Baker High School

Honors English 9

First Term 2013-2014

Mrs. Sonja Ivey

Course Description

This course includes instruction and practice in all English skills: reading, vocabulary, spelling, reading comprehension, language mechanics, language expression, reference and study skills, and oral expression at a more demanding level than those at the regular classroom level. It also involves the use of extensive supplementary materials. Literature includes instruction in the critical analysis of major genres. Composition focuses upon writing in creative, logical, and critical modes.


Prentice Hall Literature, Grade 9 (provided)

Odell, Lee and Richard Vacca, Renee Hobbs ed. Elements of Language, 3rd Course (provided)

Our Town by Thornton Wilder $10.00

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (provided)

Night by Elie Wiesel $10.00

Animal Farm by George Orwell (provided)

Materials Needed

Three Ring Binder with Dividers—no paper folders (Bellwork, Grammar Notes, Literature Notes, Graded/Returned Papers)

Loose-leaf notebook paper (wide or college ruled)

Pens—blue or black only, highlighters, pencils

Index cards—(3x5)

$20 for required novels

Student Expectations

1. Enter the room quietly and be ready to work when the tardy bell sounds.

2. Bring all required materials to class each day. (Sharing is not allowed.)

3. Respect yourself, your peers, and all adults.


Grades will be determined based on the following:

tests, projects, writing assignments = 60%

quizzes, classwork = 30%

homework = 10%

MCPSS Grading Scale

100-90= A 89-80=B 79-70=C 69-60=D 59 & below=E

Students will receive periodic progress reports throughout the term. In addition, students and parents are encouraged to check grades via the Internet using the INOW Home Portal. Students are graded on a variety of assignments from grammar, literature, writing, and vocabulary. A county mandated End of Quarter Test (EQT) is given at the end of each quarter and counts as 1/5 of the student's quarter grade. Honors students are also required to complete an essay as ¼ of this EQT grade.


No Extra Credit work will be assigned.

Re-test Policy

If and when a student makes a grade on a test that is less than 60%, that student will have the opportunity to re-test. The student must first participate in remediation for the tested item(s). If the student does not participate in the provided remediation, re-testing will not be allowed. Re-testing will be done at the convenience of the teacher. As a reminder, the highest grade any student may receive on a re-test is 60%. A student must ask for a re-test within one week of the original test.

Absences and Make-up Work

ü  Students are expected to attend class each day.

ü  It is the student’s responsibility to bring in a doctor’s or parent’s note within three days of an absence.

ü  It is the student’s responsibility to make-up any missed work.

ü  It is the student’s responsibility to get the make-up work on the day of his/her return to school.

ü  Tests must be made up within one week of the absence.

ü  Homework and classwork should be turned in within two days of any absence.

ü  No work or tests can be made up due to an unexcused absence.

ü  Any work due on the day of a field trip is due on that day by 2:45 or it will not be accepted.

ü  Tests/quizzes can be made up on Tuesdays of each week AFTER SCHOOL or most any day BEFORE SCHOOL IF PRIOR NOTICE HAS BEEN MADE WITH ME.


Homework will be assigned! It is due when you walk in the door. It should be placed in the appropriate basket on the table. I will take it up approximately 3-4 minutes after the tardy bell. If your homework is not in the basket, I will not accept it! Remember, homework will not be accepted if you are tardy!

Tardy Policy

Unexcused tardies to class will result in a ZERO for any work missed. This policy includes homework! Tardy Policy: Four tardies will result in detention and an unexcused absence. A fifth tardy will result in an office referral.

Standing Assignments

These assignments are generally always due on the day listed below unless I have given other directions during the school week.

Monday-- CCW Quizzes

Vocabulary Notecard Assignments (an “all or nothing” grade)

Thursday-- CCW Assignments (sentences)

Friday-- Vocabulary Tests

Summer Reading

Summer reading tests will be given on Friday, August 23rd. You should be prepared to take two tests: one classic and one of any of the other choices. In addition, an essay test will be given on Monday, August 26th on the classic book.

Instructor Contact


Planning and conference time – 11:15-12:30