Lesson 20

Revise and check. Past Simple

(To practice listening skills and revise Past Simple)

George and Rosemary'slove story

1.Before you watch. Answer the questions:

How old were you when you fall in love for the first time?

How old were your partner?

When did you go on a date last time? Where did you go? Did you like it?

Did you do anything crazy when you were in love?

At what age do most people in your country get married?

Do you "go Dutch" when dating? (pay for what you order in a café/restaurant)

When did your parents get married?

Are these verbs regular or irregular? Make past forms:

Verb / Regullar\Irregular? / Past
Live / R
Stay / R
Play / R
Put / Ir / put
Watch / R
Be / Ir / Was/were
Sit / Ir / sat
Have / Ir / had
Ask / R
Wake up / Ir / woke
Get / Ir / got
Dream / Ir / dreamt
Take / Ir / took
Go / Ir / went
Think / Ir / thought
Call / R
Cross / R
Ring / Ir / rang
Open / R
See / Ir / saw
Dance / R
Sing / Ir / sang
Hug / R
Kiss / R
Sell / Ir / sold

Play a game with your teacher. The teacher randomly says the present form of the verbs above and you give the past form.

Look at the pictures. What is the story about? Can you make your own story, based on these photos? Please, use the past forms of the above verbs.

Check the meaning of these words:

Jar, porch, outdoor activities, tie, matching socks, mirror

2.While you watch. Watch Part 1 (00:00 - 03:59) and answer the questions:

Where did George live?In the house#42

What did he do on cold and rainy days?Stayed indoors;played checkers with his cat;put ships in jars;watched TV with pizza

What did he do on nice and warm days?Sat on his porch watching whatever passed by

What was his reason for outdoor activities?He had a passion for the lady across the street

What did he dream about?Dance, dinner, have a cruise with that woman

What did he want to do one day?To ask her for a company

What did he do before he went to bad?Brushed his teeth, turned off the light, looked out of the window and dreamt to sing serenade

3.Watch Part 2(04:00 - 06:12). Are these statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.

When George woke up he put on his shirt, tie and snickersmatching socks

George had a sandwich and a cup of teabacon and eggs for breakfast

He bought some flowersHe picked bunch of flowers from his garden

He had a final inspection in a mirrorT

He called and asked Rosemary for a date F (he called, but he didn’t ask, he was shy)

He bought some souvenirscookies from a scout

He didn't go to Rosemary because her family came to visit herT

4.Watch Part 3(06:13 - 08:31). Complete the sentences, put the verbs in past form

When family (leave)__left___,he (run)_ran__to Rosemary. George (cross)_crossed__the road and (ring) _rang__a door bell. Rosemary (open)_opened__a door and (get)_got__George inside the house. He (see)_saw__ a camera and a lot of his photos. He (be)_was__very surprised but happy. They (dance)_danced__ and (kiss)_kissed__. Soon, George (sell) solda house and (move) _moved__ to Rosemary. They (live) lived___ happily together for the rest of their lives.

5.Retell the whole story

Thank you for the lesson!


Complete the sentences with was or were. Make questions.

1. Susan __was___ happy.
2. You ______angry.
3. Johnny ______on holiday.
4. It ______cold.
5. We ______at school.
6. The cat ______on the roof.
7. The child ______at home.
8. The children ______in the garden. / Was Susan happy? .

Write positive sentences in the Past Simple.

1. he / the question / answer
2. you / a question / ask
3. the dog / bark
4. they / us / call
5. we / a mountain / climb
6. John / stamps / collect
7. we / in London / live
8. I / hungry / be / He answered the question

Have a look at James's last week's diary and answer the questions in complete sentences. Put the time expression at the end of the sentence.

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun
football / shopping / ring Jane / buy flowers / concert / TODAY
cinema / tennis / English

1. When did he go shopping? He went shopping five days ago .

2.When was his English course?______

3. When did he play football? ______

4. When did he go to the Italian restaurant?______

5. When did he ring Jane? ______

6. When did he go to the cinema?______

7. When did he play tennis?______

8. When was the concert?______

Rewrite the sentences in the negative.

1. They collected postcards. They didn’t collect the postcards .

2. You were thirsty. ______

3. He had a computer. ______

4. I bought bread. ______

5. You saw the house. ______

6. The teacher tested our English.______

7. Albert played squash. ______

8. She was sad.______

Write questions in the Past Simple.

1. Anna / the window / open Did Anna open the window ?

2. she / home / walk______

3. you / in the garden / work______

4. I / a song / sing______

5. she / on a chair / sit______

6. you / the castle / visit______

7. Jenny / the door / lock______

8. she / happy / be______

Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

1. Last year I spent (spend) my holiday in Ireland.

2. It ______(be) great.

3. I ______(travel) around by car with two friends and we ______(visit) lots of interesting places.

4. In the evenings we usually ______(go) to a pub.

5. One night we even ______(learn) some Irish dances.

6. We ______(be) very lucky with the weather.

7. It ______(not / rain) a lot last year.

8. But we ______(see) some beautiful rainbows.

9. Where ______(spend / you) your last holiday?

10. ______(turn off / you) to turn off the radio?

11. Angela and Peter ______(like) each other very much.

12. What ______(be) the weather like yesterday? ______(be) it warm?

13. It ______(not / be) warm yesterday. It ______(be) snowing.