AN-NajahN.UniversityPhone (00972)(9)(2343493)

NablusFax (00972)(9)(2376065)


Maher I . Abubaker


Personal Information:

Marital Status: Married


Date of Birth: 18-10-1967

Place of Birth:Nablus – West –Bank- Palestine

Summary of Qualifications:

1997-2000:MBA (Master of Business Administration / Accounting Info. Systems)

An-NajahN.University Nablus, Palestine

1985-1991B.Sc. Full Major Computer Science

( Placed on deans honor list )

Al-QudsUniversity, College of Science & Technology

Abu-Deis , Jerusalem, Palestine


July 2008:Technology Entrepreneurship – Theory to Practice

Intel Higher Education Program

LesterCenter for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

University of California, Berkeley


Professional experience:

2004- till nowChairman of Management Information Systems Department

An-NajahN.University Nablus, Palestine

Faculty of Information Technology

Management Information Systems Department (MIS)

2003 -2004Instructor atManagement Information Systems Department

An-NajahN.University Nablus, Palestine

Faculty of Information Technology

Management Information Systems Department (MIS)

Teaching the following Courses:

*Introduction to Management Information Systems

*Organizational Development & behavior

*Operations management

*Operation research

*Database application

*IT business management

*Information Resource Management

*Business Data communication

*Software Quality Assurance

1997-2002Instructor at the computer Science Department

An-NajahN.University / Community College Nablus, Palestine

*Supervisor of Programming & Data Basses Department

*Member of community college development committee

*Member of An-Najah college council

*Preparing handouts for several courses in IT.

*Supervising & monitoring field training course for the community college.

Teaching the following Courses

*Management Information Systems.

*Accounting Information Systems.

*Computer Business Programming

*Computer Business Application

*Data Base Management and Application

*Business Internetworking

*Programming Languages (Visual Basic, V. C++,C/C++, PL/SQL….etc)

1995-1996 Supervisor of Computer Lab

An-Najah N. University/ Faculty of Science Nablus, Palestine

*Supervisor of computer science laboratory

*Network administrator

*Instructor for the computer programming languages

1991-1994System analysis and Design / Programming

Hadi Soft Company Nablus, Palestine

*System analysis and design

*Programmer / Database designer / Application Developer

*Hardware, Software, and Network Configuration & installation (Unix, Windows, Novell Netware)

Since 2001Part Time Instructor

Al-Quds Open UniversityNablus,Palestine

*Teaching Management Information Systems Course

Patents and publication

Several software application were developed to the local Market to meet the needs of intermediate and small companies in West- Bank and Gaza.

List of the Software applications:

*Accounting information systems( Al-Zamil ) inventory management, Production management, payroll and personal management.

*Auditing Information system( Al-Mudakek) providing many tasks needed by auditors such as error free detailed information about their customer’s accounting systems, credits & debts, receipts and mony files, and tax services.

* Hotel Management System,

* Bus Station Management system

* Library Management system

Additional professional activates :

Offering Computer & Information Technology training courses to the Palestine society (Individuals , Private, and Public Organizations), which were coordinated by the center of studies and consultation and technical services of An-najah N. University

Trainer for the following courses:

*Ms-Windows operating system

*Microsoft office

*Microsoft Access (Database Management systems)

*MS-project (Project management)

*SPSS & WinQSB+ (StatisticsOperation Research SW Application)

*Database Design using Oracle 6i,9i (SQL PLUS , PL/SQL, Developer 2000, 10G)

Computer Network work:

-Network HW & SW Solutions , installation and Configuration

-Network InfrastructureCapacityPlanning

-Web Design (ASP, JSP)

IT Planning and Management

Systems development projects Consultant , system analyst and system designer, member of the teamwork of building the health information system project for PNA (Ministry of Health)

Additional Activities

* Member of a steering committee for establishing IT Incubator at An-Najah N.

University and PPU, sponsored by QIF ( Quality Improvement Fund ) Projects.

* Administrative member for union of teachers and employees of

university and private institutes/ An-NajahN.University.

Languages:Arabic Language (My Native Language)

English Language (Second Language)


*Prof Maher Al-Natsheh

Vice President for academic affairs


*Dr. Nafez Abu Baker

Dean of Economics & Administration Sciences.


*Dr. Naser Tibi, Professor at the Industrial engineering Department , MBA Program, An-Najah . University.