Egyptian Amulets



  • Aesthetic Valuing4.1 Construct and describe plausible interpretations of what they perceive in works of art.


  • Written and Oral English Language Conventions1.1: Use simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences; use effective coordination and subordination of ideas to express complete thoughts.


  • World History and Geography 6.2: Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Egypt.


Students will be able to identify three types of amulets and the purpose each served, students will then create their own amulets creating a form and meaning they can individually identify with, and provide a written explanation of what their unique symbol is, the purpose its serves and why they chose this image.


  • Amulet PowerPoint
  • Blank paper
  • Colored pencils/pens/markers/crayons


INTIATE:(Engage, activate prior knowledge, review)

  • Initiate a class discussion, or pair share activity: Who has anything lucky? Like a lucky necklace or shirt. Do you have anything that you carry with you or ware that you believe is special, something that can help you win a game, or do well on a test?....Allow time for response.
  • Brief written warm up: At the top of your paper write what you would you call these objects, and purpose they serve. If you don’t have any personal lucky items write about one you have heard about during the class discussion.
  • Segue into lesson: Just like many people in this class, the Egyptians had special objects that they believed were lucky, these items were called amulets and served many different purposes.

INSTRUCT -Modeled and Shared Learning: (Vocabulary development, active involvement)

  • Utilizing the PowerPoint display vocabulary terms
  • Have students write down the terms, but leave room to draw a little picture
  • Discuss the definition of amulet, and ask them how it resembles the description of their lucky object.
  • Continue PowerPoint, show images of the three Egyptian amulets
  • Have students draw the images of the amulets by the correct definitions

Guided Practice: (Group, individual feedback, questions, check for understanding)

  • Discuss presented material, check for understanding
  • Pair – share: Ask students to tell their partner what they would use an amulet for and what it would look like.
  • Call on various students and ask what their partner had said.

Independent Practice: (Practice in new context)

  • Based on the pair-share discussion have student draw, and color in their own amulet.
  • Next to the amulet have students write down:
  • What it is call
  • The purpose it serves
  • Why they chose this particular image
  • How it relates to the amulets made by the Egyptians

INSPECT AND REFLECT: (Self-assessment, whole class review, reflection, evaluation)

  • Ask for volunteers to share their own amulet or their partner’s with the class.