Fellow Registrars,

I hope that July holds some vacation time for you to travel or relax. Several MCR staff have just come back from a working trip to Portland, Oregon for the annual NAACCR meeting. We gathered lots of good ideas and shared with other states what we do well. Two of our posters won prizes! I wish we could have brought some of that Pacific NW rain back to hot, dry Missouri!


Database Conversions

MCR plans to convert Web Plus to NAACCR version 12.2 in July. We will send a blast email to announce the actual dates that it will be down for conversion. After conversion we will announce the effective date for accepting v12.2.

If you have not converted your database, now would be a good time to send us any 2011 or earlier cases that are ready! You will still be able to send unconverted files to us after our conversion. You will need to convert before sending us any 2012 cases.

If you have already converted, please hold any 2012 cases and cases abstracted in NAACCR v12.2 until after our upgrade.

Live Meeting - Death Clearance Followback

It’s that time of year again! Death Clearance Follow-Back! Before we get into the process come join our Live Meeting on July 11 at 10:00am. During this presentation you will get to see the results of your follow-back and how it has an impact on cancer data. We also will present helpful hints that will make the process of completing our follow-back requests easier and more efficient. Contact Fred at to register.

On August 8, Nancy Rold will present the Live Meeting: Tips for Using CSv2.04

MCR Manual

The MCR Manual for 2012 is posted on our website at:

Save the Date

Save the Date - Mercy Hospital St. Louis will be hostingthe BiSTRA Fall meetingThursday, November 8th. Edie Vallo suggests that this should count as a Regional meeting in compliance with CoC accreditation standard 1.11.


News from NAACCR Annual Meeting

This meeting is an interesting exchange between standard setters and central registries. The mix of registrars and epidemiologists adds a whole new perspective compared to the NCRA meeting. This year, there was lots of discussion about Collaborative Staging. There is a move, on several fronts, to review Site Specific Factors. Existing SSFs may be pruned. Proposed new SSFs will be scrutinized. Is it useful? available? standardized? Does the benefit outweigh the burden of collecting it? Will the data be complete enough in our databases to allow research use? The various work groups involved are open to suggestions from you, the users, on how to best simplify SSF collection. Submit your improvement ideas anonymously at:

CS Typo

Thanks to Louanne for uncovering a typo in Note 2 of SSF1 (WHO Grade) for Brain/CNS schemas. The note refers to a table in the AJCC 7th edition and should be listed as Table 56.3. This typo will be fixed in the next CS version.

Cancer in North America (CINA) 2005-2009

For those who love or need data for comparison, the latest CINA publication is available at: out the Missouri sections – this is your data consolidated and compiled!

American Cancer Society Fact & Figures on Cancer Treatment and Survivorship


New Drug Regimen for Lymphomas

Targeted Therapies for Advanced BRAF-mutated Melanoma

“Super Herceptin” (T-DM1) Excels in HER2 Breast Cancer Trial

Research in Vaccine Therapy for Cancer is Paying Off

Hodgkin Survivors may Face Higher Breast Cancer Risk

Increasing Lung Cancer Death Rates Among Young Women in Southern and Midwestern States

Happy Summer! Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers.

Nancy H. Rold, CTR

QA Unit Supervisor

Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center