Minutes of the Meeting held on the28th June 2012at Llanymynech Village Hall.

PRESENT: Cllrs. Mrs. D. Gaskill, Cllrs. A. Brown, R. Crispin, L. Griffiths, P. Roberts,

B. Robinson,Mrs. J. L. Smith,and the Clerk Mrs. V. E. Byrne, Shropshire Councillor A. Walpole (part meeting).

12/061APOLOGIES from Cllrs T. E. Mason (f. reasons), M. Melling (work) I. Pollitt(hol).

12/062 RESIGNATION. Letter from Cllr Peter McConville tendering his resignation from the Council due to his work commitments. It was agreed to write a letter of thanks for his 18 years service, but also to ask him to reconsider as there will be only 11 months remaining for this Council. It was agreed to place the item of election of Vice Chairman on the next Agenda.


12/063POLICE REPORT. CSO Laura Viner gave the report – theft of 8 chickens in Pant, child in Pant found with cannabis and an act of violence at a party. The Police thanked the Village Hall for installing cctv. The village now seems more relaxed and happy. The Chairman thanked the Police for attending the Jubilee event. Questions were asked about budget cuts in West Mercia, but Laura said these had not impacted locally, it will most likely limit recruitment. Cllr Robinson mentioned an incident of intrusion at Bryn Offa.

12/064There was no public attendance.


12/066 MINUTESof the meeting held on the 24th May 2012were Proposed by Cllr Mrs. Smith, 2nd by Cllr Robinson, voted on by those present with all in favour and signed.


Consultation event on planning had been arranged at Llanymynech Village Hall on Tuesday, 10th July as a drop in event 6 – 8pm with two Agents displaying proposals for inclusion in Shropshire Councils’ SAMdev, and a questionnaire on the village would be prepared for those attending.

12/68CODE OF CONDUCT The Clerk explained the options for adoption of a Code of Conduct which replaced the Standards Regime and the changes, which become effective on the 1st July 2012. Shropshire Council had prepared a Code and NALC had a similar Code available. Councillors were given copies of the Shropshire papers and forms for Declaration of Interests. It was Proposed by The Chairman, Cllr Mrs. Gaskill that the Shropshire Code of Conduct be adopted, 2nd by Cllr Brown with all voting in favour and therefore RESOLVED. It was agreed to ask Shropshire Council to include the Parish Council in their newspaper advert publicising adoption of the Code.

(Cllr Walpole joined the meeting at 7.55pm).

12/69BRYNOFFASCHOOL AND JOINT USE FIELD. Letter from the Headteacher Mr. Paul Thompson requesting permission to lock the two gates on the Joint Use recreation field during school hours. Also for permission to site a ForestSchool in the corner of the field with logs as seats and small tree planting. It was agreed that the gates could be locked for a trial period of two months (July and September) but they had to be opened each day when the school closed. Further agreed that the ForestSchool site be given permission, but the school to be reminded about the fallen tree requiring removal and the fence to be repaired, as they held the responsibility for the maintenance of the field..

12/070HM QE11 DIAMOND JUBILEE. The Chairman reported on the events of the Jubilee weekend and the visit of the Olympic Torch. The Torch visit had attracted great crowds and the road closure allowed everyone a good view. The Jubilee event on the 3rd June had been held in the Village Hall due to the incessant rain, but had gone really well with good attendance and she thanked everyone for their help. The Clerk presented a draft Balance Sheet, which would be finalised once all the bills were to hand. Cllr Robinson proposed a Vote of Thanks to the Chairman and Clerk for all their efforts and organisation, which was seconded and all voted in favour. The Jubilee Medals to be distributed to children in Pant were to hand and a date was to be set for the visit to Bryn Offa.

12/071LLANYMYNECH YOUTH CLUB Letter requesting financial assistance with rent and insurance for running the Youth Club at the Village Hall. Proposed by Cllr Brown that £150 be donated, 2nd by Cllr Griffiths with all in favour and therefore RESOLVED.

12/072ROADS AND FOOT WAYS The Bypass Action Group meeting had been held with over 100 people present. A meeting was planned for the 6th July with the Highways Agency and Owen Paterson MP organised by Shropshire Councillor Arthur Walpole. He also promised to get an answer on the Routing Plan. Concerns wee expressed about the very wide Pod carrying vehicles travelling through Pant and the problems this caused. Agreed to write to the company Europe Elements to enquire if the transportation could be managed effectively. Cllr Griffiths reported that he had succeeded in obtaining surfacing. The Red Lane/Bronwylfa issue was reported as ongoing.

12/073CHILDREN FROM CHERNOBYL Cllr Robinson reported on the visit of children from Chernobyl, Belarus to Pant and asked permission to host a party on the Pant play area for them on the 31st July from 12 to 3pm. This was agreed and he explained that the Charity was also fund raising for vitamins and clothing, The WI and other people are making refreshments and he invited Councillors to attend.

12/074INTERNAL AUDIT. The internal audit report was received and noted. It was agreed to review Risk Assessment and Fidelity Guarantee in July.

12/075ACCOUNTS 2011/12 Accounts were approved. The 2011/12 Return was completed and signed by The Chairman and Clerk.

12/076GYN WHEEL TRACK The Clerk reported on telephone conversations with Mr. Doyle and the quotation received from Dave Evans to fill potholes lay quarry scalpings on the trackfor the sum of £150 plus vat. It was Proposed by Cllr Robinson, 2nd by Cllr Roberts, with all in favour that this quotation by accepted and to request a contribution from the residents.

12/077REPORTS – Shropshire Council LJC meeting was reported on by The Chairman and also the Llanymynech Heritage Partnership meeting. The Four Crosses War Memorial rededication had been attended by Cllr Mrs. Smith. Cllr Arthur Walpole gave an update on Shropshire council matters, including the Strategic Commissioning which was a new company set up and wholly owned by Shropshire Council. The Oswestry Primary Care Centre holds an increasing number of clinics. The Minor Injuries Unit should be open in the Autumn and there will be an official Opening. Parking issues at the Primary Care Centre were mentioned by Councillors. Hospital changes were mentioned, grant of £35 million for the changes at Telford and Shrewsbury. The new Fairholme will most likely open early next year. The changes to the ambulance service will come into effect in October and the Primary Care Centre will be used as a hub.

12/078VILLAGE MAINTENANCE Hedges requiring cutbacks on the A483 were reported as Shirley Gorse and opposite to Greystones Court and the Clerk was instructed to write to the property owners. The quotation for railings at Pant playing field had still not been received and Cllr Roberts agreed to follow this up;

12/079RIGHTS OF WAY Cllr Brown would lead a Footpath Walk on Friday, 13th July commencing at 7pm from Pant Memorial Institute.

12/080ACCOUNTS. Accounts for payment as separate list were Proposed by Cllr Robinson and 2nd by Cllr Brown, and passed with all in favour.



1059 / V & W Electrics / 156.00 / Lighting Maint May.
1060 / V E Byrne / 523.37 / Salary net
1061 / Llanymynech V Hall / 28.00 / Room hire.
1062 / Scottish Power / 178.28 / Lighting energy May.
1063 / HMRC / 89.60 / Tax & NI.
1064 / Llan. Flower Club / 17.00 / Jubilee/Torch floral decoration
1065 / V. E. Byrne repay / 60.00 / Balance of purchase of prizes