Class Syllabus

Algebra I

Teacher: Ms. Foulds

Room: 307


Materials: Paper Pencil Textbook Calculator

No Cellphones: First offense – Verbal warning

Second offense - pick up after school in my room

Third offense - parents must pick up phone in office

Homework (15% of grade)

There will be an assignment each day and each assignment is worth 5 points. In order to receive the entire 5 points the assignment must be complete, turned in on time, and have work shown. As we grade our papers in class, a paper with only answers, and no work shown, will not be accepted. Notes are part of the homework grade. Notes will be taken daily by students and handed in at the time of the test. There will be a warm-up at the beginning of each class. Warm-ups need to be done on the provided warm-up paper and will be collected every other Friday.

Tests (60% of grade)

A test will be given at the end of each chapter, as well as a final comprehensive test at the end of each semester. If you miss a scheduled test due to an excused absent you may make the test up before or after school. You have one day to make up a missed exam upon return to school. You may also retake a test if you feel you can do better but you have one week to retake the exam from when I return the graded exam.

Quizzes (25% of grade)

There will be a quiz every week except during test weeks.

Late work/Make-up work

All late work from a unit must be turned in up to one week after the unit test. Late work will earn reduced credit. Missed work or tests from excused absences will be made up upon your return to school. The normal time allowance for make-up work is one day per day of excused absence.

Grading: A: 100-93 A-: 92-90

B+: 89-88 B: 87-83 B-: 82-80

C+: 79-78 C: 77-73 C-: 72-70

D+: 69-68 D: 67-60

F: 59-0

Tests= 60% H.W. = 15% Quiz =25%


Your attendance at school is required by law. Skipping school, class, or advisory will result in an attendance contract, Community Truancy Board, and/or a truancy petition to court. Here are the RCWs and the district policy on attendance: Chapter 28A.225 RCW Chapter 28A.150 RCW, District Policy 3121.


Your parent/guardian must call into the school to excuse your absence within 24 hours (538-2060). Verify with the attendance secretary that your absence was excused…this is your responsibility. You are responsible for making up time and missed work while you were absent.

An excused absence is any absence with a parent/guardian excuse that is deemed unacceptable by school officials.

Examples may be: illness health condition family emergency health care school related activity religious observance disciplinary action

An unexcused absence is an absence with our without a parent/guardian excuse that is deemed unacceptable by school officials. Examples may be: Sleeping-in missing ride/car trouble personal errands non-medical appointments


If you get to class after the last bell, you are tardy. It is always better to be late than not there at all, if you accumulate too many tardies, you will get the following:

At three (3) tardies- you will be assigned lunch detention and a parent/guardian will be contacted;

At six (6) tardies- you will be assigned ISS or multiple lunch detentions, office referral and a parent/guardian will be contacted;

At nine (9) tardies- we will hold a parent/guardian meeting to discuss your attendance, you will be assigned ISS or OSS.

An excused tardy is not being in class for the first 10 minutes of class time but with an excuse acceptable by the teacher. A note from another teacher or school official is required. An unexcused tardy is not being in class for the first 10 minutes of class time without an acceptable excuse. If you have a note from a teacher to excuse a tardy you need to take it to the attendance office before coming to class.

The student is responsible to attend all classes (unless excused for a school activity) and actively engage in the day’s lesson. The student’s attendance in the class is crucial to the student demonstrating proficiency in the subject. Excessive absences (more than 10 excused or unexcused) may cause the student to be ineligible to earn credit in the class.

Unexcused absences may be regarded as truancy. For unexcused absences and truancies, no make-up work is allowed per district policy.

Where to go for extra help

I am available in my room every day before school, during advisory and after school. If I am not available there are always other teachers who are around and willing to help. Do not forget about the after school program.

Please fill out the below portion. There is an electronic version on my webpage.

It is important to me that you know what your child is doing in math. Please look over the syllabus, sign below and have your student return it to me by Friday 9/16/16.


(print name) (signature) (date)


(signature) (date)

1.  How has your child done previously in math classes? ______

2.  Please provide your phone number and e-mail address, if applicable, for contact purposes?

Phone: ( ) -

Email: ______

3.  Are there any questions/concerns as your child begins Alg 1 at AHS?
