
Membership Number:

ContinuingProfessional DevelopmentLog

Please use the template below to submit your CPD log. You need to:

Pick 2 different Units (Choose from Units 1, 2 and 3 - Units are the different coloured sections.).

Within each chosen Unit, pick a subject area from each and demonstrate how you have met all of the competencies within that subject area.

Unit 4 on Fundraising Management is compulsory and must be completed. An example of a complete CPD Log is below:

Unit 2 - Subject Area 2: Capital Campaigns(all competencies)

Unit 3 - Subject Area 2: Trust & Foundation Fundraising (all competencies)

Unit 4 Fundraising Management (reflective account)

You should provide evidence in the first column of how you meet all competencies within your subject area. In the second column please reflect on your application of these competencies in your workplace. We have provided twoworked examples in italicsfor guidance as to how you can meet ONE of the competencies in a subject area.

Subject Area and competencies / Please evidence how you meet all of your selected competencies in this area / How do you apply these competencies in your workplace?
UNIT 1 – Direct Response Fundraising
SUBJECT AREA 1: Direct Response Fundraising and
e – fundraising
  1. Review the current direct and interactive marketing environment identifying trends, critical issues and giving patterns.
/ e.g. I attended a Digital Fundraising Conference (Sept 2010)
I have set up a twitter feed and facebook page for my organisation / e.g. Digital fundraising is a standing item on our team agenda
I have ensured that the 2011/12 fundraising strategy takes into account latest trends in digital fundraising
  1. Conduct a review of the performance of past direct/interactive marketing fundraising activity

  1. Establish a timescale, objectives and budget for a direct/interactive marketing recruitment plan

  1. Define the target segment(s) of donors

  1. Develop appropriate case(s) for support and solicitation propositions.

  1. Identify any relevant test plans and their objectives.

  1. Select appropriate communication techniques for each segment in accordance with the available resources

  1. Brief, liaise with and manage third party suppliers of specialist, logistical or technical support as appropriate

UNIT 2 – Major Gift Fundraising and Legacy Giving
SUBJECT AREA 1: Major Gift Fundraising
  1. Define major gifts in the context of their own organisations

  1. Describe common motives of major gift donors

  1. Conduct prospect research employing both print and electronic resources

  1. Qualify and prioritise prospects.

  1. Develop a gift range chart

  1. Plan and implement appropriate cultivation, solicitation and ask activities

  1. Plan and implement appropriate donor recognition activity

  1. Plan and implement effective stewardship activity

  1. Monitor and evaluate the success of major gift fundraising activity

  1. Understand and describe the requirements for institutional readiness to engage in major gift fundraising

SUBJECT AREA 2: Capital Campaigns
  1. Describe the typical characteristics of a capital campaign

  1. Assess the institutional readiness of their own organisation

  1. Establish and work with appropriate campaign committees

  1. Develop fundraising strategy for a capital campaign

  1. Develop appropriate monitoring and control procedures

SUBJECT AREA 3: Legacy Giving
  1. Understand motives for offering legacy and in memoriam/tribute gifts.
/ E.g. I regularly check the Remember a Charity Website for updates.
I read Legacy Foresight when it is circulated.
I have had a one to one meeting with the Legacy Manager to discuss donor motivations. / E.g. I have run a legacy training session for my team and built in legacy messaging into my 2011/12 plan.
  1. Manage board/management expectations in respect of the long-term nature of legacy giving

  1. Develop and implement a legacy/in memoriam/tribute solicitation plan.

  1. Understand the work of third party partners in the solicitation of bequest gifts – i.e. Will Aid, Remember A Charity

  1. Plan and implement appropriate donor recognition activity.

  1. Plan and implement effective stewardship activity

  1. Monitor and evaluate the success of legacy fundraising focusing

UNIT 3 – Corporate and Grant Fundraising
SUBJECT AREA 1 :Corporate Fundraising
  1. Describe the significance of (and trends in) corporate support for the non-profit sector

  1. Describe the various categories of corporate support

  1. Understand organisational decision making processes and the role of the decision making unit

  1. Conduct prospect research and prioritise potential funders

  1. Appraise potential corporate funders against their organisation’s own code of fundraising ethics

  1. Solicit corporate support for their organisation

  1. Conduct effective stewardship of corporate supporters

  1. Monitor and evaluate the success of corporate fundraising activity

SUBJECT AREA 2: Trust/Foundation Fundraising
  1. Describe the significance of (and trends in) trust/foundation support for the non-profit sector

  1. Understand the nature, purpose and operation of grant makers

  1. Research appropriate projects within their own organisation suitable for grant funding

  1. Conduct prospect research using a range of online and offline sources and prioritise potential funders

  1. Match potential funders with suitable organisational needs and projects

  1. Research and write a grant proposal

  1. Understand how funders evaluate the proposals they receive and why many proposals are rejected

  1. Monitor and evaluate the success of grant fundraising activity


Membership Number:

UNIT 4: Fundraising Management(Compulsory)
Please write a reflective account about how you have met the competencies below (max 500 words)
  1. Utilise a variety of forms of communication to communicate effectively across their organisation.
  2. Understand a range of key theories of motivation and employ these to motivate their teams.
  3. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their personal leadership style.
  4. Understand the relationship between leadership styles and team performance in different contexts and scenarios.
  5. Create appropriate fundraising teams for specific fundraising tasks.
  6. Manage fundraising teams effectively.
  7. Conduct effective team member appraisals.
  8. Recruit and retain fundraising volunteers.

Oncecompleted, email this form to