Absorption fo Light (Absorbance, Transmittance); Beer’s Law; The Spectrophotometer; Analysis of a Mixture; Luminescence
Atomic Spectroscopy
Definition and Principles; Atomization (Flames, Furnaces, Plasmas); Effect of Temperature; Instrumentation
Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Chromatography; The Chromatogram; Band Broadening; Mass Spectrometry; The Mass Spectrum; Gas Chromatography; Liquid Chromatography; High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC); Sample Preparations
Chromatographic Methods and Capillary Electrophoresis
Ion-Exchange Chromatography; Ion Chromatography; Molecular Exclusion Chromatography; Affinity Chromatography; Capillary Electrophoresis; Types of Capillary Electrophoresis
List of optional topics that can be taught in this course:
Tools of The Trade: Use of Basic Laboratory Equipment; Methods of Sample Preparation
Quality Assurance and Calibration Methods
A Deeper Look at Chemical Equilibrium
Electrochemistry: Redox Titrations; Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry
Spectrophotometry: Spectrophotometric Titrations; Absorption of Light by Molecules