

© Commonwealth of Australia 2015

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1Introduction...... 1
2Executive Summary...... 2

Changein reporting methodology...... 2

Total legalservices expenditure...... 2

Internal legalservices expenditure...... 2

External legalservices expenditure...... 3

Professional fees...... 3

Briefs to Counsel...... 3

3Background...... 4

Coordination of Commonwealth legalservices...... 4

Reporting on legal servicesexpenditure...... 4

Changes toreporting methodologyfor2014–15...... 4

Machineryof Government Changes...... 4

4Reporting legalservicesexpenditure...... 5
5Expenditure on legal services in the 2014–15 reporting period...... 6

Totallegalservices expenditurefor2014–15...... 6

Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entities...... 7

Corporate Commonwealth Entities...... 10

Professional fees...... 12

Counsel...... 14

Directbriefing ofCounsel...... 14

Selection of Counsel...... 15

Probono legalservices...... 17

AppendixA – Legal services expenditureby agency...... 21
Appendix B – Legal services expenditure reporting template...... 39
AppendixC – Glossary...... 44


Figure1:Totallegal servicesexpenditure2012–13 to 2014–15...... 6

Figure2:Non-CorporateCommonwealth legalservices expenditure 2012–13 to 2014–15...... 7

Figure3:Top spending Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities of2014–15 ascompared

to2012–13 and2013–14...... 8

Figure4:Top spending Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities – internallegal services

expenditurefor 2014–15...... 8

Figure5:Top spending Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities – externallegal services

for2014–15...... 9

Figure6:CorporateCommonwealth legalservices expenditure 2012–13 to 2014–15...... 10

Figure7:Top spending CorporateCommonwealth Entities 2014–15as compared to

2012–13and 2013–14...... 11

Figure8:Top spending CorporateCommonwealth Entities – internallegal services

expenditure2014–15...... 11

Figure9:Top spending CorporateCommonwealth Entities – externallegal services

expenditure2014–15...... 12

Figure10: Legal services providers bypercentage of Commonwealthlegal work 2014–15...... 13

Figure11: Directbriefs to Counseland briefs to Counsel through a legalservices provider...... 14

Figure12: Number of briefsto Counsel bygender 2012–13 to 2014–15...... 15

Figure13: Totalvalue of briefs to Counselby gender2012–13 to 2014–15...... 16

Figure14: Averagevalue of Commonwealth legalwork briefedto Counsel bygender

2012-13 to 2014–15...... 16


Table1:Legal service providersreceiving Commonwealthlegal work...... 13

Table2:Pro bono hours per lawyerfor reporting periods2014–15 and2013–14...... 17

Table3:Total Legal ServicesExpenditure by Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entities...... 21

Table4:TotalExternal Legal Services Expenditure by Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities...... 25

Table5:TotalInternal Legal Services Expenditure by Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities...... 29

Table6:Total Legal ServicesExpenditure by Corporate Commonwealth Entities...... 33

Table7:TotalExternal Legal Services Expenditure by CorporateCommonwealth Entities...... 35

Table8:TotalInternal Legal Services Expenditure by CorporateCommonwealth Entities...... 37


Thepurposeof this reportisto:

•providean overview of legal servicesexpenditureacross the Commonwealthforthe 2014–15financialyear; and

•where possible, identifyand reporton trends, patterns andchanges inagency legal servicesspendcompared withthe previousfinancial years.

Thisreporthasbeencompiledbasedoninformationreported by Commonwealth Departments andagenciestotheOfficeof LegalServicesCoordination(OLSC)asrequiredbysubparagraph 11.1(da)of the LegalServicesDirections2005(the Directions).

Legal serviceproviderson theLegal Services Multi-Use List (LSMUL) arealso required toreport totheOLSC onthe value of Commonwealth legalwork theyreceive.This data has been incorporatedandanalysed in preparation ofthe report. Wherethereare any inconsistencies, the datareceivedfromCommonwealth Departments andagencies hasbeen preferred.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

2Executive Summary

Change in reportingmethodology







In2014–15, the totallegal servicesexpenditurereported by Commonwealth agencies was $728.15m.In2013–14, the totallegal servicesexpenditure was $688.61m,which wouldmean an increase in2014–15of $39.54m.

The totalexpenditurereported by Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities (formerlyreferredto as FMAagencies) was $652.35m.In 2013–14,the total expenditurereportedby FMAagencies was $613.70m.

The totalexpenditurereported by CorporateCommonwealth Entities (formerlyreferredto as

CACagencies) was $75.79m. In2013–14, the totalexpenditurereported byCAC agencies was $74.92m.



In2014–15,Commonwealthagencies reportedinternallegalservices expenditureof$379.03m.In2013–14,thetotalinternalservicesexpenditure was$374.26m.Thisisanincrease of$4.77min2014-15.

Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesreportedinternal legalservices expenditure of$337.86m.In2013–14, Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesreportedinternal legalservices expenditureof$331.92m.

Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesreportedinternal legalservices expenditure of$41.17m. In2013–14,Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesreportedinternal legalservices expenditure of$42.34m. Thisis adecrease in 2014–15.

1Theseentitiesare: Australian Human Rights Commission,Australian Pesticides and Veterinary MedicinesAuthority,IndependentHospital PricingAuthority, Murray-Darling BasinAuthority,NationalHealth Performance Authority,National Offshore PetroleumSafety andthe Environmental ManagementAuthority.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15


External legalservices expenditurerefers to all legalservices purchasedexternal to theagency,includingboth professional fees and disbursements paid to lawfirms, as well as briefsto Counsel.

In2014–15, Commonwealth agencies reported totalexternal legalservices expenditureof $349.12m.

In2013–14, the totalexternal legalservices expenditurewas $314.36m. Therefore,therewas a $34.76mincrease in external legalservices expenditurefor2014–15.

Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesreportedexternal legalservices expenditure of$314.50m. In2013–14, externalexpenditurereported by Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities was $281.76m.Consequently,therewas a $32.74m increase in externallegal servicesexpenditurefor 2014–15.

Corporate Commonwealth Entities,including Commonwealth Companies and GovernmentBusinessEnterprises, reportedexternal legalservices expenditure of$34.63m. In2013–14, external expenditurereportedby theseagencies was $32.58m. Consequently,therewas a $2.05m increase in externallegalservices expenditurefor2014–15.


Commonwealth agencies reported$261.99m inprofessionalfees paid to legalservices providers.In2013–14, Commonwealth agencies reported$228.48m. Therehas beena $33.51m increase inprofessional servicesexpenditurefor 2014–15.

Briefsto Counsel

In2014–15, Commonwealth agencies reported$50.15m in fees paid to Counsel.In 2013–14,Commonwealth agencies reported$48.05m.

In2014–15, Commonwealth agencies reported3,663 briefs to Counsel.In 2013–14, Commonwealthagenciesreported 3,812 briefsto Counsel.

There was a decrease inthe numberof direct briefsto Counsel, with2,112 direct briefsto Counsel in2014–15and 2,352in 2013–14.The proportion of direct briefsto indirectbriefs in 2014–15is 57.66%,ascomparedto 61.70% in2013–14.

The distribution of briefsto Counsel between male andfemale Counselhas decreased. In 2014–15,27.11%of briefs wentto female Counsel,as compared to 27.5%in 2013–14.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15


Coordination of Commonwealthlegalservices

OLSC,part ofthe CivilLaw Divisionof theAttorney-General’s Department,is taskedwith strategiccoordination of Commonwealth legalwork. This roleincludes ensuringthat Commonwealth agenciesreceive consistent and well-coordinatedlegal services thatare ofa highstandard,uphold the publicinterest,and are sensitiveto Whole-of-Governmentinterests.

Reporting on legalservicesexpenditure

Pursuant toparagraph 11.1(da) ofthe Directions, Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities andCorporate Commonwealth Entitiesarerequired toreport to OLSCabout their legalservicesexpenditurewithin 60daysafter the endof thefinancial year. Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entitiesagencies have been reportingsince 2005–06 while CorporateCommonwealth Entities agencies havebeenincluded since 2008–09.

Entitiesarerequired toreport legalservices expendituredata using astandardtemplate tofacilitateconsistency in reporting and enable a clear breakdown of data across the Commonwealth. Thetemplate is includedas AppendixB to this Report.

Changes toreportingmethodologyfor 2014–15

The substantiveprovisions of thePublic Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013(PGPAAct)commenced on 1July 2014, replacing theFinancial Management and Accountability Act1997(FMAAct)andthe CommonwealthAuthorities andCompanies Act 1997(CAC Act).For the2014–15 reporting period,thelanguage ofFMA agencyand CACagency werereplaced with Non-CorporateCommonwealthEntities(formerlyknown as FMAagencies) and CorporateCommonwealth Entities (formerly known

asCAC agencies).See abovein the ExecutiveSummary,Change in ReportingMethodology,forgreaterdetail about how this affects the reporting methodologyfor2014–15.

From2013–14, legal expenditure isreported ona GST exclusive basis.In previous years,legalexpenditurehas beenreported ona GST inclusive basis.The change toreporting methodology is toensuremoreaccurate comparisonsbetween external and internalexpenditure, as staff costs, whichmakeup themajority of internalexpenditure, do not attractGST.

Machinery of Government Changes

During2014–15, therewere minorMachinery of Government (MoG)changes. Thismakes agencycomparisons acrossyears somewhateasy in nature; however someminor entitieswere disbandedor collapsedinto other agencies. Whole-of-Governmentfigures remainaccurateas agenciesanddepartments reportconsistentlywith the Australian Public ServiceCommission and Departmentof

Finance’s reportingrequirementsfor financial statements intheImplementing Machinery ofGovernmentChangesGood Practice Guide.

In respect ofthe periodfor whichagencies should prepare areport of legalservices expenditureforafunction/activity/program that hasbeen transferred to anotheragency:

•the transferring agencyreports onthat function/activity/program up to the date of transfer;

•thegaining agencyreports onthe function/activity/program from the date oftransfer; and

•agencies should includea note to thefinancial statements explaining thereasonforthe partialreporting of afunction (eg transfer ofa functionas aresult of restructuring) andthe impactof therestructuring on theagency.

The dates oftransfersare determined by reporting agenciesand departments.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15


Underthe Directions, therearethree methodsby which Commonwealth agencies may engagelegal services:

•froma legal servicesprovider(ie alaw firm),which must be includedon theLSMUL,unless the agency wasgranted an exemptionfrom therequirementto use theLSMUL;

•froma barrister,either engaged through a legalservices provider ordirectlybriefed by theagency;and

•internallywithin theagency froman internal legalservices provider(anin-house legal practice).

Expenditureincurred throughall threesources mustbe reported.Fees paidto externallegal servicesprovidersare recorded under ‘professionalfees’andare also brokendownintoaprovider-by-providerreport.Disbursementspaidtolegalservices providersare alsoreported. Barristerfees arereportedunder‘Counsel’ andare also brokendownintototalnumberofbriefs,numberofbriefsbygender, andnumberofbriefswhich aredirect toCounselratherthan throughalegalservices provider(iealawfirm).Thetotal costsofin-houselegal practicesare reportedunder‘internallegalservices expenditure’.

Consistent with the Australian NationalAudit Office’s2006 Better Practice Guide,Legal ServicesArrangements in Australian GovernmentAgencies, thefull costof anin-house legal practice is to include:

•directsalary costs;

•indirect salary costs (superannuation,leave entitlements);

•direct overhead(costsof desks,stationary,computers etc);

•indirect overhead (apportionedelectricity,rentetc);

•legal unit overhead (specialistsoftware, licences,costof law library); and

•learningand development overhead, including training in legal and non-legal skills.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

5Expenditure on legalservices in the2014–15 reporting period

Totallegalservices expenditurefor2014–15

A total of168 Non-Corporate and Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesreportedlegal servicesexpenditure in thereportingperiod.2

In2014–15, the totallegal servicesexpenditurereported by Commonwealth agencies was $728.15m.

In2013–14, the totallegal servicesexpenditure was $688.61m.This isan increase of $39.54min

The totalexpenditure comprisedinternal expenditure of$379.03m (an increase of$4.77mfrom2013–14) and externalexpenditureof $349.12m(an increase of $34.76mfrom 2013–14).

Figure1 showsthe total legalservices expenditureforall agenciesfrom 2012–13 to 2014–15,separatedintointernal and externalexpenditure.3

Figure 1:Totallegalservicesexpenditure 2012–13 to 2014–15

2Forsecurity reasons, figures fromthe Australian Security Intelligence Organisation andthe Australian Secret IntelligenceService arenotincluded.Other figures have been omitted where inclusion could prejudice the Commonwealth’s legal interests.

3All graphs inthis report arebasedon expenditure amounts as reported (ie GST exclusivefor 2014–152013–14, GST inclusivefor

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities

Inaddition to providingtotals for all Commonwealth agencies,this report separates theexpenditurereportedby Non-Corporate and Corporate Commonwealth Entities.This reflectsthat Non-Corporateand CorporateCommonwealth Entities aresubject to different obligationsunder the Directions, as wellasdifferentpurchasingframeworksacross the Commonwealthmoregenerally.4

The totallegal servicesexpenditurereported by Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities was

$652.35m.In 2013–14,these agenciesreported $613.70m.The estimated GSTexclusivefigurefor2012–13 was $579.05m.

The totalexpenditure comprisedinternal expenditure of$337.86m (an increase of$5.94m from2013–14)and external expenditure of$314.50m (an increase of$32.74m from2013–14).

Figure2 showsthe total legalservices expenditurefor Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities from2012–13 to 2014–15, separatedinto internal and externalexpenditure.

Figure 2:Non-CorporateCommonwealthlegalservicesexpenditure 2012–13 to 2014–15

Theoveralltotal legalservices expenditureforeach Non-Corporate CommonwealthEntity,as well asthe internal and externalexpenditure, comparedto previousyears, is shown in Tables3–5 inAppendix Ato this report.

Figure3 showsthe top spending Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesagencies of2014–15, includingcomparisons with expenditurefrom the2012–13 and2013–14 reporting periods.

Figures 4 and5 showthe top spending Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesof 2014–15on internallegal services and externallegal servicesrespectively.

4ThePublic Governance, Performance and Accountability (Consequential and Transitional Provisions)Rule2014was made toaddress thechangein terminology usedinthePGPAAct for thepurposeoftheLegal Services Directions 2005(the Directions) so thatreferencesto FMAActandCACAct terminology areto bereadasreferences to PGPA Actterminology.Therefore,agencyobligationsundertheDirections from1July2014are unaltered.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Figure 3:Top spending Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities of 2014–15 as comparedto 2012–13 and 2013–14

Figure 4:Top spending Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities – internallegalservicesexpenditurefor 2014–15

Figure 5:Top spending Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities – externallegalservicesfor 2014–15

CorporateCommonwealth Entities

The totallegal servicesexpenditurereported by CorporateCommonwealth Entities was $75.79m.

In2013–14, theseentities reported$74.92m. The estimatedGST exclusivefigurefor 2012–13is$73.80m.

This totalexpenditure comprisedinternal expenditure of$41.17m (a decrease of$1.17m from2013–14)and externalexpenditureof $34.63m(an increase of $2.05mfrom 2013–14).

Figure6 showsthe total legalservices expenditurefor CorporateCommonwealth Entities from2012–13 to 2014–15, separatedinto internal and externalexpenditure.

Figure 6:CorporateCommonwealthlegalservicesexpenditure 2012–13 to 2014–15

Theoveralltotal legalservices expenditure, as well asthe internal and external expenditure,foreachCorporate CommonwealthEntity,comparedto the 2012–13and 2013–14 reporting periods,is shown inTables6-8 ofAppendix A to this report.

Figure7 showsthe top spending Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesof 2014–15,including comparisonswithexpenditurefromthe 2012–13and 2013–14 reporting periods.

Figures 8 and9 showthe top spending Corporate Commonwealth Entitiesof 2014–15on internal legalservices and external legalservices respectively.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Figure 7:Top spending CorporateCommonwealth Entities 2014–15 as comparedto 2012–13 and 2013–14

Figure 8:Top spending CorporateCommonwealth Entities – internallegalservicesexpenditure 2014–15

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Figure 9:Top spending CorporateCommonwealth Entities – externallegalservicesexpenditure 2014–15


Forthe purposesof reporting totalprofessionaland Counsel fees paidby the Commonwealth, thisreportdoes not distinguishbetween Non-Corporate and CorporateCommonwealth Entities.

Professional feesare fees paid tolegal servicesproviders,excluding Counselfees and disbursements.In2014–15, agenciespaid a total of$261.99m inprofessionalfees tolegal servicesproviders.In2013–14,agencies paid$228.48m. Thereforethere hasbeen an increase of$33.51m in Commonwealthlegal expenditure onprofessionalfees for 2014–15.The top 10 legalservices providersreceivedapproximately84% ofprofessionalfees.

Table1 showsthe distribution of expenditureacross the top 10 legalservices providers,compared tothe2012–13 and2013–14 reporting periods.

Figure10 showsthe distribution for the2014–15 year.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Table 1:Legal serviceprovidersreceivingCommonwealthlegalwork

Legal ServicesProvider / Percentage(%) ofprofessional feesearned2014–15 / Percentage(%) ofprofessional feesearned2013–14 / Percentage(%) ofprofessional feesearned2012–13
Australian GovernmentSolicitor / 38 / 41 / 39
Clayton Utz / 12 / 11 / 14
Ashurst Australia / 6 / 6 / 8
DLAPiper Australia / 5 / 6 / 6
Minter Ellison / 8 / 6 / 6
SparkeHelmore / 6 / 5 / 5
Norton RoseFulbright / 3 / 4 / 3
Corrs ChambersWestgarth / 2 / 3 / 4
Maddocks / 2 / 3 / 3
HWLEbsworthLawyers / 2 / (notin top tenlegalservice providers
2013–14) / (notin top tenlegalservice providers
Other(100+) / 16 / 11 / 11

Figure 10: Legal servicesproviders by percentage of Commonwealthlegalwork 2014–15

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15


In2014–15, agenciespaid a total of$50.15m to Counsel, consisting of 3,663 briefs. In2013–14, agenciespaida total of $48.05mfor 3,812 briefs. Thismeans there was a decrease inthe numberof briefs toCounsel,but an increase in fees paid,in 2014–15.

In2014–15, the averagevalue of abrief to Counsel was approximately $13,692. Bycomparison, theaverage value ofa brief to Counselin 2013–14 wasapproximately$12,600. Therefore,therewas anincrease in thecost perbrief for2014–15.

Direct briefing ofCounsel

Directbriefing ofCounsel iswhere anagency briefs Counsel to provideadvice or appearin proceedingswithoutusing an externallegal servicesprovider.

In2014–15, agenciesreported 2,112directbriefs to Counsel.This is57.66% ofthe total 3,663 reportedbriefs to Counsel.This isa decrease from thepreviousreporting period, inwhich agenciesreportedthatdirectbriefs made up61.70% ofthe total briefsto Counsel.

Figure11 showsthe total number ofdirectbriefs and briefs to Counsel through a legalservicesproviderfor 2014–15,including comparisons from 2012–13and 2013–14.

Figure 11: Directbriefsto Counsel and briefsto Counsel through a legalservicesprovider

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Selection ofCounsel

Paragraph 2 ofAppendix D to the Directionsprovidesthat agenciesareencouraged to briefa broadrange of Counseland, inparticular,women. Further, agenciesareto ensure that arbitrary andprejudicial factors donot operate toexcludefemale Counselbeing engaged,or to limit the range ofCounselbeing consideredfor thebrief.

Ofthe 3,663 briefsto Counsel inthe reporting period, 993(27.11%) were issuedto female Counseland2,670(72.89%) to male Counsel.

Thisis comparable with the2013–14 reporting period, inwhich briefs tofemaleCounsel madeup27.5%(1,047 outof 3,812)of all Commonwealthbriefs to Counsel.

Figure12 showsthe numberof briefs tofemaleand male Counsel, including comparisonsfrom2012–13and 2013–14.

In2014–15, femaleCounsel received$12.12m (24.17%)of the totalvalue of Commonwealth legalworkbriefed to Counsel($50.15m). In2013–14, briefs tofemaleCounsel madeup 23.5%($11.30m outof

$48.05m)of the totalvalue of Commonwealth legalwork briefedto Counsel.

Figures 13 and14 showthe total value of briefsto Counsel bygender, andthe average value ofeachbrief,including comparisons from 2012–13and 2013–14.

In2014–15, the average brief tofemaleCounsel was approximately $12,202, while the average brief tomale Counsel was approximately $14,246.

In2013–14, the average brief tofemaleCounsel was approximately $10,796and the average brief tomale Counsel was approximately $13,287.Therefore,there was an increasefor2014–15.

Figure14 showsthe average value of briefsto Counsel bygender forthose periods.

Figure 12: Number of briefsto Counsel by gender 2012–13 to 2014–15

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Figure 13: Totalvalue of briefsto Counsel by gender 2012–13 to 2014–15

Figure 14: Averagevalue of Commonwealthlegalworkbriefedto Counsel by gender 2012-13 to 2014–15

Pro bono legalservices


Legal servicesproviders appointedto the LSMULarerequired tocommit to atargetforpro bono work,which must beeither theTarget oran alternative agreedtarget.The Targetis a voluntarycommitmentofat least35 hours of probono work per lawyer per annumand a well-accepted benchmarkwithin thelegal servicesindustry.The Targetrepresents theminimum numberof hours of probono legal workthatall lawyers shouldaspire toundertake.The Target wasincorporated into theLSMUL arrangementsof2012. Formoreinformation on theTarget see





Table 2:Pro bono hours per lawyerforreporting periods 2014–15 and 2013–14

Legal ServiceProvider / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2014–15 / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2013–14
Aitken Partners / 3.00 / 3.84
Allen Overy / 15.60 / 22.60
Allens / 51.90 / 56.90
Allygroup / 14.00 / 15.00
Ashurst / 43.00 / 45.30
AtanaskovicHartnell / 0.00 / (noton LSMUL)
Australian BusinessLawyers andAdvisors Pty Ltd / 22.80 / 5.34
Australian GovernmentSolicitor / 24.76 / 22.30
BakerMcKenzie / 26.20 / 35.40
BalzasLazanasWelch LLP / JoinedLSMUL 17/5/2015 / (noton LSMUL)
BankiHaddock Fiora / 33.30 / 27.75
Bartier Perry / 13.50 / 23.00
Beaumont Lawyers / 0.00 / (noton LSMUL)
Bradley AllenLove Lawyers / 23.27 / 26.47
Bruce Thomas Lawyers / 5.00 / 13.00
BT Lawyers / 5.00 / (nofigureprovided)
ChamberlainsLaw Firm / 65.00 / 68.00
Churchand Grace / JoinedLSMUL 27/5/2015 / (noton LSMUL)
Clayton Utz / 48.40 / 49.60
Clifford Chance / 9.50 / 9.15

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Legal ServiceProvider / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2014–15 / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2013–14
Clyde& Co / 3.50 / (noton LSMUL)
ColinBiggersPaisley / 12.60 / 10.16
CooperGraceWard / 8.98 / 10.97
Cornwall Stodart / 38.50 / 38.50
Corrs ChambersWestgarth / 38.00 / 37.00
Craddock Murray Neumann Lawyers / 125.00 / 100.00
Culshaw MillerLawyers / 29.93 / (noton LSMUL)
Curwoods Lawyers / 5.09 / 4.30
Davis FaulknerCo / 36.00 / 37.00
DibbsBarker5 / 4.05 / 14.50
DibbsBarker Canberra / 21.50 / 34.98
DLAPiper / 48.10 / 65.70
DWFoxTucker Lawyers / 7.20 / 9.00
EakinMcCafferyCox / 19.87 / 23.35
FAL Lawyers / 11.00 / 22.16
FCBGroup / 17.50 / 10.50
Finlaysons / 10.70 / 6.50
FisherJeffries / 25.80 / 19.00
FOISolutions / 20.00 / 13.50
ForganLaywers Pty Ltdtrading asHunt& Hunt / 18.30 / 13.50
GadensLaywers Brisbane / 0.45 / 1.30
Gadens Lawyers Melbourne / 7.21 / 21.15
Gadens LawyersSydney / 30.30 / 16.30
Gilbert+ Tobin / 64.13 / 44.11
GraceCooper Ward Lawyers / 8.98 / 10.97
Greenwich Legal / 28.16 / 0.00
GriffinLegal / 26.00 / 26.00
GriffithHack / 11.00 / 11.42
HallWilcox / 5.73 / 8.70
Hamilton Main / 47.50 / 52.00
Harmers WorkplaceLawyers / 66.00 / 128.70
HarrisCarlson Lawyers / 42.14 / 43.75
HenryDavis York / 18.00 / 27.00
HerbertSmith Freehills / 44.30 / 50.46
Hicksons / 14.00 / 5.42

5IntheLegal Services Expenditure Report 2013–14there was an error in reporting concerning DibbsBarkerandDibbsBarker Canberra.
In2013–14the report stated DibbsBarker reported tohave conducted 34.98 hours andDibbsBarker Canberrareported a“noreport”where in fact DibbsBarker performed an average of 14.5 hours andDibbsBarker Canberra 34.98 hours.

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Legal ServiceProvider / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2014–15 / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2013–14
Holding Redlich / 25.30 / 21.00
Holman FenwickWillan / 24.00 / 32.00
HolmanWebb / 5.15 / 8.40
HopgoodGanim / 2.96 / 5.60
HRLegal / Failed toreport / (nofigureprovided)
Hunt& Hunt / 18.30 / 29.10
Hutchinson Legal / 36.00 / 35.00
HWLEbsworthLawyers / 8.01 / 9.50
HynesLegal / 0.00 / (nofigureprovided)
Jackson McDonald / 35.60 / 29.85
Johnson Winter Slattery / 4.30 / 3.40
Jones Day / Failed toreport / 47.40
Justitia Lawyers and Consultants / 37.12 / 64.82
KadenBoriss / Failed toreport / (noton LSMUL)
KellyHazell Quill Lawyers / 6.95 / 10.50
Kemp Strang / 5.70 / 2.00
Kennedys / 28.79 / 13.90
KeypointLaw / 3.00 / (noton LSMUL)
KingWoodMallesons / 40.62 / 38.12
KinsmanLegal / 50.00 / (noton LSMUL)
K&L Gates / 30.83 / 26.09
LanderRogers / 31.60 / 30.00
LavanLegal / 13.22 / (noton LSMUL)
LawLab / 10.00 / 10.00
LehmannSnell Lawyers / 0.00 / Joined30/05/2014
Littles Lawyers / Failed toreport / (nofigureprovided)
Lobban McNallyLawyers / 5.00 / 39.00
Macpherson Kelley Lawyers / Failed toreport / (nofigureprovided)
Maddocks / 32.00 / 24.59
MakinsonD’Apice / 30.80 / (nofigureprovided)
Matthews Folbigg / 38.50 / 39.50
Maurice Blackburn / Didnot reportin therequired format / 103.00
McCullough Robertson / 22.87 / 18.35
McInnesWilson Lawyers / 10.00 / 37.50
Megan Dyson / 42.00 / 30.00
Meridian Lawyers / 0.01 / 5.80
MeyerVandenbergLawyers / 9.21 / 9.81
Mills OakleyLawyers / 23.20 / 15.64

1|Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Legal ServiceProvider / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2014–15 / ProBono Hoursper lawyer 2013–14
Minter Ellison Lawyers / 39.00 / 36.00
Moray Agnew Lawyers / 10.50 / 6.00
MSPLegal / 25.00 / (nofigureprovided)
Norton RoseFulbright / 29.30 / 20.39
O’Loughlins Lawyers / 5.00 / 6.00
Piper Alderman / 11.46 / 7.30
ProximityLegal / 21.95 / 18.30
QuinnEmanuel Trial Lawyers / JoinedLSMUL 12/05/2015 / (noton LSMUL)
RobertsNehmerMcKee Lawyers / 22.00 / 22.00
RodgersBarnes andGreen / 18.05 / 6.67
RostronCarlyleSolicitors / 14.70 / 18.00
Russell Kennedy / 21.00 / 27.00
SageLegal Services / 0.00 / 0.00
SalvosLegal / 1294.25 / 2,302.65
Simpsons Solicitors / 47.00 / 38.00
SparkeHelmore / 29.23 / 13.65
SRBLegal / 0.49 / 12.79
Switch Legal / 12.00 / 29.90
TerriJanke / 140.00 / 160.00
ThomsonGreer / 2.90 / 14.00
TressCox Lawyers / 42.22 / 36.18
TurksLegal / 48.00 / (noton LSMUL)
Webb Henderson / 18.44 / 20.20
WilliamRobertsLawyers / 4.00 / (noton LSMUL)
Wilson/Ryan/Grose Lawyers / 5.20 / 11.30
Wisewould Mahoney / 43.60 / (noton LSMUL)

1 |Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15

Appendix A – Legal servicesexpenditure by agency

Table 3:Total Legal ServicesExpenditure by Non-CorporateCommonwealth Entities

Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entity / 2014–15
$(GST exc) / 2013–14
$(GST exc) / 2012–13
$(GST inc)
Australian TaxationOffice / 81,017,074.78 / 100,508,314.38 / 106,147,281.00
Departmentof Defence / 67,628,700.58 / 66,218,830.10 / 63,514,903.75
Australian Securities and InvestmentsCommission / 61,827,578.98 / 67,348,756.00 / 74,651,634.00
Departmentof Immigration andBorder Protection / 59,166,866.00 / 51,432,549.00 / 46,459,715.00
Australian Competition andConsumerCommission / 35,496,188.64 / 34,050,296.80 / 38,194,003.00
Departmentof Human Services / 35,027,166.27 / 28,932,105.36 / 30,785,627.11
Attorney-General’sDepartment* / 33,086,372.22 / 26,954,915.16 / 13,514,431.64
Departmentof Finance** / 30,154,979.70 / 25,955,393.90 / 27,152,820.34
Australian FederalPolice / 19,290,166.39 / 18,106,950.40 / 16,259,175.31
Departmentof Foreign AffairsandTrade / 19,032,894.58 / 19,415,113.02 / 12,780,087.98
Departmentof Health*** / 17,315,888.84 / 18,564,123.99 / 24,115,171.36
Departmentof Employment / 16,344,932.04 / 11,166,190.62 / (established
Defence MaterielOrganisation / 15,150,859.29 / 14,099,336.89 / 15,956,029.41
Departmentof Environment / 12,127,966.90 / 11,170,696.93 / 11,461,490.18
Office of theFairWork BuildingIndustry Inspectorate / 10,897,047.11 / 6,802,560.19 / 7,413,834.60
Departmentof Infrastructure andRegional Development / 10,644,995.76 / 3,486,076.28 / (established
Departmentof Social Services / 10,225,695.31 / 9,976,486.44 / 12,702,845.15
Departmentof Veterans’ Affairs / 10,044,193.13 / 9,429,665.66 / 9,015,654.00
Office of theFairWorkOmbudsman / 8,201,607.61 / 8,334,799.55 / 8,430,550.04
Departmentof Industry, Innovationand Science / 7,591,718.35 / 9,624,093.24 / (established in
Australian Customs andBorderProtection Service / 7,185,492.66 / 6,339,016.31 / 7,557,778.38
Departmentof Education and Training / 6,634,817.60 / 4,466,200.63 / (established
Departmentof Communications**** / 5,989,191.34 / 4,849,209.76 / 5,224,820.02
Departmentof Prime MinisterandCabinet / 5,929,446.92 / 3,652,403.60 / 778,203.33
Departmentof Agriculture / 4,994,995.50 / 4,746,178.81 / 2,762,450.93

1 |Legal Services ExpenditureReport2014–15