EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) - Reference REOI-ITSS-01-2015for Web Content Delivery and Site Failover Services.

Subject: Web Content Delivery and Site FailoverServices

Date of the EOI: 5th February2015

Closing Date of the EOI:27th February2015

Address EOI by e-mail to: ith copy to



UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, is an international, inter-governmental organisation established by the General Assembly of the United Nations (resolution No. 57(1) of 11 December, 1946) as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations, having its headquarters in New York, with offices in over 160 countries spanning 260 locations.

UNICEF currently maintains 15+ publicly available websiteswhich are accessed by a global audience, the main one being The main UNICEF site currently serves between 25-35GB of static content monthly in 900,000+ files and on average has around 300,000+ daily page views. The other 14+ sites are significantly smaller in content size and usage.

Description of Requirement

UNICEF requires web content caching services that will improve the delivery of web content on a global basis to its major audiences - partners, governments, press, and the general public worldwide. The major key requirements are on-going availability, accessibilityincluding on mobile devices, performance, and security of these sites. The key priority is that the websites are highly available/accessiblewith a very reasonable performance from any region of the world – particularly those with limited bandwidth such as Asia, Africa, and Middle East.Another related requirement is the automatic site failover from the UNICEF primary web server to the back-up web server(s).

The ITSS Division of UNICEF foresees the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFPS) shortly for the provision of Web Content Delivery and Site Failover Services.

Expression of interest and Pre-qualification

To be pre-qualified to participate in the incoming RFPS, interested vendors mustmeet the following criteria:

  • The vendor must have a minimum of 5 (five) years of experience providing web content delivery on a global basis. The delivery of these services must extend to North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East via vendor’s global reach capacity.
  • The vendor must have an infrastructure or network that has a global reach to all areas of the world.
  • The vendor must support audio/video streaming,
  • The vendor must provide automatic and transparent failover from primary server to failover server(s) when the primary is not responsive.
  • The configuration of the web content delivery must be DNS based management of the service. The vendor must confirm that there will be no need to add code to any of the web pages.


Interested suppliers/service providers are encouraged to complete and submit the EOIResponse form and provide the information and supporting documents indicated in the form.

REOIs should be sent to: ith copy toMs.Marta Paz, Contracts Manager at e-mail: , not later than COB (New York Time) on 27th February 2015. Please quote “REOI-ITSS-01-2015” as subject in your correspondence.

This REOI does not constitute a solicitation.We do notrequire bids or proposals at this stage; we merely seek your expression of interest in participating in the tender.

A response to this Request for Expression of Interest does not automatically ensure that you will be selected to participate in the tender.

UNICEF reserves the right to change or cancel therequirement at any time during the REOI and/or solicitation process. UNICEF also reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions as and when issuing the final tender document.

If you have any additional question about this REOI, please contact Marta Pazat e-mail: with copy

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