Project Management PlanSHARE Upgrade

June 18, 2012Department of Information Technology

Document Change Information

Version / Rev # / Date / Author / Description
0001 / 000 / 08/05/09 / Mentzer / First Draft
0002 / 000 / 08-14-09 / Mentzer / Second Draft
0002 / 001 / 08-18-09 / Mentzer / Small changes
0003 / 000 / 03-07-11 / Mentzer / For TARC Review
0004 / 000 / 06-18-12 / Prihoda / Replatforming Revisions


Project Management PlanSHARE Upgrade

June 18, 2012Department of Information Technology

Table of Contents

1Project Overview


1.2Current State

1.3Future State


2.1Business Objectives

2.2Technical Objectives

2.3Project Deliverables

2.4Product Deliverables

2.5Work Breakdown Structure


3.1Technical Strategy

3.2Success Factors

3.3Logistics and Resources

3.4Methods, Tools, and Techniques

4Project Organization

4.1Stakeholders and Sponsors

4.2Project Team

4.3Organizational Structure

4.4Organizational Boundaries, Interfaces, and Responsibilities





5.1Management Objectives and Priorities




5.5Project Time Line

5.6Project Libraries

5.7Staff Planning and Acquisition

5.8Product and Process Quality Assurance

5.9Risk Management

5.10Configuration Management

5.11Communications Management

5.12Procurement Management

5.13Budget Management

5.14Budget and Resource Allocation




Project Management PlanSHARE Upgrade

June 18, 2012Department of Information Technology

Project Management Plan

1Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to establish a Disaster Recovery System for the SHARE Environment. Due to the age of the current hardware environment and the advancements in System Clustering and Grid Control technologies, the Architecture Team worked toward developing an architecture that addressed many identified needs and goals. Through recent system assessment activities we have identified many challenges and areas of needed improvement.

Goals of the Project

  • System Portability (to meet Disaster Recovery requirements)
  • High Availability
  • Fault Tolerance
  • Redundant
  • Highly Secure
  • Adequate Bandwidth
  • Processes Supporting Design and Deployment
  • Flexible - Scalable
  • Expandable
  • Documented
  • Reduce Complexity
  • Improve Network Management Administration
  • New Network Design
  • System Management tools to manage the environment
  • Negligible failover time
  • Introduction

This Project Management Plan has been established to set forth the guidelines, deliverables and methods to be used in supporting the customer requirements for upgrading the SHARE system. This plan will be reviewed at completion to insure that the methodologies and procedures are kept current. Version numbering as described later in the document will be followed.


While the SHARE system is currently operating in a production and development environment, the hardware is reaching the end of its effective life cycle. Additionally, there is no disaster recovery system available in the current environment.


The goal is to upgrade the hardware, operating systems, management software, and upgrade Oracle data base from 10G RAC to 11G RAC including the development of a disaster recovery environment.


This section will outline the justification, objectives, deliverables, and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the SHARE Upgrade project.

2.1Business Objectives

Number / Description
1. / Meet disaster recovery and business continuity requirements
2. / Provide a system that is highly available.
3. / Replace aging hardware
4. / Improve Network Design and Security

2.2Technical Objectives

Number / Description
1. / Install new hardware and operating system platform that will support the PeopleSoft Application and data base. Perform all recommended tasks of testing and securing (hardening) the new the hardware and operating system.
2. / Upgrade Oracle Data base from 10G RAC to 11G RAC
3. / Implement Oracle grid control
4. / Implement System clustering using Oracle Enterprise Linux, Oracle VM, and VM Ware

2.3Project Deliverables

Project Charter / Defines project authority, governance and lays the foundation for elements to be addressed in the Project Plan.
Project Plan / A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines.
Work Break Down Structure (WBS) / Defines the components of the projects.
Risk Matrix / Risk matrix that defines the risk event, the probability, and an assessment. The risk matrix will also identify any Risk Mitigation, Contingency, and Backout procedures.
Go/No Go Criteria / Criteria that will be established to drive any go/no go decisions that need to be made. All criteria must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Steering Committee.

2.4Product Deliverables

The following chart outlines the Product Deliverables:

New systems hardware architecture platform (servers and network hardware)
Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) system management software with Grid Control
Disaster Recovery capabilities with Oracle Data Guard replication software
One 7 node production and development environments
One 2 node disaster recovery environment
One 2 node technical sandbox environment
New Network design supporting the above identified environments
Testing and Compliance Services
Testing related to the upgrade of system and network hardware, operating system software, management tools and data base upgrades.
Testing related to OEM Grid Control and clustering services
Testing related to move from Oracle 10g to 11g database
System Documentation
On site training and shadowing in the use of OEM Grid Control Product Suite

2.5Work Breakdown Structure

See Attachment “A”


3.1Technical Strategy

The following table outlines the technical strategy that will be used to accomplish the tasks required.

Number / Description
1. / Using best practices, install new hardware and operating system platform that will support the PeopleSoft Application and data base. Perform all recommended tasks of hardening, testing and securing the new hardware and operating system.
2. / Upgrade Oracle Data base from 10G RAC to 11G RAC
3. / Implement Oracle grid control
4. / Implement System clustering using Oracle Enterprise Linux, Oracle VM, and VM Ware
5. / Install and secure newly designed network to meet the requirements of the new system architecture.
6. / Training; Oracle will provide a 10 day training session for technical staff.

3.2Success Factors

Supportable Model

  • Supportable Data Management
  • Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)
  • Archiving Data
  • Tiered data
  • Masking of data
  • Reduce Complexity
  • Improve up-time
  • Version Management
  • Baseline and metrics
  • Ongoing tuning processes
  • Oracle 11G
  • Tiered Firewall
  • N-Tier Architecture
  • Development Access
  • Production Access
  • Management Access
  • Monitoring – Alerting – Trending
  • Overall improved and enhanced system management
  • Cost effective Linux Environments
  • Logging, improved system reporting
  • Negligible failover time
  • Logistics and Resources

Supplies and equipment will be required and funded via normal appropriations. Each organization will supply their staff person with a desk area, phone, voice mail, email, access to the Internet and other equipment needed to perform their work on the project.

The only travel expected is by vendor personnel. The cost of their travel is included in the negotiated contracts.

3.4Methods, Tools, and Techniques

Members of the project teams will perform their task in the manner prescribed by the documented processes and procedures.

4Project Organization

This section shows the relationships among the major functions and activities, the structure, boundaries, and delineates responsibilities.

4.1Stakeholders and Sponsors

The following table shows the stakeholders and sponsors by area and function:

Function/Activity / Position / Individual(s)
Executive Sponsor / DoIT - Cabinet Secretary / Darryl Ackley
Steering Committee Member / DoIT - Deputy Secretary / Jacqueline Miller
Steering Committee Member / DoIT - SHARE System Manager / David Holmes

4.2Project Team

The following tables show the State team assignments:

Management Team

Team / Labor Category / Name
Project Management / Project Manager / John Prihoda
Operations / Operations Lead / George Robinson
Infrastructure / Director, DoIT Enterprise Services / John Padilla
Applications Support / Team Lead / Bruce Walker
Time/Labor/Payroll Support / Team Lead / Audrey Liddy
Functional Testing / Team Lead / Tobi Andrade
Help Desk Support / DoIT Support Services Manager / Dorenda Morse
Business Continuity / Team Leader / Mary Anaya

Technical Team

Name / Area of Expertise / Organization
Audrey Liddy / Payroll, T&L / DFA
George Robinson / Operations / DFA
Don Gleason / Security / DFA
Karla Fernandez / Security / DFA
Gary Long / Operations / DoIT
Vin Kelly / Security, Network Administration / DoIT
Fernando Mondala / Oracle DB Administration / DoIT
Bryan Emery / Oracle DB Administration / DoIT
Henry Brown / AIX Administration / DoIT
Neal Perrone / Windows/Citrix Administration / DoIT
Angela Martinez / Windows/Citrix Administration / DFA

Infrastructure Team

Name / Area of Expertise / Organization
Henry Brown / AIX and Linux / DoIT
Neil Perrone / Windows / DoIT
Chris Rodriquez / Storage and F5 / DoIT
Bill York / Storage / DoIT
Chris Hancock / F5 / DoIT

Software Support Team

Name / Area of Expertise / Organization
Maritza Snyder / Technical – TimeLabor,HR,MISC / DoIT
Ben Bowles / Technical – Benefits,HR,MISC / DoIT
Gary Graves / Technical – Benefits,Interfaces,MISC / DoIT
Audrey Liddy / Functional – TimeLabor Lead / DFA

Time & Labor – Payroll Support Team

Name / Area of Expertise / Organization
Audrey Liddy / Functional Payroll / DFA
Mike Vaisa / Functional Payroll / DFA

Help Desk Team

Name / Area of Expertise / Organization
Dorenda Morse / Enterprise Support Desk Supervisor / DoIT

Business Continuity Team

Name / Area of Expertise / Organization
Mary Anaya / Risks and Issues / Business Continuity

4.3Organizational Structure

The governance structure of the SHARE Upgrade teamcan be found at Attachment B.

4.4Organizational Boundaries, Interfaces, and Responsibilities

The key interface between the organizations is between the Project Manager from the DoIT, the Project Managers from Oracle and the assigned Team Leaders/ managers. The primary methods utilized will be the Status Report/Briefing, adhoc meetings, electronic mail, and phone conversations. Interaction may occur directly between the technical components of all teams. However, overall task direction can only come from the Project Manager. Final decisions will be made at the Steering Committee level.


The Project Schedules will be stored in the Shared/Project Files/New SHARE Architecture Upgrade – Disaster Recovery/Schedule directory. Individual schedules will be updated by their respective owners on an as required basis.


There will be a vendor hosted training on site for identified technical support staff. The training will be focused on the OEM Grid Control Suite of Tools and what will be required to manage the new environment.


Project documentation falls into one of the following categories:

Documentation as defined in Section 2.4

Test Results Reports

Transmittal information (memos, letters, receipts, etc.)

Project guidance (processes, procedures, etc.)

All of these will be under some level of identified CM control as identified in the next section.


This section identifies the goals and procedures used by management for the SHARE Upgrade project.

5.1Management Objectives and Priorities

The overall goal is to provide support services to the SHARE Upgrade project in the five areas defined by the contract. The priority for the project team is to achieve a stable hardware and software environment.


The following table is a list of assumptions for the SHARE Upgrade project:

Item / Description
1 / Participation from all parties involved.
2 / Controls will be put in place for adequate tracking and reporting.
3 / The DoIT will have established a Disaster Recovery Site.


The following table is a list of constraints for the SHARE Upgrade project:

Item / Description
1 / Deliverables, terms and conditions as described in the contract with Oracle.
2 / Maintain uninterrupted services to all State Agencies.
3 / Delivery of appropriate storage to complete on schedule.


The following table is a list of dependencies for the SHARE Upgrade project:

Item / Description
1 / Additional funding required for the network/load balancing hardware. Due to system design, we added additional hardware to meet requirements on new architecture.
2 / Location of State Disaster Recovery site is identified
3 / Department of Information Technology’s disaster recovery and business continuity project


Project Management PlanSHARE Upgrade

June 18, 2012Department of Information Technology

5.5Project Time Line



Project Management PlanSHARE Upgrade

June 18, 2012Department of Information Technology

5.6Project Libraries

Due to the limits on the network configurations and availability that are a result of a dispersed team, each team will be responsible for establishing a common area for storing project related items.

Project Management items will be stored sub-directories under the following directory:

IT Shared/Project Files/New SHARE Architecture Upgrade – Disaster Recovery

5.7Staff Planning and Acquisition

Personnel will be assigned by their parent organizations to the project. As additional resource requirements are identified, the Project Manager will work with the Executive Steering Committee and senior agency management to identify individuals with the necessary skills to augment the team.

5.8Product and Process Quality Assurance

Product and Process Quality Assurance falls into two categories. The first is Quality Control which encompasses the physical quality of the products. This is provided by a series of product checks done by various levels of reviews and test. The level of review will be determined by the level of risk of errors. The second category is Quality Assurance which is monitored and measured by an independent validation that work is being performed according to documented processes and procedures.


Reviews will be performed on a variety of levels. The following describe the major reviews performed.

Project Management Plan

This plan will be reviewed by theNew SHARE Architecture Upgrade-DR project management team, and placed under Configuration Management (CM) Control in accordance with the documented processes and procedures set forth for the project.


Depending on the teams focus, the team will develop and maintain a schedule for their area. Individual schedules will be under CM Control in accordance with the documented processes. The schedule will be reviewed with the Project Manager and forwarded to the Project Manager for inclusion into one overall schedule.


Milestone reviews will be conducted as identified and annotated on the schedules.

Senior Management

Senior management reviews will be performed as scheduled in the form of an Executive Steering Committee briefing. Items reviewed will include

  • Scheduled performance and milestones
  • Budget
  • Contracts
  • Risks & Issues
  • Escalated Incidents


Functional testing will be performed by the State of New Mexico in accordance with the standard testing and acceptance procedures.

The SONM will provide personnel to perform the Acceptance Test needed prior to implementation. Since the SONM has neither a Test and Evaluation Section nor an established Acceptance Test testbed, the personnel assigned will use the scripts as a guide to work through the testing process.

Quality Assurance:

Quality Assurance audits of processes and procedures will be scheduled with the QA Section. All discrepancies found will be brought to the attention of the Project Manager. The individual assigned to the QA function will report directly to the Director, Project Oversight and Compliance Division for all SQA activities. Deviation Resolution and Escalation will be performed in accordance with established procedures.

5.9Risk Management

The SHARE Upgrade management team and the Business Continuity team reviews project risk on a regular basis. Any member of the teams or the stakeholders can identify potential risks to the Project Manager. Risks are prioritized based on the potential likelihood of occurrence and/or severity of the impact on the project. These risks are entered into, and/or updated, in Risk Log stored in the Log sub-directory. When the probability of a risk warrants, or in the event becomes real, a specific issue is entered into the SHARE Risk and Issue log and is included as part of the discussions with the Executive Steering Committee during the briefings. These risk and issues are also subject to discussion during the team meetings. Effective communications and adherence to guidelines will be essential elements in mitigating identified risks.

5.10Configuration Management

Configuration Management (CM) is the process of organizing and managing changes to components. Effective CM helps members of a team retrieve and build versions in a consistent and repeatable manner. Version control is the process of managing and maintaining multiple revisions of the same file. All discrepancies found will be brought to the attention of the SHARE Upgrade Project Manager

CM will be exercised through all phases of this project. Versioning of documents and files will be performed. Libraries will be established, as previously defined, for the Configuration Controlled Items (CCI). The library will:

  • Support multiple levels of configuration items
  • Provide for the sharing and transfer of information between groups
  • Provide for the storage and recovery of archive versions
  • Provide for the storage, update, and retrieval of CM records

The following work products are designated as Configuration Items:

Category / Configuration Item / CM Mgr.
Plans / Project Management Plan / Project Manager
Schedules / Overall Schedule
Documentation Development / Documentation PM
Infrastructure / Infrastructure TL
Software Support / Software Support TL
Memos / Various / author

When modifying a document, such as the Project Schedule, the new version will be named adding “Vx” on the end, where x is equal to the next higher version number.

5.11Communications Management

The primary communication methods that will be used to control the project are the Status Report and periodic team meetings.

Each team leader assigned to the SHARE Upgrade project team will submit a weekly progress report to the Project Managerby noon each Friday. These reports will be reviewed and consolidated along with other project data by the PM into a Status Report and presented to the Executive Steering Committee as scheduled. Additionally, the reports will be used to update the Project Plan.

The SHARE Upgrade management staff meetings will normally be conducted weekly to review the Project Plan, results/findings that occurred during the week, and to discuss a variety of topics including direction and problem areas. During periods of low activity, a team meeting may be postponed; however, there shall be a meeting at least once per month. An agenda will be provided in accordance with the Meetings Methodology process. A copy of the Meeting Agenda form can be found at Attachment B.