Minutes of the Board Meeting for January 10, 2005

Members present: Norma Barhisel, Bill Brennan, Les Dunnington, David Eiseman, Gale Hazel, Kathy Heath, Glenn Klein, Ken Krane, Ron Lovell, Kathy Meddaugh, Jean Peters

Guests: Nancy Evans, Marilyn Sarff, Laura Sneeden

Minutes of the November 15, 2004 meeting corrected as follows: in the discussion of food for the February women’s basketball game, the OSU Athletic Department will not cater the food, only allow it to be served.

Treasurer’s Report: Provost’s Account--$1,893.00

Foundation Account--$5,480.50

[Membership is now over 300 people]

Brennan noted the death of Loren “Stubb” Stewart, a longtime benefactor of OSU and the namesake of LaSellsStewartCenter. He suggested a moment of silence by members who knew him at some time during the day.

Old Business

Sausage Fest Followup—The event, attended by 35 people, was considered a great success. Brennan thanked Sarff for making the arrangements.

McCullough Bridge Program—Sarff said most of the details for the January 27th event (3:30 p.m. in the FoundationBuilding meeting room) have been arranged, She still needs to order audio-visual equipment (slide projector, overhead projector, microphone). The board decided to pass out OSURA materials at the event. Set up will be at 2:30 p.m. No refreshments will be served. Lovell will prepare an e-mail announcement about the event which Hazel will send out. He will send a copy to OSU This Week. Brennan will notify the president and the provost of the lecture.

Retiree Directory—Distribution has gone smoothly. A few people contacted board members complaining that they were not listed or that they had changed information since sending their listings in. Board members agreed that these changes should be collected and be published in an Addendum to be sent out via e-mail at a later date.

OSURA Institutionalization—Brennan said he had nothing to report but hoped to hear soon.

Polo Shirt—Brennan said the best estimate for the shirts was $16 each. The board agreed to have him order 100 shirts (each with an OSURA logo) and distributed to the 89 people on the volunteer list. This cost will be paid by the Office of Student Affairs. The board agreed to have him order an additional 25 shirts for future use, the cost to be paid by OSURA, unless Student Affairs agrees to pay for them.

OSURA Web Site—The board commended Hazel for the great job she has done in maintaining the web page. She agreed to delete events that have already taken place.

Women’s Basketball Game—Heath reported that the special night for OSURA members will be February 17 at 7 p.m. Members will sit in one group. Tickets will be $2. Those attending will have the chance to order pizza and a soft drink for an additional $5. Beginning at 6 p.m., members will eat in a room in Gill Coliseum and hear one of the coaches talk about game strategy. Lovell will prepare an e-mail and letter about the event to include a blank for members to use to order tickets and the food. Deadline for submitting the information to Heath will be February 10.

New Business

OSU/PSU Joint Meeting—The board showed little interest in hosting a meeting of the two membership groups, mainly due to lack of interest by OSURA membership; however a joint meeting of the officers or board members from the two groups, or from other interested boards around the state might be beneficial.

Career Fair Signup—Heath passed out signup sheets for members to assist with the OSU Career Fair February 22-23. She needs six people per time slot.

Newsletter—Lovell will prepare the next issue in time for distribution at the May 11th annual meeting. Articles will be on that meeting, the Bone Density Lab tour, a review of the year by the president, and the effect of OSURA volunteers on events like ID distribution and New Students Week.

Copy and design will be complete by mid-April with distribution by May 1st.

Theatre Party—Krane reported that a likely event for the planned theatre party would be the Spring production of “A Doll’s House” by Ibsen. It will run May 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21. He suggested coffee and dessert in the University Theatre’s Green Room at 6:30 p.m. with a talk about the play by Charlotte Headrick, director of the theatre program at OSU. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. The board agreed.

Board Member Name Tags—After Meddaugh led a discussion about whether to order a plastic model that would be permanent, the board agreed to use the less expensive name tags with the OSURA logo that can be slipped into dangler holders; new copies can be made for tags that are lost or damaged.

Nominating Committee Report—Peters reported the preliminary results of her committee’s work:

President-elect—Ken Krane

New board members—Nancy Evans, Gary Tiedeman

Continuing board member—Kathy Meddaugh

The position of secretary has yet to be filled.

Other Items—Brennan said he still wanted to invite Jacque Rudolph, Human Resources Director, to a board meeting to discuss the future relationship between HR and OSURA. The board agreed to wait until the institutionalization issue was settled to extend the invitation.

Next Meeting: Monday, February 21, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Christensen Room of the OSUFoundationBuilding. Bring your brown bag lunch.

Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.

Submitted by Ron Lovell, secretary