Heckington Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers, St Andrew’s Street, Heckington on Monday 30th November 2015 commencing at 7.00pm.

Attendance: Vice-Chairman Cllr Mrs J Palmer in the Chair,

Cllrs –Mr T Atkinson, Mr R Doughty, Mr A Garlick, Mrs L Peto and Mr R Woods together with Mrs A Edwards (Clerk), C/Cllr Young, D/Cllr S Ogden and D/Cllr S Tarry.

The Press was in attendance. There were 18 members of the public.

1. a. Resignation of Chairman.

Cllr Palmer confirmed that Cllr Higgs had resigned both as Chairman and Parish Councillor.

b. Election of new Chairman.

Cllr Palmer asked for nominations for Chairman. Cllr Woods nominated Cllr Palmer, whilst Cllr Peto nominated Cllr Garlick. Cllr Garlick said that he would not be prepared to stand. 4 Councillors were for the motion, with 1 against.

RESOLVED that Cllr Palmer be elected Chairman of the Council to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of the Parish Council or until the appointment of a successor.

c. To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Cllr Palmer duly signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and made a short statement.

2. Election of Vice-Chairman.

Cllr Palmer asked for nominations for Vice-Chairman and nominated Cllr Woods. Cllr Peto nominated Cllr Garlick, who again said that he would not be prepared to stand. 4 Councillors were for the motion, with 1 against.

RESOLVED that Cllr Woods be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council.

3. Public Speaking Time.

Mr Amos made a statement regarding concerns over the manner in which the Parish Council conducts local government matters and handed an open letter to Cllr Palmer, which she confirmed would be forwarded to all Councillors.

Mr Simpson confirmed the winding up of the Sleaford & District Neighbourhood Watch Scheme but said that this would not affect the volunteers and that he would remain as lead co-ordinator for Heckington.

Mr Buckthorpe asked why Finance had not been added to the agenda, as promised at the last meeting. Cllr Palmer confirmed that this information would be published in the November minutes.

Mr Martindale said that he had been pleased to see the speed camera in the village but that the passive signs needed erecting and again offered his assistance.

Mr Martindale raised the current building works at the Millview Medical Centre and its impact on existing parking spaces. It was confirmed that no parking spaces would be lost.

The issue with large lorries coming through the village on Sleaford Road was raised.

The public speaking time finished at 7.25pm.

4. Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Israel, Jones, Little and West.

5. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr Peto declared an interest in item 12.1(b).

6. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 26th October 2015 to be approved as Minutes and signed.

Matters arising – no resolutions may be passed.

Mr Amos interrupted the meeting to ask how the Councillors could sign the minutes as a true record when there were so many inaccuracies in them.

Cllr Peto asked if the Precept meeting would be a meeting of the full Council, and not just the Finance Sub-Committee, which Cllr Palmer confirmed.

RESOLVED that the minutes of Monday 26th October 2015 be a true record of the meeting.

7. Financial Matters.

1. To approve payment of outstanding invoices.

RESOLVED to approve the outstanding invoices for payment.

Cheques for November 2015
Date / Cheque No. / Supplier / Amount
01-Nov-15 / 003856 / J E Rees - FARR - Clutch / 198.73
08-Nov-15 / 003857 / Bugler for Remembrance Sunday / 20.00
08-Nov-15 / 003858 / Window Cleaning / 20.00
23-Nov-15 / 003859 / NKDC - Building Inspection / 213.60
30-Nov-15 / 003860 / D & D Motors - Petrol / 50.00
30-Nov-15 / 003861 / St. John Ambulance Supplies / 296.40
30-Nov-15 / 003862 / Newman Moore Ltd / 4198.20
30-Nov-15 / 003863 / Viking Direct - office supplies / 137.89
30-Nov-15 / 003864 / Pest Control - Cemetery/Allotments / 984.00
30-Nov-15 / 003865 / BT - Phone Installations / 456.06
30-Nov-15 / 003866 / Turnbulls - Boots/Clothing/Spares / 76.75
30-Nov-15 / 003867 / Simons - FARR repairs / 43.20
30-Nov-15 / 003868 / CANCELLED
30-Nov-15 / 003869 / Postage / 3.46
30-Nov-15 / 003870 / CANCELLED
30-Nov-15 / 003871 / M North - Allotment key return / 15.00
30-Nov-15 / 003872 / Donaldson's / 68.19
30-Nov-15 / 003873 / Staff Exp./First Aid Kit / 63.58
30-Nov-15 / 003874 / Daitch Electrical - CCTV / 1192.15
30-Nov-15 / 003875 / John Lewis - Kettle/Bins / 134.37
30-Nov-15 / 003876 / Ability Lifts / 8308.20

8. To receive a report relating to Police matters.

The Police were not present but PCSO Welby had updated the Clerk that morning regarding complaints received about the parking outside Millview Medical Centre and would keep an eye on it.

9. Receive a report from County and District Councillors.

C/Cllr Young said that the Clerk had written to Highways regarding the provision of 3 disabled parking bays in the village. He said that it would not be top of their priority list and that there would need to be a consultation with the shop keepers affected. Cllr Garlick asked who would pick up the bill, if it went ahead, and Cllr Young confirmed it would be the tax payer. Cllr Peto said that she did not think that that we could undertake this work as we did not have General Power of Confidence, which had replaced the Power of Wellbeing, although we did not qualify in either case due to not having a qualified Clerk. Cllr Palmer said that the Clerk would be undertaking the Certificate in Local Council Administration qualification but Cllr Peto said that this did not count. She reiterated her request to re-join Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils. Cllr Palmer said that we belonged to Society of Local Council Clerks but Cllr Peto said that LALC would be there to advise the Clerk. Cllr Peto then asked what qualifications the Clerk had and Cllr Palmer said that it would not be appropriate to discuss this matter in public.

C/Cllr Young said that Howell Road would be closed between 19th and 21st January 2016 for essential maintenance and gave the Clerk a copy of the road closure notice.

D/Cllr Tarry said that following the queries regarding IT issues from the last meeting this should have been resolved but if problems persisted to contact either her of D/Cllr Ogden.

D/Cllr Tarry said that the question of the Squash Club sign had been passed to the Enforcement Officer, who would investigate the matter.

10. Receive a report from Clerk in relation to outstanding Council Matters.

There were no outstanding matters.

11. Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.

No resolutions may be passed under this item.

Cllr Palmer confirmed that she had attended the recent planning meeting regarding the affordable housing at Kyme Road to discuss the issues we had regarding sewerage and related flooding. She said that it had been well received and had been asked a lot of questions.

Cllr Garlick said that the work at the Windmill continued and Cllr Woods said that the roofing contractors had finished.

Cllr Palmer thanked C/Cllr Young, D/Cllrs Tarry and Ogden for their attendance and they left the meeting at 7.50pm.

12. Planning Matters.

(1) Applications:

a. Tree/410259 – Fell Leylandiix2, Land to the east of 14 St Andrews Street, Heckington.

b. 15/1399/HOUS – Erection of garage and access track, 62 Kyme Road, Heckington.

(2) Applications to be ratified

a. Tree/410411 CA31-140 – Reduce confiderx3, Plot adjacent to 4 Hall Close, Heckington.

(3) Approvals:

a. TRE/408996 – Crown lift beechx1, fell confiderx1, 37-39 High Street, Heckington.

Item 12.1(b) Cllr Peto was not asked to leave the room but took no part in the discussion.

RESOLVED to have no objections.

13. To discuss winter servicing for the lawnmower.

Cllr Palmer said that the lawnmower needed new parts and a service at a cost of £2,000, although a new lawnmower would cost around £30,000.

RESOLVED to approve the new parts and service for the lawnmower.

14. To discuss the purchase of a heater for the workshop.

RESOLVED that a suitable new heater be purchased for a maximum of £150.

15. To discuss whether to set up a Heckington Parish Council Facebook page.

RESOLVED to, in principle, to set up a Heckington Parish Council Facebook page.

16. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Monday 25th January 2016.

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 25th January 2016.

17. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.

RESOLVED to go into closed session. Proposed by Cllr Garlick, seconded by Cllr Atkinson and agreed.

a. To discuss Business Debit Card and petty cash in the office.

RESOLVED to get a Business Debit Card and have a nominal amount of petty cash in the office.

b. To discuss a staff Christmas bonus.

RESOLVED for a Christmas bonus in the amount circulated.

c. To discuss retirement gift.

RESOLVED to purchase a suitable retirement gift.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.

Name: …………………………………………………………………

Signature: …………………………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………………………..

30 Nov 15 55-15 Initials: