Civil War Differentiated

Goal: Student projects will show what impact the selected topic had on the Civil War.

Task: Students will select topic(s) and a project. They will complete the project showing the impact the selected topic had on the Civil War by following all the guidelines of the project selected.

Topics: Students must select 1 (or more) of the following topics related to the Civil War

  1. Weapons and Technology used in the Civil War
  2. Camp Life as a Soldier
  3. War Heroes and/or War Leaders
  4. Battles
  5. Medical Care/Civil War Hospitals
  6. Women’s Role in the War
  7. Black Soldiers in the War
  8. Native Americans in the War
  9. Photography during the Civil War
  10. Other- You propose a topic to us related to the Civil War. Must be approved before work begins

Project: Brief Overview (detailed overview on separate project directions)

1)Newspaper- Create newspaper articles reporting on at least 2 topics for each person working on newspaper (max 2 students)

2)Skit- Create skit showing role of topic on Civil War (3-4 students)

3)Newscast- Create newscast reporting on topic(s) (3-4 students)

4)Music Video- Recorded or live performance in which lyrics describe selected topic. (1-3 students)

5)PowerPoint/Prezi- Create presentation over 1 topic/student including pictures, points of view, and key information (1 student)

6)Poster- Student creates poster with picture and key info from topic.


7)Research Paper- Typed 2 page double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman research paper on selected topic with sources cited. (1 student)

8)Social Media- Create Facebook/Twitter…etc. that includes 5 pictures and 20 posts/tweets (1 student)

9)Other- You propose a project to us with the same goals of showing how the topic relates to the Revolutionary War. Must be approved before work begins. (1-4 students)