Report of the preliminary investigation carried out by the Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance) (or nominee) under the provisions of Appendix III, UPR AS14:

Student Name:Click here to enter text.
SRN:Click here to enter text.
Home/EU ☐International
School:Click here to enter text.
Programme Title:Click here to enter text.
Level:0 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐
Module Title(s) and Code(s):
<please provide the full module code e.g. 4LAW0033-0906
Click here to enter text.
Assessment Details:
<include the nature of the assessment and the no. of credits/total percentage for module>
Click here to enter text.
Suspected Offence:
<insert details of the allegation(s) made against the student: the nature of the offence must be made explicit e.g. cheating, plagiarism, collusion>
Click here to enter text.
If proven, the alleged offence is in contravention of the following University regulations:
e.g.version 06.0, Appendix III, UPR AS14 ‘Assessment Offences’
version 03.0, UPR SA13, ‘Student Discipline’
version 04.0, UPR RE01, ‘Studies Involving the Use of Human Participants’
Preliminary Investigation:
<insert details of the steps that have been taken to investigate this matter fully and appropriately, supporting evidence must be clearly identified;
include a copy of the record of any meeting/viva voce;
please advise if the student has admitted to/refutes the allegation(s)/has not responded>
Click here to enter text.
(NOTE: details of any previous assessment offence(s) should be submitted to the Student Procedures Co-ordinator before a Hearing of a Student Academic Misconduct Panel. The Panel will take this information into account if a disciplinary penalty is issued. The Case Officer should bring a copy of the Student File to the Hearing.)
<provide details of any known mitigating circumstances, if applicable>
Click here to enter text.
Signed: ……………………………………………
Click here to enter text. <insert name>
Click here to enter text. <Associate Dean of School (Academic Quality Assurance) (or nominee)>
Click here to enter text.<insert date>