Communication Technology 12

Communication Plan Sept. 2012 – Jan. 2013

Mr. White (Room 204) Email: Phone: 646-5000


Course Description:

This course looks at different methods of utilizing communication technology to create and transmit communication for various audiences and purposes. It is a hands on course that focus on project work that requires students to demonstrate their abilities in areas including digital photography, technical design, graphic design, web publishing, video production, broadcasting and animation. In addition, the course does include some theoretical study of how different communication methods work, their history and best practices associated with them—so there is a reading and responding component to the course.

Course Modules and Brief Descriptions*

  1. Fundamentals of Communication Technology

This unit will be done throughout the course and look at the history of communication, how various methods of communication work and best practices in communication technology, and topics surrounding safety, careers, the law and social impact of communication technology.

  1. Digital Photography

Students will be expected to demonstrate numerous photographic techniques, the ability to edit images, and photojournalism.

  1. Technical Design

Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of plan views, technical design symbols, ability to create accurate layouts (room, house, etc.), and to create design models using isometric drawing and/or computer programs.

  1. Graphic Design

Students will be expected to solve visual communication challenges in a way that demonstrates an understanding of visual design concepts such as colour, white-space, and typology.

  1. Web Publishing

Students will be expected to plan, design, and publish a web interface that demonstrates their knowledge of web design best practices reviewed in class to transmit information to a specific audience. In addition, students will critique other websites to help them identify positive and negative features of websites.

  1. Video Production

Students will be expected to use a digital camera to compile a short video incorporating both visual and audio for a specific purpose and audience. Students will be required to explore video editing.

  1. Broadcasting

Students will be expected to write original scripts and demonstrate their ability to record them for broadcasting for specific purposes such as newscasts, weather reports and advertisements.

  1. Animation

Students will be expected to plan and communicate an animation sequence that includes a storyboard, digital animation and audio; this may include projects such as claymation videos.

*It should be noted that as the course proceeds if the class develops a particularly keen interest in any particular unit, it may result in another unit being eliminated from the course. This is allowed for in the provincial course structure/outcomes.

Course Structure:

The course will consist of investigating the history of different communication technologies and their best practices to support the development of skills related to each unit. At the end of each unit students will be expected to complete a project that demonstrates their ability in each area of study that reflects what they have learned in the proceeding lessons on best practices that relate to that type of communication technology. Because some of the programs we are working with may only be available at school it is of critical importance that students are on task, and if they are having difficulty come in for extra help with projects. I am available daily at lunch time and after school most days until 4pm.


  1. Arrive on time with your materials, to get them out when you take your seat and be ready to work.
  2. Be able to work independently and as part of a small group, and remain on-task while working on your projects.
  3. No food or drink allowed in the classroom (except water).
  4. Ask permission to leave class.
  5. Respect your fellow classmates.
  6. Cell phones are to be turned off during class time unless otherwise instructed.
  7. Listen to the teacher, their classmates and guest speakers while they are speaking.
  8. NGRHS’s 5 Point Plan will be followed and is posted along with the school expectations in our classroom.


Plagiarism, the act of copying another writer’s words or ideas without documenting it, is illegal, even if the work has not been published. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense; plagiarized works will be required to be re-done and school administration and a parent/guardian will be contacted. We will be reviewing plagiarism in class and students will be given a citation guide to follow when they are required to submit bibliographies, footnotes and/or endnotes.


Semester mark will be calculated as indicated below.

Assignments / 45%
Major Projects / 40%
Tests/Quizzes / 15%
Please note assignments will usually be small tasks that build the skills to complete major projects or responses to readings in the forms of journals or specific question sheets. Major projects will end most of our units and take multiple classes to complete.
As the class progresses the weighting of work may change to reflect the direction of the class; however, this should not exceed 10% and will only be done in consultation with students and a two-thirds majority vote.

*There is no final exam in this course.

Guardians and students are encourage to visit the class website to get extra copies of assignments and check due dates. In addition, we strongly encourage you to monitor your progress by checking your grades online at:

I look forward to working with you this year! Be sure to ask for help if needed.

Mr. David White