Effects of Vitamin E and Selenium. On Leukocytic Profileand Reproductive Performance in Awassi Ewes

A.Aziz Makkawi, 1 Amera Hamra1 and Saleh Badie El Abdalla2


Thirty Awassi Ewes Aged between 3-3.5 years with amean body weight of 50 ± 1.27 kg. were used to study some physiological effects of injecting vitamin. E and vitamin.E+ selenium (Se). These animals were divided into, three equal experimental groups. Animals in group A (T1) were injected withvitamin. E (100 ml and then 200ml three days later). Animals in group B (T2) were injected withvitamin. E (60ml) + Se (2250 microgram) and three days later with (vitamin. E (80ml)+ Se (3000 microgram), while the animals in group (C) were kept as a control.

vitamin.E and Se were given intramuscularly for 8 weeks, (4weeks before mating and 4weeks after mating). Oestrus was synchronized by sponges impregnated with Progesterone.

Blood parameters (WBC, Differential WBC, and PCV) were determined, and data on oestrus synchronization, conception rate, fertility, litter size and lamb birth weight were analyzed.

A significant(P0.05) increase in WBCand lymphocytespercentage wasobserved in both groups (T2) and (T1), compared to the control (C) group; while the neutrophils percentage decreased significantly (P<0.05) in both treatments compared to the(C) group.

The treatments did not influence the ratios of monocyts, basophils and eosinophils. Significant(P.05)increases were observed in (PCV) in (T2)and (T1) compared to (C) group.

Concerning the reproductiveperformance, the conception rate, fertility, and litter size were increased significantly (P0.05) in both treated groups compared to the (C) group. The Lambs body weight wassignificantly (P0.05) increased in(T1) compared to (T2) and (C) groups.

The findings of this study support the supplementation of Vitaman .E and Se for improving physiologicalperformances of Awassi ewes.

Key words: Awassi Ewes. Vitamin E, Selenium. Leukocytic profile. Reproductive performance.

1- Dept. Of animal Science, College of Agric. Studies, SudanUniversity of Science and Technology; Sudan

2- Dept. of Animal Production, Ministry of Agriculture, Syria.



Many new techniques have been developed during the last decades. These techniques were approached to improve of reproductive traits of animals. Artificial insemination and hormonal treatments,superovulation and embryo transfer (Bearden and Fuguay. 1997) are examples of these new techniques that have been applied to improve reproductive performance. Also new studies have been referred to use one of the metabolic signals to stimulate gonadotrophic hormonal release (Hallet al., 1992)Specific nutrients that are involvedin reproduction (Marin and Walkry-Brown. 1995), growth and development(Lindsay et al. 1993; Foster, 1994)may be used for the same goal.

There is physiological synergism between Selenium and vitamin E.Previous reports have suggested that vitamin E and Selenium (Se) are important nutrients that act synergistically and can affect many biological processes in the body such as immunity (Hemken et al., 1998), metabolism(Awadeh et al., 1998) and reproduction (Jerry, 1996).In addition,vitamin, E and Se improved spermatogenesis and semen qualities (Marin-Guzman, 1990).

Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect ofvitamin.E and combination of vitamin.E and Se.on physiologicalresponses and productive performance in Awassi Ewes.

Materials and Methods

Thirty Awassi-breed ewes aged 3 – 3.5 years with amean body weight of 50± 1.27 kg. Were used in this study to evaluate the effects of injecting vitamin E and combination of vitamin E. + Selenium (Se) on some blood parameters and reproductive performance.

The experimental animals were randomly divided to three equal groups of10 each. Animals in group A (T1) were injected withvitamin. E (100ml and then 200ml three days later). Animals in group B (T2) were injectedwith vitamin. E (60ml) + Se (2250 microgram) and three days later with (vitamin. E (80ml) + Se (3000 microgram), while the animals in group (C) were kept as a control.

Three healthy mature rams aged 2.5 – 3.0 years with amean body weight of 50 ± 0.76 kg. were used for natural mating of the experimental ewes, (at one ram for 10 ewes).

All the experimental animals were housed in semi closed barns designed according to the prevailing types in the area. The animals had access to drinking water, and were offered concentrate (Table 1) fed at a rate of 500 gm. per head per day and free natural grazing was the pattern of feeding.Vitamin. E and Se were given intramuscularly for 8 weeks (4 before mating and 4 doses before after mating).Oestrus was synchronized by sponges impregnated with Progesterone (containing 40 mg Medoxyprogesterone, Inter Vet – Holland).

The blood parameters which include total leukocyte count (TLC), differential leukocytecount

(DLC)and packed cell volume (PCV) were determined automatically.For the reproductive performance, synchronized oestrus wasdetected by introducing vasectomized rams, twice a day at early morning and early evening. Then the conception rate, fertility, litter size and lamb birth weight were recorded for analysis.

Statistical Analysis:

The recorded data weresubjected to statistical analysis using (ANOVA) as analytical technique and (LSD) was used to determine the differencesamong the means (Sat Soft, Inc. 1995).

Table 1 Chemical composition and ingredient(%)of the concentrate feed used

in the experiment

Ration Ingredients / percentage / Crude protein
( %) / Crude Protein (%)
in ration
Barley / 60 / 9 / 5.4
Wheat Bran / 18.5 / 14 / 2.59
Cotton Seed Cake / 20 / 22 / 4.4
Calcium / 1 / - / -
Sodium Chloride / 0.5 / - / -
100 / 45 / 12.39

Results and Discussion

The effectsof dietary treatments of vitamin E (T1) and vitamin E+Se (T2) on blood parameters are shown in Table 2 . Results showed that supplementation of vitamin E and Se increased significantly (P<0.05) the total leukocyte (TLC) count in comparison to control the group (C). This response may be attributed to the improvement of immunological function of the body (Meydani, 1990). The leukocyte count is an important index for diagnosis of the health status and problems, and may beadopted for assessing physiological changes related to stress, pregnancy and immune response (Bike, 2003).

Table 2: Blood parameters (Mean±S.E) of ewes in different treatment groups

Group / PCV
(% ) / TLC(X10/ul) L / Lymphocyte
(% ) / Monocyte
(%) / Neutrophil
(%) / Eosinophils l
(%) / Basophil
Control(C) / 32.35±0.34 a / 8180±8.2 a / 39.13±0.33 a a / 6.49±0.07a / 48.54±0.2 a / 3.44±0.13 a / 2.75±0.19 a
vitamin E (T1) / 36.37±1.24 b / 13 200±5.2 b / 43.53±1.16 b / 7.9±0.46 b / 41.97±1.0 b / 4.01±0.bs a / 2.66±0.32a
vitamin E +Se
(T2) / 36.93±1.40 c / 16200±10.3 c / 45.23±1.45 c / 7.48±0.35 b / 42.64±1.35 b / 2.08±0.31 a / 1.49±0.23 a

* Means within the same column bearing different superscripts are significantly different.

In this study, thePCV data showed significant (P<0.05) increase in response to the supplementation treatments. (Table2). This may be associated with increase in erythrocyte count with supplementation of vitamin E and vitamin E +Se. This elevation may be related to the antioxidant effect of vitamin E and Se that reduce the hemolysis of erythrocytes in blood (Sies, etal 1992).

The differential leukocyte count (DLC) showed that differences were significant (P<0.05) between treatment groups.The lymphocyte(%) increased significantly (P<0.05) in T1 group(43.53± 1.16), and T2Group,( 45.23±1.45) in comparison to C group (39.13±0.33). Similarly, the monocyte (%)increased (C; 6.49±0.07, T17.9±0.46 and T2:7.48±0.35). On the other hand the Neutrophil (%) decreased in T1 and T2in comparison to C group (Table2).These changes in DLC may refer to positive improvement of the immune response in the body. The effect of Vit E and the combined role of vitamin E +Se may increase the viscosity of phagocytic cell membrane (Bendich,1990),in addition to the possible elevation of immunoglobulinproduction (Reddy et al, 1987, St. Laurent et al., 1990).

Results of the effect of supplementation of vitamin E and vitamin E+Se on reproductive traits are shown in Table 3.Oestrus was synchronized in all animals in different groups (100%). Further more, all ewes were mated (100%). However, fertility rate was 80,100 and 100% in C, T1and T2 group,respectively. It was clear that fertility was improved with supplementation of vitaminE andvitaminE+Se. This may be due to the protection of gonadotrophic receptors from oxidation accompanied with elevation of oestrogen secretion (Segerson et al., 1980).

Table 3: Effects of vitamin E and vitamin E+ selenium on the reproductive performance of ewes.

Group / Number of
Ewes / % Oestrus
response / Number of
mated / Number of
Lambed / Fertility
(% )
(C) / 10 / 100a / 10 a
/ 8a / 80 a
vitamin E (T1) / 10 / 100a / 10 a / 10b / 100 b
vitamin E +Se
(T2) / 10 / 100a / 10a / 10b / 100 b
  • Means within the same column bearing different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05)

Lambing data that refer to the number of lambs, lambs weight and lambing rate are shown inTable 4. The number of lambs was higher(P<0.05) in T1 (10) and T2 (14) groups compared to C,group (8). Therefore, lambing percent was higher (P<0.05) in T1 (100) and T2 (140) in comparison to C group (80).The Litter size was 0.8, 1.0 and 1.4 in C, T1 and T2 groups, respectively. Differences in lambs weight were not significant (P>0.05). The improvement of lambing rate due to Vit E +Se supplementation is probably related to follicular development and increase in the secretion ofoestrogen that cause a positive feedback on LH Secretion (Fuquay, 1997). The resultarein agreement with Malecki et.al.(2002) who found a higher fertility in sheep treated with vitamin E and Selenium.

Table4: Lambing data of different treatment groups.

Group / No. of ewes / No. of
Lambs born / Lamb weight
(mean± SE)at birth / Lambing(%) / Litter size
(c) / 10 / 8 a / 4.11±0.21 a / 8 0a / 0.8
vitamin E
(T1) / 10 / 10b / 4.64±0.25 a / 100 b / 1.0
vitamin E +Se
(T2) / 10 / 14c / 4.13±0.43 a / 140 c / 1.4
  • Means within the same column bearing different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05)

In conclusion, the results of this study showed that supplementation of Vitamin E and Selenium could improve some blood parameters and reproductive traits in sheep.


Thanks and gratitude are due to the staff of the Ministry of Health and the technicians in the Ministry of Animal Health and animal Production in Arab Republic of Syria for providing the experimental animals and other materials. The authors also extend their thanks and appreciation to the staff of the Department of Animal Production, College of Agricultural Studies of Sudan University of Science and Technology for their unlimited support.


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استخدمت في هذه الدراسة ثلاثون نعجه من سلالة العواسى بمتوسط عمر3.5-3.0سنه ومتوسط وزن 50±1.27كغم. وقد تم دراسة تأثير حقن فيتامين Eوالسيلنيوم (Se) على بعض صفات الدم والاداء التناسلى للنعاج. وقد قسمت الحيوانات الى ثلاثة مجاميع متساوية العدد. حيث عوملت المجموعة الاولى (T1) بفيتامين Eو المجموعة الثانية (T2) بفيتامينSe+E أما المجموعة الثالثة (C) فقد أعتبرت كمجموعة سيطرة. تم حقن فيتامين Se+E في عضلة الفخذ ولمدة 8 أسابيع (4 أسابيع قبل التلقيح واستمر 4 أسابيع بعد التلقيح) . كما تمتحقيق تزامن الشياع باستخدام اسفنجات مهبلية مشبعة بالبروجسترون. تم قياس بعض صفات الدم (عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء ، العدد التفريقى لخلايا الدم البيضاء ، حجم الخلايا المتراصة(كداس الدم) كما تم تسجيل نسبة الشياع ، نسبة الاخصاب والخصوبة ، كبر حجم البطن ووزن الحملان.

أوضحت نتائج هذه الدراسة أن هنالك زيادة معنوية (P<0.05) في عدد كرويات الدم البيضاء والخلايا اللمفيه في كل من المجموعة T2,T1مقارنة بالمجموعةC بينما انخفضت معنوياً (P<0.05)الخلايا البيضاء المتعادلة في كلمن مجموعتى T2وT1مقارنة بمجموعة Cوقد كان تأثير المعاملة غير محسوس إحصائياً على عدد الخلايا البيضاء الاحادية كما لم تؤثر على الخلايا البيضاء القاعدية والحامضية.

نتائج الاداء التناسلى أوضحت ارتفاع نسبة الاخصاب والخصوبة وكبر حجم البطن معنوياً (P<0.05)في كل من مجموعتى T2وT1مقارنة بالمجموعة C. وزن الحملان كان غير مختلف معنوياً (P<0.05)في مجموعة T1وT2 و C.

من هذه الدراسة يمكن الاستنتاج بأن حقن نعاج العواسى بفيتامينE وعنصر Seكانت موجبه وذلك لغرض تحسين بعض صفات الدم الفسيولوجية وبعض مظاهر الاداء التناسلى للنعاج العواسيه.