OregonEducation Funding and Implementation

The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, HR. 1*

Program / Total HR 1 Appropriation / Notes
State Fiscal Stability Fund * / Federal $53,600,000,000
Oregon $570,246,373 /
  • Estimated state grants are based on U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 American Community Survey (ACS) data and were determined as follows: 61% based on each state's relative share of the population ages 5-24 and 39% based on each state's relative share of the total population.
  • 82% to restore state support for K-20; 18% for public safety and other government service,school construction eligible
  • Funds available to Governor immediately, must be obligated with two years
  • Includes $5B for state innovation/incentive grants for Secretary
  • State must demonstrate maintenance of effort requirement in K-12 education for FY 2009, 2010, 2011 at FY 2006 levels. Secretary may modify or waive this requirement. No information on waiver authority for supplement/supplant.

Title I-A Grants to States- LEAs* / Federal $10,000,000,000
Oregon $93,792,419 /
  • Distributed evenly through the Title I "targeted" and "finance incentive" formulas over two year period (app. July 1, 2009, and July 1, 2010)
  • 1% for State Set-aside
  • Estimated state grants are based on the sum of the estimated grants that would be made to LEAs in each state with hold harmless applied. A set-aside of 1% ($100 million)

Title I-A School Improvement Grants / Federal $3,000,000,000
Oregon $31,602,000 /
  • 40% to be used for middle and high schools
  • Likely release date July 1, 2009
  • Estimates are based on each state's proportional share of FY2008 grants under ESEA Title I, Parts A, C and D. Under this program, the outlying areas and BIA are treated as states.

Title IID Education
TechnologyState Grants* / Federal $650,000,000
Oregon $6,042,195 /
  • From the $650 million appropriated, 2% was reserved for national activities. From the remaining funds, a set-aside of 0.75% was reserved for the BIA and 0.50% was reserved for the outlying areas. The minimum grant to states is 0.5%.

McKinny-Vento Homeless Children/Youth / Federal $70,000,000
Oregon $1,581,000 /
  • The H.R. 1 conference agreement provides that funds be allocated among the states on the basis of state-reported estimates of homeless students for the 2007-2008 school year. Data for that year are not yet available, so data for 2006-2007, the most recent year for which data are available, were used to calculate these estimates. A total of 1.1% of funds were reserved for the outlying areas and BIA.

(Part B Grants to States ,sections 611 and Preschool Grants, section 619)* / Federal $11,700,000,000
Oregon $132,979,347 /
  • $11.3B for § 611; $400M for § 619
  • The estimated state grants presented here are funded through H.R. 1and are amounts in excess of grant amounts estimated to be provided based on projected FY2009 appropriations. It is assumed that set-asides for BIA schools, the Outlying Areas, and the Freely Associated States are funded entirely from amounts projected to be provided in the FY2009 appropriation. These estimates were prepared using state population and poverty data used in making FY2008 allocations, and preliminary FY2009 state full-funding data provided from the USDOE.

IDEA (Part C – Grants for infants and families)* / Federal $500,000,000
Oregon $4,705,556 /
  • The increases in IDEA, Part C funding are assumed to be in addition to a FY2009 IDEA, Part C appropriation of $439,427,000 (per the House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations).
  • It is assumed that funding for outlying areas would be provided entirely through the FY2009 appropriation. Funding for BIA is 1.25% of the total amount available to states under Part C. Funding for state incentive grants is 15% of the appropriation in excess of $460 million.

State Data Systems / $250,000,000 /
  • May be used for statewide data systems that include postsecondary and workforce information
  • $5M may be used for and data coordinators and for public and private organization awards to improve data coordination
  • Most likely competitive grant program through IES

Impact Aid Construction / $100,000,000 /
  • Distribution and formula not known at this point. In 2006-07 nine school districts in Oregon received a total of $2.3M for Impact Aid
  • To be eligible for construction grants, an LEA must meet criteria of 40% or more students, who reside on Indian lands, reside on federally owned property, or are children of active military personnel.

Teacher Incentive Fund / $200,000,000 /
  • Purpose is to develop and implement innovative principal and teacher compensation models to support recruitment and retention efforts in high need schools and subjects.
  • Most likely competitive grant program

Teacher Quality Enhancement, State Grants / $100,000,000 /
  • Competitive grand program for states to improve the quality of the teacher workforce, including reforms in the areas of alternative routes to teacher certification, teacher preparation, and teacher licensing.

Credit Enhancement for Charter Schools / -$0- /
  • charter school rehabilitation/renovation is not funded in ARRA

Sources: Congressional Research Service, 2-13- 2009; Council of Chief State School Officers, 2-14-09; U.S. House of Representatives House Education Committee 2-13-09; National Governors Association, 2-13-09; US Department of Education, 2-18-09*

Notice: These are estimated grants only. These estimates are provided solely to assist in comparisons of the relative impact of alternative formulas and funding levels in the legislative process. It is ultimately the responsibility of the Department of Education to allocate the funds, and these estimates are not intended to predict specific amounts states will receive. Details may not add to totals due to rounding.

Oregon Department of Education, Susan Castillo, Superintendent of Public Instruction

10/29/2018 Working Draft; Page 1 of 2

* The information on this table is a working draft based on current information and is subject to change, pending non-regulatory guidance from the U.S. Department of Education.