L.A 3
Research Paper Unit
1/11 to 1/15-2016
Get all Handouts
See NHS Website
Look in library online this week for info. on your career choice. / 1. Syllabus
2. Due Dates Handout
3. Career Topic List 2
career choices. Write
why those careers
interest you. Discuss
4. Primary Source
Interview: Choose an expert in the career of your choice. Create 20 questions to ask them, so you can learn more about your career. If you ask them to explain or ask Why/why not, it still counts as part of your original question.
5. Secondary Sources
*Get packet of Index Cards for notes.
No Notecards or Rough Draft = No Credit for final paper.
Final Paper = 4-5 pgs. = majority of Quarter Grade. / 1. Works Cited/Note
Card Handout
Cited means sources are actually used = quoted/paraphrased in paper. Will need 4 works cited cards. 2 different kinds of sources used. Not all from the Internet. The 4 cards will become your Works Cited Page = last page of research paper, listing sources.
Internet Cites:
Use info. from cites ending in .gov, or .edu Some ending in .org & .com may not be reliable sources of info.
Do Not use Wikipedia.
2. MLA Handout
Works Cited Page Highlight different Works Cited Entries.
If author missing, title is listed first in entry.
3. Works Cited
Activity Handout
Use Works Cited Page (2nd pg. of MLA Handout to complete) / Works Cited Activity due
(Get a Stamp)
1. Practice
Narrowing Topic
Choose a Career. Create a Graphic Organizer & create Wh. Questions= Who, What, Where, When, Why, How
Example: What are the educational requirements one needs to become a teacher?
2. Working Thesis
This may change because of your research. Purpose is to give an opinion regarding your chosen career and defend it with evidence. Working thesis will help you focus during your research.
Narrow Topic:
Why is teaching a rewarding career choice?
Thesis: The teaching profession is a very rewarding career choice. (need opinion in thesis) / Broad Topic =Your Career Choice & Index Cards due
1. Career Choice
Graphic Organizer
v  Create a graphic organizer on your own career choice.
v  Create Wh.?’s Turn one Wh. ? into a

Working Thesis Statement
2. Reality Check &
Career Questions
Handout /

Review the Works Cited/Notecard Handout

1. Notecard-piles of cards with necessary info. (quotations/ paraphrases from sources) which make up the research paper.
Notecard Structure:
Key Q, P, T
Sub-topic –a division of the main topic. It
tells what card is about. Only 1-3 words for this.
Info. on card-Quote, Paraphrase or combo of both: Info. must follow the sub-topic.
Author & page # at the bottom of the card.
2. Practice creating
a Works Cited Card
and a Notecard.
/ Packet of Index Cards
by Thurs.
**Print MLA Handout** from my NHS website.
Bring to class Tues. / Works Cited Activity due Wed.
Your Broad Topic (Career Choice) & Index Cards
due Thurs. / Your Broad Topic (Career Choice) & Index Cards
due Thurs. / Career Questions & CA Career Zone due Tuesday / Career Questions & CA Career Zone due Tuesday