4.6Logical framework of humanitarian action plan
Strategic Objective / Corresponding cluster objectives (abbreviated) / Key indicators with targetsPRIORITY SECTORS: Health; Food Security and Agriculture; Nutrition; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; CCCM; Protection; Education
1. Protect the affected population, particularly vulnerable individuals and groups, building on existing mechanisms. / Health /
- Ensure access to essential health services, including mental health and psycho-social support and RH services.
- Essential drugs are replenished in up to 80% of targeted barangay health stations.
- Mobile health services provided to up to 80% of target communities without existing health facilities..
- Up to 80% of targeted barangay health stations that have been damaged are rehabilitated.
Food Security and Agriculture /
- Ensure adequate food consumption.
- >90% households have food consumption score of >42.
- Increase food production among resettled and returnee households to restore food security.
- 100% of targeted farmers, who are returnees, receive agriculture inputs in time for the designated cropping season.
Nutrition /
- Ensure access of children under five and PLW in affected communities to micronutrients from fortified food, supplements or multiple micronutrient preparations.
- >90% of children under five received at least two sachets of micronutrient powders.
- >90% of PLW received micronutrient supplements to meet daily requirements.
- Establish and maintain access of all affected or vulnerable municipalities to appropriate and comprehensive management of acute malnutrition for children under five.
- Cure rate >75%, death rate <5% (<3% in supplementary feeding), default rate <15%.
- >50% CMAM programme coverage in rural areas.
- >70% CMAM programme coverage in urban areas.
- >90% CMAM programme coverage in evacuation camps.
- >80% of children screened with acute malnutrition are admitted into the programme.
- Ensure access to essential WASH services, including in schools and rural health units
- 80% of IDPs and returnees have access to an adequate supply of safe water.
- 80% of IDPs and returnees have access to toilet facilities.
- 80% of IDPs have access to bathing facilities in evacuation centres.
- 80% of households receive a family hygiene kit.
- 100% of families of children with acute malnutrition receives a hygiene kit, water kit and ORS.
- Provide conflict- and natural disaster-affected families with emergency shelter and NFI support.
- 40,000 affected households receive emergency shelter and NFI kits.
Protection /
- Provide essential protection services in IDP sites and return areas to all children, women and other vulnerable groups, including people with special needs.
- Standardized protection monitoring system is in place in six regions.
- Strengthen mechanisms and build the capacities of LGUs and communities on protection and response, including abuse, exploitation and trafficking of children during emergencies.
- Community-based child protection networks established in selected areas (target being established).
- Psycho-social support provided through CFSs and youth clubs (target being established).
- Respond to and prevent cases of grave child rights violations in situations of armed conflict.
- No. of reported cases that are responded to (target being established).
Education /
- Provide access to quality ECCD and Basic Education through regular and alternative delivery modes, Education in Emergencies or ECCD.
- 80% of children covered are equipped with survival, development and learning skills and referred to education service providers.
- 150 TLS constructed and provided with learning materials and equipped with facilities.
- 70% of teachers and volunteers in covered areas are trained on EiEs.
2. Support the Government in responding to emergencies to reduce vulnerability of the affected population, based on assessed needs / Health /
- Strengthen disease surveillance in emergencies.
- 100% of suspected outbreaks investigated within 48 hours of detection.
Nutrition /
- Support appropriate IYCF practices, including early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding from birth to six months, and appropriate complementary feeding practices from six months beyond, among mothers, PLW, and fathers by ensuring access to appropriate counselling support.
- >90% of lactating mothers in evacuation centres or affected areas avail of the safe havens for breastfeeding.
- Provide timely, updated data on nutritional status of the affected population and vulnerable groups, including prevalence of malnutrition, underlying causes of malnutrition and other contextual factors.
- 80% of children under five screened using MUAC.
- Conduct needs assessments in all IDP sites and return communities and disseminate the results humanitarian and other stakeholders.
- 100% of IDP sites and return areas assessed and needs communicated to the MHT.
- Support the Government and local communities to respond and recover from emergencies through assisting with hygiene promotion programmes.
- 80% of households has access to a hygiene promotion programme.
Coordination /
- Strengthen coordination to support delivery of humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable.
- Monthly humanitarian situation updates published to support operational needs and enhance situational understanding.
3. Support the return to normality of affected populations, particularly livelihood opportunities, and strengthen the capacity of the local government and communities to do so. / CCCM /
- Improve the overall situation in IDP sites and conflict- and flood-affected communities by establishing site management mechanisms and rehabilitate communal facilities.
- Camp management committees established and communal facilities rehabilitated in up to 74 IDP sites and priority return communities.
ER /
- Promote and support sustainable non-agri livelihood initiatives for families in target priority sites.
- 10,000 disaster-affected families in target priority sites provided with livelihood support.
Education /
- Strengthen child rights and protective mechanism in learning institutions.
- Learning institutions in four identified municipalities declared as “Zones of Peace”.
Food Security and Agriculture /
- Support the re-establishment of livelihood and food and nutrition security by improving access to assets.
- >50% of communities assisted improve their ‘community assets score’, which measures the increase in the number of functioning natural, physical and social infrastructure assets at the community level.
- Enhance the livelihood skills of the beneficiaries to strengthen communities’ resilience to shocks.
- >60% of food-for-training (FFT) participants use their acquired skills.
Nutrition /
- Strengthen government capacity to respond to nutrition needs during emergencies.
- At least one Nutrition in Emergencies training supported in ARMM and Region XII.
Protection /
- Strengthen the protection and access to rights for IDPs and communities at risk of displacement.
- IDP bill passed at national level.
- Utilize alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for GBV, provided that they do not violate existing national and international laws and the provisions of the GBV standard operating procedures.
- No. of communities recognizing traditional leaders and religious leaders as GBV cases entry points (target being established).
- Improve access to quality services for SGBV survivors in conflict-affected areas.
- No. of medical staffs trained on gender responsive provision of services (target being established).
- No. of survivors served (medical, psycho-social, legal) (target being established).
- Raise awareness about GBV and institute GBV prevention measures in communities.
- >20% of women and girls in return areas are informed about SGBV.
- > 50% of communities have women and child protection desks.