August 14, 2015

Road and Bridge Room

Saguache, Colorado

Present: Cam Benton, Mark Swart, Shannon Fike, Lynne Thompson

Tess Beneduce by phone.

Shannon did not bring minutes from last meeting, so board cannot approve.

Board signed paperwork for Shannon to be able to write checks from Aventa Credit Union Acct.

Discussion regarding AAI Fiscal Sponsorship:

Lynne has been writing checks in the interim for AAI purchases.

Shannon informed us of a debit card Megan Strauss has been using (The board was not aware of that and did not recall ever approving that)

AAI has found another fiscal agent so ScSEED will no longer have that role.

Cam questioned if we got reimbursed for any admin work we have done on AAI.

So after much discussion it seems the Board was not aware of the debit card and not clear as to where the grant money is coming from. It seems we have been using a transfer from ScSEED’s acct and a check for $5000 will be coming from Mountain Valley School for reimbursement to ScSEED. Shannon is still a little confused as to the details of this sponsorship but will get clarification before next meeting.

Shannon will be submitting paperwork to Aventa CU today. As of today Lynne will not be writing any more checks but will keep the checkbook for future use if need arises.

Tess: Went over Saguache Hotel project and workshops. Hew felt the hotel is a potentially good project but wants to know how this evolved and what exactly would our involvement be. Maybe find an economic development group to help with this project.

Shannon: Expressed idea of a hostel, rather than a hotel, and a possible home base (office) for ScSEED

As the Board gets more information, we will have more discussions.

Roundtable: Hew asked what exactly is our role with them and are we getting credit for our role.

Wild and Scenic File Fest: Cam informed us that Scott Alexander (owner of Cozy Castle Theatre) would like his theatre to participate in the film fest. We all agreed we could have two venues for this project in downtown Saguache and will be formatting this project in that way.

Crestone Energy Fair: Shannon has communicated with Nick Chambers and Donovan.

At this point there was much discussion as to the importance of ScSEED “Branding” our projects. It is vital we get our logo on all projects and events we sponsor, and that has not been done.

Also we need to concentrate our goals on helping people make a profit and not helping non-profit groups.

We want our goals to be economic developmentally driven. As Cam pointed out, tourism is just waiting to be tapped into in Saguache County and we need to attract all the traffic that drives through Saguache. Hew suggested future projects should be centered around job creation and to help provide possible connections for financing.

We discussed having a “job board” on ScSEED’s website and Facebook page after Mark shared with us the benefits of the Crestonian Page in Crestone

Hew met with Jason Anderson, Saguache County Commissioner, and we need to set up a work session with the BOCC. We need to align our goals and projects with the new county strategic plan.


Tess applied for a Coors Grant in July for funding for operating funds.

Tess will be re-sending her invoices to Shannon and cc to the Board, so she can get paid.

(She originally sent them to Lynne)

The Board at this time decided that any invoices of $500 or more has to approved by the Board

Motion by Hew, 2nd by Cam, all in favor.

Motion to approve Julie’s last invoice by Lynne, 2nd by Mark, all in favor.

Mark suggested paying Julie a little more if she has to meet with Shannon some more. Shannon feels another meeting is not necessary, but will let us know if that occurs so we can approve further payment to Julie.


SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 @ 9AM

Road and Bridge Meeting Room, Saguache CO

For a while we will try and meet on the second Friday of each month.

Meeting adjourned.