Grade 3 Unit 3 Changing the World

Unit 3,Bend 3__Table of Contents

Changing the World

Section / Page Number
  • Unit Essential Questions

  • Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis)

  • Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English)

  • Unit Assessment Checklist

  • Unit Assessment Rubric

  • Sample Unit Calendar

Grade 3
Unit 3, Bend 3 / Dates of Unit:
Unit Title: / From Persuasive Speeches to Petitions, Editorials, and Persuasive Letters
Stage 1 / Identify Desired Results
(Alpha-numeric listing of standards incorporated in the unit)
Essential Questions: (These goals should be aligned to Essential Questions.)
(These should be aligned to the Goals above) / Good writers gather and organize information to support their opinions. / Good writers set and monitor their goals. / Good writers revise their writing as they write. / Good writers express feelings, opinions and preferences.
Learning Targets
(aligned to goals) / Session 14: I can tailor my persuasive writing to different forms of opinion writing, such as speeches, editorials, letters, and petitions. / Session 15: I can hold myself accountable by making a work plan and meeting deadlines. / Session 17: I can revise my introductions and conclusions, trying out several ones, before deciding which one will have the biggest impact on my audience. / I can use irregular verbs in my writing.
Session 16: I can conduct surveys and interviews to collect evidence for my opinion. / Session 18: I can monitor my progress and set new goals by using a checklist or goal sheet. / I can use transitional words to connect my evidence and support opinions.
I can use adjectives to enhance my opinions.
I can use conjunctions to connect my evidence and support opinions.
I can use adverbs to enhance my opinions.
Stage 2 / Determine Assessment Evidence
Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Academic Language Function(s):
Express Feelings, Opinions and Preferences
Contribute ideas and opinions to discussions
Vocab. : irregular verbs, transitional words, adjectives, conjuctions
adverbs / Academic Language Stems:
Easy for Beginners
Express feelings and preferences:
  • ___ (noun) is ____( adjective).
Basketball is fun.
Medium for Intermediate
Express feelings and preferences:
  • ___ (noun) is ____(adjective) ____ (conjuction: because/when) ______( conditional phrase).
Basketball is fun because you use team work.
  • ____ (noun) is ____ (adjective), ____ (contrasting conjunction: but) ____(conditional phrase).
Basketball is fun, but not when it is hot outside.
  • ____ (noun) is ____ (comparative conjuction: better than, as much as) _____(noun).
Basketball is better than soccer.
Contribute ideas and opinions to discussions:
  • I think ___ because _____.
  • In my opinion ______.
Difficult for Advanced and Fluent (Discuss feelings, opinions and preferences/Contribute ideas and opinions to discussions)
Express feelings, opinions and preferences:
  • When _____ (cause), occasionally ______(effect).
When hunting is not limited, occasionally the species can decrease in numbers.
  • My favorite _____ is ____ because ______.
My favorite character is Harry Potter because he is brave.
Contribute ideas and opinions to discussions:
  • Based on the evidence, I think ______.
  • In my opinion ______because ______.
  • I think ____ will ____ because ____ usually _____.
  • I have a different view/opinion/perspective because ______.

Academic Vocabulary:
Assessment Tools: /
  • Goals Rubric
  • Assessment Checklist

Grade 3 Unit 3 Bend 1 Assessment Checklist

Student Name / Session 14: I can tailor my persuasive writing to different forms of opinion writing, such as speeches, editorials, letters, and petitions. / Session 15: I can hold myself accountable by making a work plan and meeting deadlines. / Session 16: I can conduct surveys and interviews to collect evidence for my opinion. / Session 17: I can revise my introductions and conclusions, trying out several ones, before deciding which one will have the biggest impact on my audience. / Session 18: I can monitor my progress and set new goals by using a checklist or goal sheet. / I can use irregular verbs in my writing / I can use transitional words to connect my evidence and support opinions. / I can use adjectives to enhance my opinions. / I can use conjunctions to connect my evidence and support opinions. / I can use adverbs to enhance my opinions.
B = BeginningD = DevelopingP = ProficientM=Mastery
B = BeginningD = DevelopingP = ProficientM=Mastery

Opinion Unit Student Checklist Grade 3

Student Name / Structure / Development / Language Conventions
Overall: I told readers my opinion and ideas on a text or topic and helped them understand my reasons. / Lead: I wrote a beginning in which I not only set readers up to expect that this would be a piece of opinion writing, but also try to hook them into caring about my opinion. / Transitions: I connected my ideas and reasons with my examples using words such as for example and because. I connected one reason or example using words such as also and another. / Ending: I worked on an ending perhaps a thought or comment related to my opinion. / Organization: I wrote several reasons or examples of why readers should agree with my opinion and wrote at least several sentences about each reason. / Organization: I organized my information so that each part of my writing was mostly about one thing. / Elaboration: I not only named my reasons to support my opinions, but also wrote more about each one. / Craft: I not only told readers to believe me but also wrote in ways that got them thinking, or feeling in certain ways. / Spelling: I used what I knew about word families and spelling rules to help me spell and edit. / Spelling: I got help from others to check my spelling and punctuation before I wrote my final draft. / Punctuation: I punctuated dialogue correctly with commas and quotation marks. / Punctuation: While writing I put punctuation at the end of every sentence. / Punctuation: I wrote in ways that helped readers read with expression, reading some parts quickly, some slowly, some parts in one sort of voice and others in another.

Unit of Study Assessment Rubric

Unit # - Unit Title…

Learning Target / Mastery / Proficient / Developing / Beginning
Language Learning Target
Stage 3 / Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Grade 3 Unit 3: Changing the World

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Bend 1
Day 1: Session 1: Practicing Persuasion
Learning Goal: I can flash-draft a persuasive speech. / Bend 1
Day 2: Session 2: Gathering Brave, Bold Opinions for Persuasive Writing
Learning Goal: I can gather, choose between, and try out different ideas for changes I’d like to see in the world. / Bend 1
Day 3: Session 3: Drawing on a Repertoire of Strategies for Generating Opinion Writing
Learning Goal: I can write about people, places, things, and ideas that deserve attention.
Opinion Writing Checklist / Bend 1
Day 4: Session 4: Considering Audience to Say More
Learning Goal: I can be more persuasive by addressing my audience directly.
Language Goal: I can use adjectives to enhance my opinions.
Language Goal: I can use conjunctions to connect my evidence and support opinions. / Bend 1
Day 5: Session 4: Continue Considering Audience to Say More
Learning Goal: I can be more persuasive by addressing my audience directly.
Language Goal: I can use adjectives to enhance my opinions.
Language Goal: I can use conjunctions to connect my evidence and support opinions.
Bend 1
Day 6: Session 5: Editing as You Go
Learning Goal: I can make sure that I spell what I know by heart as I draft to make my pieces clear to my audience. / Bend 1
Day 7: Session 6: Taking Stock and Setting Goals
Learning Goal: I can pause, self- assess my writing, and make plans for future work.
Opinion Writing Checklist / Bend 2
Day 8: Session 7: Gathering All You Know about Your Opinion
Learning Goal: I can gather all I know about my topic and plan for future research to collect evidence for my opinion.
Anchor Chart: How to Write a Persuasive Speech p. 65 / Bend 2
Day 9: Session 7: Continue Gathering All You Know about Your Opinion
Learning Goal: I can gather all I know about my topic and plan for future research to collect evidence for my opinion.
Anchor Chart: How to Write a Persuasive Speech p. 65 / Bend 2
Day 10: Session 8: Organizing and Categorizing
Learning Goal: I can organize and categorize my evidence.
Bend 2
Day 11: Session 9: For example
Learning Goal: I can make my speech more persuasive by providing examples, or mini-stories, to show what I am saying. / Bend 2
Day 12: Session 10: By Considering Audience, Writers Select and Discard Material
Learning Goal: I can consider what effect I want my speech to have on my audience and select the most convincing material for that audience. / Bend 2
Day 13: Session 11: Paragraphing to Organize Our Drafts
Learning Goal: I can use paragraphs to organize my draft and use transition words to construct a cohesive draft.
 Language Goal: I can use transitional words to connect my evidence and support opinions. / Bend 2
Day 14: Session 12: Choosing Words that Sound Right and Evoke Emotion
Learning Goal: I can do a mini-inquiry into what makes for an effective and powerful speech to help revise my writing. / Bend 2
Day 15: Session 13: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Learning Goal: I can use an editing checklist to proofread my writing.
Learning Goal: I can work with a writing partner to make sure that I catch all the errors in my writing.
Bend 2
Day 16: Session 13: Continue Looking Back and Looking Forward
Learning Goal: I can use an editing checklist to proofread my writing.
Learning Goal: I can work with a writing partner to make sure that I catch all the errors in my writing. / Bend 3
Day 17: Session 14: Inquiry into Petitions
Learning Goal: I can tailor my persuasive writing to different forms of opinion writing, such as speeches, editorials, letters, and petitions / Bend 3
Day 18: Session 15: Becoming Your Own Job Captain
Learning Goal: I can hold myself accountable by making a work plan and meeting deadlines. / Bend 3
Day 19: Session 15: Continue Becoming Your Own Job Captain
Mid-Workshop Teaching p.132
Learning Goal: I can be an effective job captain by solving problems as I come to them.
Learning Goal: I can hold myself accountable by making a work plan and meeting deadlines. / Bend 3
Day 20: Session 16: Gathering a Variety of Evidence
Learning Goal: I can conduct surveys and interviews to collect evidence for my opinion.
Bend 3
Day 21: Session 17: Revising Your Introductions and Conclusions to Get Your Audience to Care
Learning Goal: I can revise my introductions and conclusions, trying out several ones, before deciding which one will have the biggest impact on my audience. / Bend 3
Day 22: Session 18: Taking Stock Again
Learning Goal: I can monitor my progress and set new goals by using a checklist or goal sheet.
Opinion Writing Checklist / Bend 3
Day 23: Session 18: Continue Taking Stock Again
Learning Goal: I can monitor my progress and set new goals by using a checklist or goal sheet.
Opinion Writing Checklist / Bend 4
Day 24: Session 19: Tackling A Cause
Learning Goal: I can consider different audiences who can help me with my cause. / Bend 4
Day 25: Session 20: Becoming Informed About A Cause
Learning Goal: I can change my ideas by doing background reading about a cause.
I can use domain specific vocabulary in my writing.
Bend 4
Day 26: Session 21: Yesterday’s Revisions Become Today’s Drafting Strategies
Learning Goal: I can make sure that my writing reflects all I know by revising my work as I draft.
Opinion Writing Checklist / Bend 4
Day 27: Session 21: Continue Yesterday’s Revisions Become Today’s Drafting Strategies
Learning Goal: I can make sure that my writing reflects all I know by revising my work as I draft.
Opinion Writing Checklist / Bend 4
Day 28: Session 22: Getting Our Writing Ready for Readers
Learning Goal: I can make sure that readers take my opinion seriously by making sure my writing is free of errors.
Editing Checklist p. 177
Proofreading Marks p.179 / Bend 4
Day 29: Session 22: Continue Getting Our Writing Ready for Readers
Learning Goal: I can make sure that readers take my opinion seriously by making sure my writing is free of errors.
Editing Checklist p. 177
Proofreading Marks p.179 / Bend 4
Day 30: Session 23: Celebrating Activism
Learning Goal: I can share my opinions with an audience as a call to action.

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