Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.As a result of Franklin Roosevelt's withdrawal from the London Economic Conference

a. / inflation in the United States was reduced.
b. / the United States was voted out of the League of Nations.
c. / tensions rose between the United States and Britain.
d. / the United States began to pull out of the Depression.
e. / the trend toward extreme nationalism was strengthened.

____2.In promising to grant the Philippines independence, the United States was motivated by

a. / treaty obligations.
b. / doubts about the islands' potential profitability.
c. / the view that the islands were militarily indefensible.
d. / the realization that the islands were economic liabilities.
e. / regrets over their imperialistic takeover in 1898.

____3.Franklin Roosevelt embarked on the Good Neighbor policy in part because

a. / there was a rising tide of anti-Americanism in Latin America.
b. / Congress had repealed the Monroe Doctrine.
c. / he feared the spread of communism in the region.
d. / the policy was part of the neutrality stance taken by the United States.
e. / he was eager to enlist Latin American allies to defend the Western Hemisphere against dictators.

____4.President Franklin Roosevelt's foreign-trade policy

a. / lowered tariffs to increase trade.
b. / encouraged trade only with Latin America.
c. / continued the policy that had persisted since the Civil War.
d. / was reversed only after World War II.
e. / sought protection for key U.S. industries.

____5.Throughout most of the 1930s, the American people responded to the aggressive actions of Germany, Italy, and Japan by

a. / assisting their victims with military aid.
b. / giving only economic help to the targets of aggression.
c. / beginning to build up their military forces.
d. / demanding an oil embargo on all warring nations.
e. / retreating further into isolationism.

____6.Fascist aggression in the 1930s included Mussolini's invasion of ____, Hitler's invasion of ____, and Franco's overthrow of the republican government of ____.

a. / Egypt; France; Poland
b. / Albania; Italy; Austria
c. / Ethiopia; Czechoslovakia; Spain
d. / Belgium; the Soviet Union; France
e. / Ethiopia; Norway; Portugal

____7.Passage of the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 by the United States resulted in all of the following except

a. / abandonment of the traditional policy of freedom of the seas.
b. / a decline in the navy and other armed forces.
c. / making no distinction between aggressors and victims.
d. / spurring aggressors along their path of conquest.
e. / balancing the scales between dictators and U.S. allies by trading with neither.

____8.From 1925 to 1940, the transition of American policy on arms sales to warring nations followed this sequence

a. / embargo to lend-lease to cash-and-carry.
b. / cash-and-carry to lend-lease to embargo.
c. / lend-lease to cash-and-carry to embargo.
d. / embargo to cash-and-carry to lend-lease.
e. / lend-lease to embargo to cash-and-carry.

____9.Regarding the Spanish Civil War, ____ Americans tended to support Francisco Franco's rebels, while ____ provided active support to the Spanish Republican government.

a. / southern; Democrats
b. / Roman Catholic; the Abraham Lincoln brigade
c. / Communist; Charles Lindbergh
d. / pro-business; labor unions
e. / isolationist; the Committee to Aid American by Defending the Allies

____10.Franklin Roosevelt's sensational Quarantine Speech in 1937 resulted in

a. / a belief in Europe that America would stop fascist aggression.
b. / a wave of protest by isolationists.
c. / support from both Democratic and Republican leaders.
d. / a slowing of Japanese aggression in China.
e. / a modification of the Neutrality Acts.

____11.Shortly after Adolf Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union

a. / Britain and France signed a similar agreement.
b. / the Soviets attacked China.
c. / Germany invaded Poland and started World War II.
d. / Italy signed a similar agreement with the Soviets.
e. / the Germans invaded Finland.

____12.One of the few successful wartime American efforts to save Jews from perishing in the Holocaust came when

a. / Americans helped some German and Austrian Jews seek refugee in neutral Sweden and Switzerland.
b. / American Zionist organizations helped Romanian Jews escape to Israel.
c. / the U.S. Air Force bombed the rail lines leading to Auschwitz.
d. / American agents enabled French Jews to escape across the Pyrenees into Spain.
e. / Franklin Roosevelt's War Refugee Board helped some Hungarian Jews escape.

____13.The 1941 lend-lease program was all of the following except

a. / a focus of intense debate between internationalists and isolationists.
b. / a direct challenge to the Axis dictators.
c. / the point when all pretense of American neutrality was abandoned.
d. / the catalyst that caused American factories to prepare for all-out war production.
e. / another privately arranged executive deal, like the destroyers-for-bases trade.

____14.Compared to Roosevelt's two previous Republican opponents, Herbert Hoover and Alfred Landon, his 1940 opponent Wendell Willkie

a. / represented the traditional upper-class Eastern establishment of the Republican party.
b. / emphasized his sharp opposition to Roosevelt's foreign policy, not to the New Deal.
c. / enjoyed stronger support from the conservative base of the Republican party.
d. / was more politically experienced and knowledgable about the issues.
e. / ran a strong race on a positive, reformist platform.

____15.By 1941, Japan believed that it had no alternative to war with the United States because Franklin Roosevelt absolutely insisted that Japan

a. / withdraw from the Dutch East Indies.
b. / withdraw from China.
c. / renew its trade with America.
d. / break its treaty of nonaggression with Germany.
e. / stop attempting to become a dominant Pacific naval power.

____16.On the eve of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, a large majority of Americans

a. / were beginning to question the increased aid given to Britain.
b. / still wanted to keep the United States out of war.
c. / accepted the idea that America would enter the war.
d. / did not oppose Japan's conquests in East Asia.
e. / were ready to fight Germany but not Japan.

____17.Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Munich Conference, (B) German invasion of Poland, and (C) Hitler-Stalin nonaggression treaty.

a. / A, C, B
b. / B, C, A
c. / C, B, A
d. / C, A, B
e. / A, B, C

____18.Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) fall of France, (B) Atlantic Conference, and (C) Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union.

a. / B, A, C
b. / A, B, C
c. / C, B, A
d. / A, C, B
e. / C, A, B

____19.The fundamental strategic decision of World War II made by President Roosevelt and the British at the very beginning of the war was to

a. / plan for a second front in Western Europe as soon as possible.
b. / force Italy out of the war first by attacking the soft underbelly of Europe.
c. / arouse the American people to an idealistic crusade of the same sort that Woodrow Wilson had so effectively used in World War I.
d. / concentrate first on the war in Europe and to place the Pacific war against Japan on the back burner.
e. / fight an equally vigorous naval war against Japan and a land war against Germany and Italy.

____20.In sharp contrast to World War I, during World War II, the United States was

a. / ready to use conscription if necessary to raise an army.
b. / forced to sacrifice civilian economic well-being for the military effort.
c. / weakened by constant isolationist criticism of the war effort.
d. / nearly unanimous in support of the war.
e. / actually invaded by enemy forces.

____21.Overall, most ethnic groups in the United States during World War II

a. / were further assimilated into American society.
b. / were not allowed to serve in the military.
c. / had their patriotism questioned as in World War I.
d. / cast their vote for Republican candidates opposed to the war.
e. / served in ethnically distinct military units.

____22.Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps during World War II

a. / due to numerous acts of sabotage.
b. / in retaliation for the placement of Americans in concentration camps by the Japanese.
c. / as a result of anti-Japanese prejudice and fear.
d. / because many were loyal to Japan.
e. / All of these

____23.The minority group most adversely affected by Washington's wartime policies was

a. / German Americans.
b. / blacks.
c. / Japanese Americans.
d. / American communists.
e. / Italian Americans.

____24.Despite the demands of the wartime economy, inflation was kept well in check during the war by

a. / directing production to whatever goods were in most demand.
b. / prosecuting war profiteers and black marketers who tried to earn windfall profits.
c. / permitting large numbers of illegal migrants to enter the work force.
d. / sharply constricting the flow of credit from the Federal Reserve Board.
e. / federally imposed wage and price controls.

____25.During World War II, the United States government commissioned the production of synthetic ____ in order to offset the loss of access to prewar supplies in East Asia.

a. / textiles
b. / rubber
c. / tin
d. / fuels
e. / plastics

____26.Match each of the wartime agencies below with its correct function:

A. / War Production Board / 1. / assigned priorities with respect to the use of raw materials and transportation facilities
B. / Office of Price Administration / 2. / controlled inflation by rationing essential goods
C. / National War Labor Board / 3. / imposed ceilings on wage increases
D. / Fair Employment Practices Commission / 4. / saw to it that no hiring discrimination practices were used against blacks seeking employment in war industries
a. / A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
b. / A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
c. / A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
d. / A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
e. / A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3

____27.While most American workers were strongly committed to the war effort, wartime production was disrupted by strikes led by the

a. / Teamsters.
b. / Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.
c. / Longshoremen's International Union.
d. / United Mine Workers.
e. / Industrial Workers of the World.

____28.During World War II

a. / there were no strikes by any unions.
b. / unions actively combated racial discrimination.
c. / farm production declined.
d. / for security reasons, the braceroprogram with Mexico was temporarily halted.
e. / labor unions substantially increased their membership.

____29.The employment of more than six million women in American industry during World War II led to

a. / equal pay for men and women.
b. / a greater percentage of American women in war industries than anywhere else in the world.
c. / the establishment of day-care centers by the government.
d. / a reduction in employment for black males.
e. / a strong desire of most women to work for wages.

____30.The main reason the majority of women war workers left the labor force at the end of World War II was

a. / union demands.
b. / employer demands that they quit.
c. / male discrimination on the job.
d. / government requirements to hire veterans.
e. / family obligations.

____31.African Americans did all of the following during World War II except

a. / fight in integrated combat units.
b. / rally behind the slogan "Double V" (victory over dictators abroad and racism at home).
c. / move north and west in large numbers.
d. / form a militant organization called the Congress of Racial Equality.
e. / serve in the Army Air Corps.

____32.The greatest consequence of World War II for American race relations was

a. / the tensions in wartime factories between blacks and whites.
b. / the integration of the armed forces.
c. / African Americans' experience of more positive European racial attitudes.
d. / the massive migration of African Americans from the rural South to northern and western cities.
e. / the Atlantic Charter declaring that the war was being fought for democracy and freedom.

____33.During World War II, most Americans economically experienced

a. / serious hardships due to rationing of essential goods.
b. / prosperity and a doubling of personal income.
c. / a continuing struggle to find employment.
d. / growing class conflict between the wealthy and the working class.
e. / prosperity in the cities but disastrous conditions on farms and in small towns.

____34.The northward migration of African Americans accelerated after World War II because

a. / the southern system of sharecropping was declared illegal.
b. / Latinos had replaced blacks in the workforce.
c. / mechanical cotton pickers came into use.
d. / northern cities repealed segregation laws.
e. / the South made it clear that they were not wanted.

____35.During World War II, American Indians

a. / demanded that President Roosevelt end discrimination in defense industries.
b. / rarely enlisted in the armed forces.
c. / moved south to replace African American laborers.
d. / moved off reservations in large numbers.
e. / promoted recovery of tribal languages.

____36.By the end of World War II, the heart of the United States' African American community had shifted to

a. / Florida and the Carolinas.
b. / southern cities.
c. / the Pacific Northwest.
d. / Midwestern small towns.
e. / northern and western cities.

____37.The national debt increased most during

a. / Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.
b. / Herbert Hoover's administration.
c. / World War II.
d. / World War I.
e. / the 1920s.

____38.Most of the money raised to finance World War II came through

a. / tariff collections.
b. / excise taxes on luxury goods.
c. / raising income taxes.
d. / voluntary contributions.
e. / borrowing.

____39.The tide of Japanese conquest in the Pacific was turned following the Battle of

a. / Leyte Gulf.
b. / Bataan and Corregidor.
c. / the Coral Sea.
d. / Midway.
e. / Guadalcanal.

____40.In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of

a. / heavy bombing from Chinese air bases.
b. / invading Japanese strongholds in Southeast Asia.
c. / fortifying China by transporting supplies from India over the Himalayan hump.
d. / island hopping across the South Pacific while bypassing Japanese strongholds.
e. / turning the Japanese flanks in New Guinea and Alaska.

____41.The American conquest of ____ in 1944 was especially critical, because from there, U.S. aircraft could conduct round-trip bombing raids on the Japanese home islands.

a. / Guadalcanal
b. / Wake Island
c. / New Guinea
d. / Okinawa
e. / Guam

____42.Until spring 1943, perhaps Hitler's greatest opportunities of defeating Britain and winning the war was

a. / the possibility of a successful invasion across the English Channel.
b. / that German U-boat would destroy Allied shipping.
c. / the defeatism of pro-fascist elements within upper-class British society.
d. / that General Rommel would conquer Egypt and the Suez Canal.
e. / that the American-British-Soviet alliance would collapse.

____43.Arrange these wartime conferences in chronological order: (A) Potsdam, (B) Casablanca, and (C) Teheran.

a. / A, B, C
b. / C, B, A
c. / B, C, A
d. / B, A, C
e. / A, C, B

____44.Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) V-J Day, (B) V-E Day, (C) D Day, and (D) Invasion of Italy.

a. / D, C, B, A
b. / A, C, B, D
c. / B, D, A, C
d. / C, A, D, B
e. / A, D, B, C

____45.The real impact of the Italian front on World War II may have been that it

a. / delayed the D-Day invasion and allowed the Soviet Union to advance further into Eastern Europe.
b. / prevented the rise of fascism or communism in Italy after the war.
c. / enabled the Americans to appease both British and Soviet strategic demands.
d. / enabled the United States to prevent Austria and Greece from falling into Soviet hands.
e. / destroyed the monastery of Monte Cassino and other Italian artistic treasures.

____46.The cross-channel invasion of Normandy to open a second front in Europe was commanded by General

a. / George Patton.
b. / Dwight Eisenhower.
c. / Douglas MacArthur.
d. / Bernard Montgomery.
e. / Omar Bradley.

____47.Hitler's last-ditch attempt to achieve a victory against the Americans and British came in

a. / the Battle of the Bulge.
b. / the Battle of the Rhineland.
c. / the attempt to assassinate Churchill and Roosevelt.
d. / an attempt to arrange a negotiated peace with Stalin.
e. / the final U-boat campaign against the American navy.

____48.The Potsdam conference

a. / determined the fate of Eastern Europe.
b. / brought France and China in as part of the Big Five.
c. / concluded that the Soviet Union would enter the war in the Pacific.
d. / was Franklin Roosevelt's last meeting with Churchill and Stalin.
e. / issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or be destroyed.

____49.The spending of enormous sums on the original atomic bomb project was spurred by the belief that

a. / a nuclear weapon was the only way to win the war.
b. / the Germans might acquire such a weapon first.
c. / the Japanese were at work on an atomic bomb project of their own.
d. / scientists like Albert Einstein might be lost to the war effort.
e. / the American public would not tolerate the casualties that would result from a land invasion of Japan.

____50.Which of the following was not among the qualities of the American participation in World War II?

a. / A group of highly effective military and political leaders
b. / An enormously effective effort in producing weapons and supplies
c. / A higher percentage of military casualties than any other Allied nation
d. / The preservation of the American homeland against invasion or destruction from the air
e. / The maintenance and reaffirmation of the strength of American democracy


Present arguments for and against the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Had it been your decision, what would you have done? Why?

In terms of defending America's national interests, which do you think was the most critical front in World War II, the European theater or the Pacific? Why?

In what ways did the United States emerge from World War II fundamentally changed? Consider national power, economic health, race, and gender relations.