Mixed Sex Accommodation Delivery Plan

for Derbyshire Community Health Services 2014

Reporting process for breach of same sex accommodation / Reporting process confirmed and in place. / Development of codes on Datix reporting system in line with the development of the Delivering Same Sex Accommodation Policy. / Matron Professional Standards & safe Care / Reports to Trust Board of reported breaches. / Completed
Requirements of Management & Trust Board for Assurance of compliance with same sex accommodation / Number of reported breaches is collated each month and presented to board via the Performance Report.
Sharing of best practice & lessons learnt / Process in place since September 2010
Agenda item for Hospital Matrons.
Staff information poster devised and circulated to all wards and via hospital clinical forum.
All staff to have read the DSSA Policy.
Melbourne & Linacre wards have female only day rooms.
Riverside ward – partition in day room, provides an area specific for female only and the use of the parlour and conservatory.
Spencer ward - area of the day room is designated for female patients, once the roof garden completed, can look to use therapy room. / In- Patient matrons
In- Patient Matrons
In – Patient Matron / Reports to Trust Board
Staff understand guidance and discussed at local directorate / ward meetings
The provision of designated female only day rooms on Riverside and Spencer wards to be addressed this year. / On-going
Information for Patients / Carers and Public / Poster displays in reception areas of community hospital sites.
Link is on the intranet to provide up to date information on DSSA
Revision of patient information leaflets / To develop a communication plan with Communications team.
Intra/internet contains current and up to date information.
Ward leaflets reviewed and new version printed and available on wards. / Communication Team
Matron professional Standards & safe Care
In – Patient Matron / Current information on the Internet site requires updating with a new version of the declaration
Ward Leaflets available to patients and public / Completed
Carry out patient perception audit / experience of same sex accommodation and privacy & dignity across hospital sites / In the process of piloting a patient satisfaction questionnaire.
Snapshot audit of patient experience in relation to the mixed sex accommodation principles / Developing questionnaire for patients.
Audit carried out Dec/Jan 2011 / PPI manager
Professional Development Lead / Evaluation of audit results with action plan.
Evaluation of audit results and action plan. / Completed
Finance – funding for Privacy & Dignity / There is clearer signage for all toilets, washrooms and bathrooms;
Improvements to the curtains around the bed side
Privacy curtains in toilets, bathrooms and some side room doors.
Refurbishment of Clay Cross and Cavendish on hold.
Winster Ward – bathroom breach - will become a single sex ward. / A review of all inpatient areas was undertaken and funding from the Strategic Health Authority purchased new signage for all toilet, shower and bathroom facilities.
Completed December 2009
Clay Cross – tender process
Cavendish – tender process
Winster ward will be designated male ward and Birchover a female ward. / Assistant Director
Health Promoting Environments and Services
Matron / Signs in place
Developed Standard Operating Procedure for 5 hook overlap
Curtains in place. / Completed