
Tetty Herawaty, Arianis Chan, Herwan Abdul Muhyi

Business Administration Department,

Faculty of Social and Political Science,

Universitas Padjadjaran


Since the last 5 (five) years, Padjadjaran University has become the most popular university in Indonesia. This is one indication that shows Universitas Padjadjaran as the most favorite university in Indonesia. The success of course canot be achieved in a short time, many things have been done by Unpad to become a college that has a good reputation. The consequence that must be faced is that Unpad must continue to maintain it’s achievement and continue to gain new achievement in the future.

The research method used in this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is an unstructured explorative research methodology based on a small sample intended to provide insight and understanding of the problem situation (Malhotra, 2009: 42). The informants in this study are university leaders who understand the vision and mission of the university and corporate brand strategy, students as consumers and society consisting of parents, senior students of high school and teachers of Career Guidance in high school. To ensure the validity of data , researchers used triangulation technique.

The results showed that the elements of corporate brand and positive responses and behavior of the community towards the University of Padjadjaran showed a corporate brand that is able to support this university towards the achievement of the vision and mission of the university in 2026. This began to be demonstrated by the achievement of various academic and non academic achievements which was obtained by Universitas Padjadjaran.

Keywords: Corporate Brand, Vision, Padjadjaran University


Each institution establishes vision as a long-term goal and as a direction of the organization in carrying out all activities. Unpad with the status of State University Legal Entity has a vision to become a state university that excelled in the year 2026. Currently Unpad has entered in 2017 – 2026 period where Unpad enter in the stage of University strategy regional competitiveness. To face the nation's competition and partnership with other nations in the era of globalization, Unpad needs to increase competitiveness and partner power. In addition, Unpad requires the ability of academic management to realize the tri dharma of an autonomous university and has the freedom of pulpit and academic culture. (Renstra UNPAD 2012 -2016)

The current marketing strategies that are usually applied in big companies can now also be applied to public companies and even universities, especially Padjadjaran University which has shifted to the form of State University of Legal Entity, it is time to apply branding strategy for its institution, making UNPAD brand become reputable brand high. Universities are said to be good and reputable if it has been able to have a good reputation in the eyes of students as consumers and society and the world of work.

Various achievements have been achieved by the University of Padjadjaran starting from the achievement of an accredited institution rank A (very good) based on SK BAN PT, lecturer achievement, and student achievement as well as various achievements in the form of acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights such as copyright, patent and brand. In addition, over the last few years UNPAD has published many of its lecturers' research results in national journals and international journals. This achievement is not enough to make UNPAD become the best university in Indonesia, there are many other things needed to build the brand UNPAD in order to achieve the vision of 2026.

The purpose of this research is to know: Implementation of Corporate Branding UNPAD in achieving Unpad Vision 2026. The problem formulation is how the implementation of Corporate Branding Padjadjaran University in achieving VISION UNPAD in 2026.


In a study conducted by Souiden, Kassim and Hong (2006: 1), a corporate brand can add value to product wisdom and connect a company brand with a product brand that can benefit the company and with the product itself because the corporate brand combines vision, culture and value - values ​​with systems and networks in the company thus creating a unique value of the company. Corporate Branding by David A. Aaker (2004: 264) is the highest level technically containing or involving a brand. For legal reasons, corporate brands are usually featured on a piece of packaging product. Companies typically use existing brands in launching their new products in other categories.

According to David A. Aaker (2004: 264-270), corporate brand elements consist of: First, Heritage: one brand, especially struggling brands, can benefit from returning to their "roots" and identify what makes them special and successful in the first place. Second, the Assets and Capabilities of a company leads to market perceptions of asset ownership and capabilities affecting that ability to deliver innovative products and value to the consumer. Third, People within the organization, especially companies that have a role in service components, provide the foundation of corporate brand image. If they include appearances, attract the attention of the consumer , then Fourth, Values ​​and Priorities which means the most important thing of the company is value and priority. Here are some important values ​​and priorities because they are very often seen as driving the corporate brand. namely: (a) innovation (b) Perceived Quality and (c) Concern For Customer. Fifth, Local vs. Global Orientation, striving to connect tangible and intangible ways to the local environment and customers. Global-oriented is to have global visibility, aspiration and reach-has some potential advantages. Sixth, Citizenship: Creating Good Company Vibes, the corporate citizenship dimension of the corporate brand can be refined if it can package and "brands" programs. Seventh, Corporate Perfomance and Size which means that the perception of a successful product expansion can make it more likely that further expansion will work

Measuring Corporate Branding

In research conducted Souiden, Kassim and Hong (2006: 6-9) formulated several important factors that can affect consumer product evaluation.

1.  Corporate Recognition / Familiarity

In Souiden et al. (2006: 6), quoted from Kowalcykand and Michael (2002: 2) describes corporate recognition / familiarity measure how far the consumer knows the corporate brand and its influence on the evaluation of products made by consumers

2.  Corporate Image

In Souiden et al. (2006: 6) quoted from Barich and Kotler (1991: 2) said the corporate image describes the impression and public image of the company.

3.  Corporate Reputation

In Souiden et al. (2006: 7) cited from Balmer (1998: 971) explained that corporate reputation with respect to perceptions important attributes of the company where focused on what has been done company and the behavior of the company.

4.  Corporate Loyalty / Commitment

In Souiden et al. (2006: 8) citing from Bhattacharya, et al (2003) that corporate loyalty / commitment is the level of customer loyalty to the company.

Based on the information that the author has stated and supported by the existing theory, the effectiveness of corporate branding UNPAD in achieving the Vision 2026 systematically can be described in Figure 2.1 as follows:

Figure 2.1 Model Framework for Thinking

Source: Adapted from Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award Model (Eddy, 2010: 416)


The research method used in this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is an unstructured explorative research methodology based on a small sample intended to provide insight and understanding of the problem situation (Malhotra, 2009: 42). The research design used by researchers is a qualitative explorative. Explorative research is a type of research design with the main objective of obtaining a general picture and understanding the problem situation faced by researchers (Malhotra, 2009: 89).

While the type of research used by the researcher is a type of case study where it does not have characteristics like water (spread on the surface), but concentrates on one particular unit of various phenomena, (Burhan, 2010: 68). Informants in this study are: First, the assumed university leader to know and understand the vision and mission and corporate brand university both in terms of strategy and application. Second, are students as consumers or users of education services from the university. The third is the student's parents as the party who plays a role with the students in determining the university's choice. Fourth is senior students of high school students as potential users. Fifth is the teachers of Career Guidance as an education counselor in high school.

To facilitate the collection of primary data, the author mapped the theory as a research guide into a more operational concept. In this study the authors set one variable to be observed and analyzed as follows.

Table 3.1 Concept of Operalization

Concept / Elements / The Elements Researched / Data Source / Instrument
Corporate Branding
Add value to the wisdom of the product and connect the company brand with a product brand that can benefit the company and with the product itself.
(Souiden, Kassim dan Hong, 2006) / Heritage / ·  History of UNPAD
·  Value added for the brand / Internal UNPAD / Observation, Document Study, In-depth Interview
Assets and Capabilities / ·  Assets of UNPAD
·  Ability of UNPAD
People / ·  Employee ability
Values and Priorities / ·  The Value Provided
·  UNPAD Priorities
Local vs. Global Orientation / ·  Corporate orientation
·  Manfaat Benefits gain
Citizenship / ·  Corporate Social Responsibility
Perfomance / ·  Product Expansion
·  Consumer service program
·  Financial performance
Corporate Recognition/Familiarity / ·  Brand Name
·  Brand Logo
·  Types of services / Students and Society
Corporate Image / ·  Communication efficiency
·  Perception of quality
·  Consumer evaluation of satisfaction
·  Consumer behaviour
Corporate Reputation / ·  Degree of trust
·  Consumer knowledge
·  Consumer support
Corporate Loyalty/Commitment / ·  Consumer loyalty
·  Consumer commitment

To maintain the quality and objectivity of the results of the study, the researchers conducted a test of data validity. Qualitative data or findings are valid if there is no difference between the researcher and what actually happened to the object under study. the validity test in the qualitative data is called the credibility test. Sugiyono (2011: 270-276) suggests that various ways of testing the credibility, how to test the credibility used by researchers are: Enhancement Persistence and Triangulation


Corporate brand today is not only to be built by a commercial company alone but all institutions both private and government-owned must be able to build a superior brand. This is one reflection of the success or growth of the organization. Not to mention this phenomenon also occurred in the world of higher education in Indonesia.

Padjadjaran University (Unpad) is one of the best state universities in Indonesia. Unpad has 16 faculties (5 soshum faculties and 11 faculties of science and technology) and 1 graduate school and has 171 courses. To capture the prospective students, Unpad opened 3 lines of Unpad entrance selection, the first, through the National Selection of State University Entrance (SNMPTN), the second through the Joint Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN).

Currently, various marketing strategies implemented by large companies can also be applied to educational institutions, especially Unpad that has the status of Higher Education Legal Entity (PTN BH).

Elements of Corporate Brand Padjadjaran University

The author will describe the elements of corporate brand which consists of: heritage, asset and capabilities, people, values ​​and periorities, local and global orientation, citizenship and performance


Heritage in corporate branding is the history and legacy of a company to strengthen its products. Selection of the name "Padjadjaran" used is taken from the name of the Sunda kingdom, the Kingdom of Padjadjaran, led by King Prabu Siliwangi or King Dewantaprana Sri Baduga Maharaja in Pakuan Padjadjaran (1473-1513 AD). Unpad was established on the initiative of West Java community leaders who wanted a college where young West Java youth received higher education to prepare leaders in the future. After going through a series of processes, on September 11, 1957 Unpad was formally established through Government Regulation no. 37 In 1957, and inaugurated by President Soekarno on September 24, 1957. At the beginning of the establishment Unpad has only 4 (four) faculties, namely Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. The great name of the king used as the name of the university and the great name of Soekarno who inaugurated the University of Padjadjaran become more separate values ​​for this University. Based on the author's search for senior students of high school and teachers of Career Guidance (BK), it turns out they know very well the name of the university and the figure who inaugurated the University of Padjadjaran.

Assets and Capabilites

University of Padjadjaran as a State University of Legal Entity (PTN BH) has the assets and ability to mobilize all its organizational activities in accordance with the tri dharma of higher education ie education and teaching, research and development and community service. To manage the assets, a special team was formed under the name of the Asset Segregation Team of Universitas Padjadjaran in accordance with the Rector's Decree No. 1119 / UN6.RKT / KP / 2016 on Asset Division Asset Management of the State University of Padjadjaran Legal Entity.

The main asset owned by Unpad is the campus building itself. Unpad has campus spread in several areas in West Java, such as Jatinangor campus (Sumendang) with a land area of ​​1.779.380 m2, Dipatiukur campus (Bandung) with a land area of ​​260,082 m2, Arjasari campus which is an extensive Research, Training and Agricultural Development Studio land 2,064,490 m2. Apart from the three campuses there are also several campuses scattered in several locations in the city of Bandung.

Based on the responses of the interviewed students, the assets of the university become one of their own pride. Extensive campus with good facilities according to the parents, high school students and high school teachers become one of the attractions that make strong interest to choose Padjadjaran University as a place of college.


Organizational activity is closely related to human role in it. Unpad has many elements of human resources (HR) that run all the activities of the organization in it. These elements are students, lecturers, professors, employees, and other human resources elements that contribute to run the activities of Unpad organizations.