SAWS Consortium IV JPA Meeting Minutes

May26, 2016

Location:C-IV Project – Sutter Room

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Members present via teleconference:

Region 1 - Susan von Zabern, Riverside County DPSS Director

Region 2 – Linda Haugan, San Bernardino County HSA Assistant Executive Officer

Region 5 – Scott Pettygrove, Merced County Human Services Agency Director

Region 6 – Mike Dent, Nevada County Dept. of Social ServicesDirector

Region 7 – Cathi Grams, Butte County Director and Public Guardian/Public Administrator and Vice Chairperson

Members not present:

Region 3 – Dena Murphy, Kern County DHS Director

Region 4 – Kathy Harwell, Stanislaus County Community Services Agency Director and Chairperson


Tom Hartman, C-IV Project Director

Additional Attendees:

Rosalie Ngo, James Oliver, Raychelle Menefee, Dan Dean, Joe Mendoza, June Hutchison, Jenny Rutheiser, Dan Kohn, Nichole Nava,Martha Zepeda, Liz Grisham, Karen Rapponotti, Kristine Dudley, Jon Burkett, Scot Bailey and Sean Swift

Additional Attendees via teleconference:

Lori Harrah, Rich Wyde, Phebe Chu

  1. Vice Chairperson Cathi Grams convened the meeting at 10:03a.m.
  2. Public opportunity to speak on any Item NOT on the agenda
  3. None.

JPA Board Action Items

  1. Approve the Minutes of the April 28, 2016, JPARegular Board Meeting and Update of Action Items

Summary: The Consortium is seeking Board approval of theApril28, 2016 JPARegular BoardMeeting Minutes. Prior to approval, Tom Hartman will review the status of any outstanding Action Items from the Minutes.

Action Items from previous meeting:

Action Item 1- as needed

No Updates

Motion to Approve was made byMemberMike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Member Scott Pettygrove.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve the Minutes of the SFY 16/17 Regional JPA Board of Directors and Project Steering Committee Nomination meetings and SFY 16/17 Slate.

Summary: Pursuant to the JPA Agreement Article 11, Section 2.04 (c) each Region must nominate one or more candidates to serve on the JPA Board of Directors for the upcoming State Fiscal Year. Pursuant to the JPA Bylaws, Section VIII each Region must nominate one or more candidates to serve on the Project Steering Committee for the upcoming State Fiscal Year.

The Minutes and Slate reflect the outcome of the nomination meetings held with each Region.

Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chairperson Cathi Grams.

Motion was seconded by Member Susan von Zabern.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture Change Order CO-085 – Side-by-Side Comparison Support, Revision 1

Summary:As part of the Consortium’s planning activities for the future migration of the C-IV System to the LEADER Replacement System (“LRS”), the Consortium conducted “Side-by-Side Comparison” sessions to compare the C-IV System and the LRS. The objective of these sessions was to identify and document differences between the two systems, to assist with the development of requirements for the future migration. The Side-by-Side Comparison sessions consisted of facilitated demonstrations of functional scenarios within the C-IV System and the LRS.

On September 24, 2015, the JPA Board approved Change Order CO-085 – Side-by-Side Comparison Support, which outlined the charges associated with Services for supporting the Consortium’s Side-by Side Comparison sessions.

This Revision 1 outlines charges and timeline associated with Services for Accenture to support the Consortium with its execution of the following tasks during State Fiscal Year 2015/2016:

  • Research key functional areas within the C-IV System and the LRS that were impacted by system changes implemented after August 28, 2015 for the C-IV code base and August 31, 2015 for the LRS code base, compare those functional areas within the two systems and document the comparison results.
  • Coordinate the clarification of questions regarding the LRS with Consortium staff and LRS project staff.
  • Facilitate discussions with C-IV and LRS project staff regarding the development and implementation of a joint change control board process for the Consortium and Los Angeles County to jointly approve system changes for both the C-IV System and the LRS.

Total Change Order Cost:

Total increase in cost: $927,392

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the SFY 2015/16 budget approved as of July 23, 2015.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Member Linda Haugan.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture Change Order CO-090 – OCAT and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 15/16 C-IV Project Budget

Summary: The Online CalWORKs Appraisal Tool (“OCAT”) gathers and provides information about participants in the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (“CalWORKs”) program to help identify participants’ strengths and barriers upon their entry into the Welfare-to-Work program. As regulated by Assembly Bill (“AB”) 74 (Chapter 21, Statutes of 2013) the California Department of Social Services (“CDSS”) must implement changes to the OCAT; specifically, OCAT-related functionality must be implemented in SAWS to allow caseworkers to perform OCAT-related data collection in SAWS. This Change Order outlines the charges and timeline for Accenture to perform requirements gathering for the enhancements that would support the enactment of AB 74 and enable the C-IV Counties to perform the related program activities.

Total Change Order Cost:

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through premise funds.

Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chairperson Cathi Grams.

Motion was seconded by Member Linda Haugan.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture County Purchases and authorize the addition of funding to the FY 15/16 C-IV Project Budget

Number / Description / County / Purchase Date
BT-01-2016 / Growth Workstations and Scanners / Butte / 4/27/2016
CV-02-2015 / Support Renewals / Calaveras / 5/19/2016
DN-01-2016 / Hand-Held Barcode Scanners / Del Norte / 4/12/2016
DN-02-2016 / Workstation Software / Del Norte / 5/19/2016
MT-01-2016 / Hardware and Software for Additional CSC Workers / Monterey / 5/5/2016
MT-04-2016 / Type 1 Scanners (Quantity 10) / Monterey / 5/5/2016
NP-01-2016 / Fujitsu Scanners / Napa / 4/12/2016
NP-04-2016 / Facilitate and Control Tablet (FACT) / Napa / 4/27/2016
RV-04-2016 / New Site - Moreno Valley - Self-Sufficiency / Riverside / 4/14/2016
RV-05-2016 / Partial Workstation Refresh (Asset-tagging Only) / Riverside / 4/12/2016
RV-06-2016 / Growth Workstations and Scanners / Riverside / 4/14/2016
SB-03-2016 / Workstation Refresh / San Bernardino / 5/19/2016
SB-04-2016 / Predictive Handling and Self-Service Enhancements for IVR / San Bernardino / 4/5/2016
SB-07-2016 / Workstation Refresh / San Bernardino / 5/19/2016
SB-08-2016 / Workstation Refresh / San Bernardino / 5/19/2016
SB-09-2016 / Workstation Refresh and Growth / San Bernardino / 5/19/2016
TR-01-2016 / Growth Workstations (No Monitors) / Trinity / 4/27/2016
TU-01-2015 / Hardware and Software Support Renewals / Tuolumne / 4/27/2016

Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Member Scott Pettygrove.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve Accenture Contract Amendment – Eighty-Six and Updates to Exhibit A

Summary:The following items are being requested to be amended into the Accenture Agreement via Contract Amendment No. Eighty-Six:

  • Change Order CO-085 – Side-by-Side Comparison Support, Revision 1 increases the Total Contract Value by $927,392. This Revision 1 outlines charges and timeline associated with Services for Accenture to support the Consortium with its execution of the following tasks during State Fiscal Year 2015/2016:
  • Research key functional areas within the C-IV System and the LRS that were impacted by system changes implemented after August 28, 2015 for the C-IV code base and August 31, 2015 for the LRS code base, compare those functional areas within the two systems and document the comparison results;
  • Coordinate the clarification of questions regarding the LRS with Consortium staff and LRS project staff;
  • Facilitate discussions with C-IV and LRS project staff regarding the development and implementation of a joint change control board process for the Consortium and Los Angeles County to jointly approve system changes for both the C-IV System and the LRS.
  • Change Order CO-090 – OCAT increases the Total Contract Value by $157,195. This change order outlines the charges and timeline for Accenture to perform requirements gathering for the enhancements that would support the enactment of AB 74 and enable the C-IV Counties to perform the related program activities
  • The Extension Cost Schedules have been adjusted to reconcile the funds for M&O Application Maintenance, M&O Central Print and M&O Hardware and Software for SFY 2015/16.The adjustments are implemented and reflected in the Cost Pricing Schedules Attachment to this Amendment. The adjustment increases the Total Contract Value by $443,697.
  • Using the County purchase process, the Counties of Butte, Calaveras, Del Norte, Monterey, Napa, Riverside, San Bernardino, Trinity and Tuolumne have purchased various Services, Equipment and Software items. Each of these purchases was funded and approved by the individual County. These County Purchases increase the Total Contract Value by $13,588,555

Amendment No. Eighty-Five increases the Total Contract Value by: $15,116,839

Motion to Approve was made by Vice Chairperson Cathi Grams.

Motion was seconded by Member Scott Pettygrove.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Change Order CO-037 – OCAT and authorize the addition of funding to FY 15/16 C-IV Project Budget

Summary:This Change Order outlines the charges and timeline for First Data to perform Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services associated with confirming the draft requirements for the system enhancements that would enable the OCAT implementation. This Change Order will be revised in the future to add prices and timelines associated with QA services related to design, development, testing and implementation of the enhancements to enable the implementation of the OCAT into the C-IV System and any other scope changes as agreed upon in writing by the Consortium Project Director and First Data Project Manager.

This Change Order includes an additional 71 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team.

Total Change Order Cost:

C-IV M&O QA / Hourly Rate / SFY 2015/16 Hours / Cost / Total Cost
Business Analyst/ Tester / $133.71 / 71 / $ 9,472 / $9,472
Total / 71 / $ 9,472 / $9,472

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through premise funds.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Vice Chairperson Cathi Grams.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Change Order CO-015 – LRS, Revision 2

Summary: This Change Order encompasses the additional effort required to provide Quality Assurance (“QA”) Services for the C-IV Joint Collaboration of the Los Angeles Eligibility Automated Determination Evaluation and Reporting (“Leader”) Replacement System (“LRS”).

This Change Order Revises Change Order CO-15 which was approved on December 13, 2012, and Change Order CO-15, Rev. 1 which was approved on October 24, 2013.

Revision 2. Adjustments are needed to the costs associated with the Services of the First Data QA Team due to support of LRS implementation. This Change Order includes an additional 280 hours of Services for the First Data QA Team.

Total Change Order Cost:

C-IV M&O QA / SFY 12/13 / SFY 13/14
(Through 12/2013) / Total Cost
Hours / Cost / Hours / Cost / Hours / Cost
Total / 3,522 / $493,813 / 4,127 / $580,024 / 7,648 / $1,073,837
C-IV M&O QA / SFY 13/14
(Extension) / SFY 14/15 / SFY 15/16 / SFY 16/17
(12/2016) / Total Cost
Hours / Cost / Hours / Cost / Hours / Cost / Hours / Cost / Hours / Cost
Total / 3,202 / $451,666 / 8,154 / $1,164,480 / 8,442 / $1,202,952 / 2,563 / $362,241 / 22,361 / $3,181,339
C-IV M&O QA / Combined Total Cost
Hours / Cost
Total / 30,009 / $4,255,176

Total increase in cost: $38,472

All costs associated with this Change Order are covered through C-IV M&O funding and are already accounted for in the SFY 2015/16 budget approved as of July 23, 2015.

Motion to Approve was made by Member Mike Dent.

Motion was seconded by Vice Chairperson Cathi Grams.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Approve First Data Amendment No. Forty-Six and Updates to Exhibit A

Summary: The following items are being requested to be amended into the First Data Agreement via Contract Amendment No. Forty-Six:

  • Change Order CO-037 – OCAT increases the total contract value by $9,472. In support of Assembly Bill 74 (Chapter 21, Statutes of 2013), enhancements to the C-IV System are required to enable OCAT-related functionality and allow users to perform OCAT-related data collection in the C-IV application.
  • Change Order CO-015 – LRS, Revision 2 increases the total contract value by $38,472. The Consortium has requested that Contractor provide additional QA Services associated implementation of LRS.

Total Cost:

Amendment No. Forty-Six increases the Total Contract Value by: $47,944

Motion to Approve was made by Member Susan von Zabern.

Motion was seconded by Vice Chairperson Cathi Grams.

All present board members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

Informational Items

  1. LRS/C-IV Migration Update

Summary:Kathy Harwell and Tom Hartmanprovidedan update regarding recent activities and discussions of:

LRS/C-IV Executive Leadership Committee

The Executive Leadership Committee have been working diligently putting together a APD submitted earlier in May, a revision made on May 13th and Final being scheduled for June 3rd. There has been a meeting with the state and they expressed that they wanted to see more leveraging of existing staff across the projects, understand the travel better, want Accenture to lower their rates and consider whether we do translations of both state and non-state forms into all the threshold languages as part of migration. There is a meeting with the state to follow up with that on June 8th or 9th.

  1. Migration Planning Update

Summary: June Hutchison provided an update regarding recent activities and discussions of:

Reviewed slide deck 13-1Migration Planning Update JPA 5-16.pptx

Migration Update

The Migration DNI, location, staffing and travel went to the LRS/C-IV leadership team in the beginning of May and were approved. There will be a few changes made to this document, in particular, staffing. Big “G” governance has a few things still pending for instance, the final JPA agreement, the legal and fiscal designations are still pending. The IAPD documents are still being worked on and there have been major changes in dollar amount. The statement of work is in draft form and out for review, it went to the LRS/C-IV Leadership team and to legal. There are lots of additional budget discussions that are happening. The region 8 (LA County PSC members) should be in place by the end of June. LA County has been invited to attend the June General Membership meeting on the 30th so that they can give an update and begin to know everyone on the C-IV side. C-IV is continuing to work on the combined committee structure meeting. There was a quick off meeting with the business analyst last week. They discussed how co-facilitation will work and the process for that. C-IV has made a timeline for co-facilitation to start in August. C-IV/LA is also continuing to work on the combined change control board; there are some meetings scheduled to discuss that. Karen added, last week some staff from LA came to the project to meet with the four biggest C-IV committees (Medi-Cal, CalWORKs, Forms, Correspondence, & WtW) and lined the BAs to get to know each other and went through an exercise on co-facilitation. C-IV/LA has picked August instead of June start with a caveat that should there be any joint design necessary between now and June, C-IV will work with LA on that. Slide 3: shows the difference between the initial APD submission and the one submitted earlier this month and the differences, which was a little over 9 million dollars in reductions between the two APDs. After the submission of the last APD there was feedback from OSI related to reduction request; one of those reduction requests was related to the FastTrack implementation approach. There will be more information given related to FastTrack Conversion at the General Membership. C-IV will have a presentation and discussion at this meeting in an attempt to get feedback from the General Membership as to pursuing this as an implementation approach. There was request for an Accenture rate reduction and at this time we do not have rate reduction going into the budget. Tom added, LA Assistant Director, Mike Sylvester and him talked to the Accenture Project Advisor about the rate reduction and he consulted with the Accenture Executive team and they declined C-IVs offer. The other topic of reduction request is in the application development area of the APD. This area is where the have been a lot of discussions and changes. C-IV has a requirement to ensure that all notices and fragments are translated into the threshold languages required by the state. Kris Dudley clarified, the request is not necessary to remove the NOA translations but to understand well enough what they are so that program sponsors can make a decision about whether it should be in this budget or not. C-IV County forms that need to translated over and there is a basic agreement to remove that requirement that does not fall under the regulations and requirements for translations. Non-State/County forms change very little and the level of customers or participants that represent the 39 counties other languages are very low and have agreed to remove that requirement. C-IV has some agreement to reduce a requirement that was for an unknown number of additional reports. C-IV was asked to look at and have asked to have some reduction of unknown items and one known item. This bucket of hours is about 20 percent of the total estimate and about 15 thousand of the total hours are designated for Foster Care that has not been implemented in LRS. The total for this bucket is about 5.3 million. C-IV has been asked to look at the migration D&I staffing amount and taking another look and analyzing that a little more to see where we can leverage M&O staff in those total numbers. There has been agreement between the LRS & C-IV project to do a lot more leveraging of staff then there was in the original submission. C-IV expects to get approval from the leadership team and will be able to publish those reductions. Which will make a big difference in the totals number of the APD submission. C-IV is working with OSI on the Statewide portal/mobile app to make sure they understand and know what the numbers represent as well as the program sponsors will see the benefit in this.