Supplementary Table

Table S1Clinicopathological characteristics at the 2nd RBxofpatients included in the study (n=20) and those excluded from the study due to the lack of clinical data before the 2ndBx (n=16)

Patients included in the study / Patients excluded from the study / P value
Follow-up duration, months, (range) / 170 (126-314) / 154 (120-276) / ns
Age, years, (range) / 43.5 (26–66) / 36 (23–52) / 0.021
Sex, n (men/women) / 12/8 / 6/10 / ns
Mean arterial pressure (mmHg) / 93.5±12.0 / 95.3± 19.4 / ns
Urinary protein excretion, g/day, (range) / 2.0 (1.0–4.3) / 1.5 (1.0–4.0) / ns
Hematuria (Grade, 0–4)a / 2 (0–4) / 2.5 (0–4) / ns
eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) / 51.7 (26.9-83.1) / 40.2 (23.0-95.2) / ns
Glomerulosclerosis, % (range) / 16.7 (0–61.9) / 22.2 (0–53.0) / ns
Tubulointerstitial damage, % (range) / 25 (5–70) / 30 (5–50) / ns
Cellular/fibrocellular crescent formation, % / 0 (0–25.0) / 0 (0–12.0) / ns
Arteriosclerosis score (Grade 0–3)b / 2 (0–3) / 2 (0–3) / ns
Histological grade, n / ns
I / 6 / 5
II / 10 / 7
III / 3 / 3
IV / 1 / 1
Histological grade, n / ns
A/C / 9 / 5
C / 11 / 11

Data are presented as means ± standard deviations, frequencies, and medians with ranges.

aHematuria was graded according to the number of red blood cells (RBC) present in a high-powered microscopic field (HPF) (×400) as follows: grade 0: <5 RBC/HPF; grade 1: 5–9 RBC/HPF; grade 2: 10–29 RBC/HPF; grade 3: 30–49 RBC/HPF; and grade 4: 50 RBC/HPF.

bThe arteriosclerosis score was defined as the percentage of arterioles affected,as follows: grade 0 = 0% affected; grade 1 = 1–25% affected; grade 2 = 26–50% affected; and grade 3 = >50% affected.

RBx renal biopsy, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, RASi renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, A acute, C chronic, IgA immunoglobulin A, ns not significant, ns not significant