Coat of Arms

Dear Friends,

To understand the Coat of Arms is one way to know our new Auxiliary Bishop Michael. (In due time we will learn his preference, Michael or Mike.) A formal name for Coat of Arms is episcopal heraldic achievement.

The top piece is the pontifical hat called a galero with six tassels, three on either side. Form the galero to the motto below is a processional cross. An oval (cartouche) shaped shield is divided in to four parts by an X called a saltire. The open book in the top part represents the Sacred Scriptures, the left part with towel and basin is a sign of baptism, the double wings represent the Archangel Michael and the small cross a separating the letters N and D stand for Notre Dame. Bishop Michael served at Notre Dame Parish for two decades and is an alum of Notre Dame University. His motto is Wisdom, Faith, and Discernment.

Each of the symbols reveals the fundamental values of our new Auxiliary. To take possession means he begins to exercise his responsibilities. On June 10 he will be giving Confirmation here at Holy Rosary.

Escudo de armas

Queridos amigos,

Comprender el Escudo de Armas es una manera de conocer a nuestro Nuevo Obispo Auxiliar Michael. (A su debido tiempo aprenderemos su preferencial, Michael o Mike.) Un nombre formal para el Escudo de Armas es el logro heráldico episcopal.

La pieza superior es el sombrero pontificio llamado galero con seis borlas, tres a cada lado. Del galero al lema abajo hay una cruz procesional. Un escudo ovalado (cartucho) se divide en cuatro partes por una X llamada salitre. El libro abierto en la parte superior representa la Sagrada Escritura, la parte izquierda con toalla y la cuenca es un signo de bautismo, las alas dobles representan el Arcángel Miguel y la pequeña cruz que separa las letras N y D representan a Notre Dame. El obispo Michael sirvió en la parroquia de Notre Dame durante dos décadas y es alum de la universidad de Notre Dame. Su lema es Sabiduría, Fe y Discernimiento.

Cada uno de los símbolos revela los valores fundamentales de nuestro nuevo auxiliar. Tomar posesión significa comenzar a ejercer sus responsabilidades. El 10 de junio dará la Confirmación aquí en Santa Rosario.


Penance Service: Thursday, April 6 at 7:00 pm


Confessions will be held on Tuesday, March 28 and April 4 and 11 from 7pm to 8pm and every Saturday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.

Way of the Cross every Friday at 7pm


Holy Thursday (April 13): Mass of Our Lord’s Supper will be held at 7:00 pm

Good Friday (April 14: Passion of the Lord will be held at 3:00 pm in English

Holy Saturday (April 15: Easter Vigil Mass will be held at 8:00 pm

Easter Sunday (April 16): Masses for the Resurrection of the Lord will be held at 9:00 am in Spanish and at 12:00 pm in English

Holy Rosary Fiesta 2017 Medal: The cost of these medals is $10.00 each. If you are interested in buying 1 or 2, please come by the Church Office during office hours.

ATTENTION HOLY ROSARY LECTORS – Several times Jesus took his disciples to an out of way place for quiet time, teaching, and renewing their spirits. With this in mind, we inviting all lectors/readers to come to a morning of renewal on Saturday, April 1 starting at 9am, right after the First Saturday Mass at 8am. Laura Brill from the Archdiocesan Office for Parish Life will be here to lead us in reflecting on what it means to be a “proclaimer of the Word” and review some basics of being a Lector. We also invite all others to come and find out what being a Lector might be about, even if you cannot participate in this ministry at this time. It will be from 9am to 10:30am. We also invite everyone to join us at the First Saturday Mass at 8am in the Church.

OYSTER BAKE We need volunteers for Friday, April 21 from 4pm to 11pm and Saturday, April 22 from 9:30am to 12am. Volunteer parking shifts are 3 to 4 hours long. If you are willing to volunteer for these hours, please pick up (“I Want to Volunteer”) a form which are on the tables in the Church, fill it out and return as soon as possible.

ATTENTION PARISHIONERS! The subscription for “Living With Christ” is almost ending, there is only a few more months to receive this issue. NOW is the time to renew your subscription! Renewals and New orders must be in and paid no later than April 21, 2017. Continue enjoying the benefits of “Living With Christ” everyday, for the low price of$20.00 for 12 issues – 1 year subscription. This opportunity is open to anyone who would like to





March / April 2017

This Week’s Calendar

SUNDAY, March 26 - 4th Sunday of Lent

10:30am RCIA CR

10:30am Religious Education Classes SA

10:30am Family Faith Formation Classes R-14

MONDAY, March 27

7:00pm Ultreya R-14

7:00pm Adult Confirmation Class L

TUESDAY, March 28

10:00am Bible Study CR

6:30pm Divine Mercy Chaplet CH

7:00pm Adult Confirmation Class L

7:00pm Confessions C

7:00pm God’s Girls CR

7:30pm Voices of Holy Rosary Choir Practice C


10:00am Small Christian Community L

THURSDAY, March 30

6:00pm Legion of Mary CR

7:00pm Men’s ACTS Retreat Team Mtg. #12 R-8

FRIDAY, March 31

7:00pm Way of the Cross

(lead by Youth Group/RE Confirmation class) C


8:00am First Saturday Mass C

9:00am Lector Workshop C

9:00am Sendero Santa Maria Group Mtg. CR

SUNDAY, April 2 - 5th Sunday of Lent

10:30am RCIA CR

10:30am Religious Education Classes SA

10:30am Family Faith Formation Classes R-14

(Continue from: ATTENTION PARISHIONERS!) continue or begin a new subscription. Order forms are located in the vestibule of the Church. Return the order form with your payment to the Church Office or enclose your order form with your payment in an envelope MARKED “Living With Christ” and drop it in the collection basket during one of our Masses.

SCRIPTURE REFLECTIONS: After reflecting on today’s Scripture readings, consider how you would answer the following questions:

1.  How often do looks lure you away from substance: in people, in purchases, and in values?

2.  We hide behind gender roles and stereotypes, within group identities and others’ expectations. Who are we really, and how do we actively pledge our allegiance to that child of God?

3.  What obstacles to true sight in your generation have you had to overcome so far?

Children’s Corner Jesus healing the Blind