Romeo and Juliet

Creating a Character Profile: Facebook Project

Name: ______Due Date: ______

Directions: You are asked to create a Facebook profile page for a character from

Romeo and Juliet.

What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social networking website that was launched in 2004. The free-access website allows users to connect and interact with other people. Users can also add friends and send them messages. They can also update their personal profile to notify friends about what they are doing.

What does this have to do with my reading?

Like the directions stated, you are asked to create a profile page for the story that you read. The Facebook profile is intended to provide anyone who hasn’t read the story a detailed visual of the story. All you need to do is follow the steps below.

1.  Play Title: Write the name of the play at the top of the Facebook template page.

2.  Character Picture: In the left-hand corner of the Facebook template page, draw a colorful picture about one of your favorite characters from the story that you just read. Below the picture, write the name of the character.

3.  Friends: Think of at least six “friends” that your character would like to “invite” on his/her Facebook page. Please understand that you will need to explain why you chose the friends that you did.

§  Story Friends: Two of your character’s friends will come from the play that you just read. These friends would be other characters from the play. Draw a picture of the characters on the Facebook template page. On another piece of paper explain why each character would be a friend.

§  Family Members: Two of your character’s family members will come from the play. Explain the relationship of each family member to the character.

§  Famous Friend: One of your character’s friends will be someone famous (athlete, actor/ actress, singer, talk show host, etc.). Explain why this character would want to be a friend.

§  Your Friend: One of your character’s friends will be someone that you know. This is someone that you think who would want to be friends with your character. Explain why this person would want to be a friend.

4.  Three Events: Now think of three events from the story that your character would want to share with his/her six “friends”. Write the event name in the Facebook template page. You should also include at least 1 complete sentence about the event. For example, “Heading to the lake… I am going fishing today with grandpa on Upper Long Lake. I’ll let you know how I did later.”

5.  Choice Event: The last thing that you are asked to do is to come up with another event that was not in the story, but would be something that your character would do.