Classroom Rules
Mr. Holly’sand Ms. Colters World HistoryClass
- Pen or Pencil!!!!Bring one every day, it’s not that hard!
- History Book- World History “Patterns of Interaction” Book #______
- A spiral notebook (70 page should be fine)
Respect:“If you want to be treated like an adult act like one”!
- Use appropriate language; do not swear at the teacher, your classmates, or in general.
- Do not for any reason make hurtful or derogatory comments towards the teacher, your classmates, or in general.
- No lying. If you choose not to do your work, at least choose to be honest about it. No paper eating dogs, blue screens of death, saying it got deleted to make room for I-tunes, or asking if you can text it to me.
- Understand if you violate these rules the word “please” will be proceeded by “go out in the hall, be prepared to serve a detention after school”.
- Stay seated in “YOUR” seat until the bell rings, unless otherwise instructed.
- The entire school is an extension of the classroom, please treat it as such.
- Participation is vital to your success. You will receive participation points for activities and overall participation during the marking period.
Be On Time:
- If you are late I will sign your planner. Quietly move to your seat and begin your bell work. If you have a pass kindly hand it to me and I will make sure you are marked accordingly.
Dress Code:
- Coats go in your locker and hoods and hats belong off your head. Purses and bags go on the ground or in a wire basket if your chair is equipped.
- Any violations of the schools dress code will be handled by asking you to change or writing you a pass to the office.
- If you think something might violate the dress code, don’t wear it.
- Beverages are allowed. However, they must have a re-sealable top.
- The moment Mr. Holly/Ms.Colter has to start picking up bottles, beverage privileges go bye-bye.
- Passes are in limited supply so bring your planner.
Cell Phones and Other Electronics:
- NO CELL PHONES EVER!!!! If I see them I will tell you to put them away. If I have to ask you again you will call mom or dad after class to explain why it was so important to have your phone out.
- No texting or B.B.M-ing! Don’t try to be slick, if I see it you lose it.
- No I-Pods. I don’t want to see them or I’ll take them away.
- This class isweighted 80% Summative and 20% Formative when determining the final grade.Your grades are comprised of homework, exams and project grades.
- I will grade quizzes, tests, and homework as quickly as possible. Yet like the building of Rome it won’t all be done in a day.
- Late work will not be excepted after we have completed the chapter. All late work is subject to reduced points (You may receive up to half credit).
- It is your responsibility to make up any lost/missed work. Absent work is posted in the classroom.
- Make up and/or re-takes will be a different version than the original test. They will more than likely contain a lot of essays (Requirements for retakes will be determined prior to each test).
- These rules count twice:15 points for showing me your signature along with your parent or guardian’s and 10 extra credit points for turning them in at the end of the semester.
- During World History Semester One we will be covering the following chapters:
5, World Religions (Parts of Ch. 3, 6, 10) 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, and 20
The following grading scale will be used:
93 - 100 = A 76 – 73 = C
89 – 92 = A- 72 – 69 = C-
87 – 88 = B+67 – 68 = D+
83– 86 = B 63 – 66 = D
79– 82 = B- 62 – 58 = D-
77 – 78 = C+ 57.5% or Below = E
NEVER PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN IN CLASS! I want to see your shining faces not the top of your head.
By signing this I agree to honor these classroom rules, and the consequences associated with breaking them.
Student Name:______Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian:______Signature: ______