Dog Foster Application

Thank you for your interest in our dogs. We appreciate your answers to the following questions so that we can make the best possible match for you, your family, your lifestyle, and the dog. It is very important that we find the correct home for each dog. All information will be treated as confidential. Submitting an application does not guarantee that you will receive a dog. Incomplete application or misrepresenting facts on this application is grounds for refusal. Please return application to or PO Box. If you need more information please contact us at 330-956-0060 or 330-313-0423

Personal Information

Applicant Name______Date______


City______State______ZipCode ______County______

Phone (H)______Phone (W)______E-mail______

Date of Birth______Place of Employment______

Are you interested in Adopting or Fostering?______

Do you have any children?______If so, how many and what ages?______

Please list names and ages of any other people living in your home______


What hours do you work?______Your Spouse______

How much time will the dog likely spend alone each day?______

Does anyone in your family have pet allergies?______If yes, please explain______


The Dog You Are Interested In

Describe the type of dog you are interested in(age,sex,size,breed)


Are you interested in a certain available dog? If so, Who? ______

What are your training or personality preferences?______


How much do you expect to spend each month on your dog?______

Please tell us a little about yourself, why you want this dog, and why you feel you could

provide a good home for a dog______

Your Home and Yard

Do you live in a house, apartment, condo?______Do you own or rent?______

How long have you lived there?____ If under 2 years, give previous address______


What type of area do you live in? City,Rural,Suburb? ______

If you rent, does your rental agreement permit pets?____ We will need your landlord’s name and phone number: ______

Is your property fenced?______What type/height fence?______

If not fenced, how, when, and where will your dog be exercised?______

Where will the dog spend his/her time alone? ______

Where will the dog sleep at night?______

Care and Training of the Dog

For whom are you adopting this pet? Self___ Gift____

Which family member will provide the majority of care for this pet?______

Have you ever trained a dog in obedience class?______

Do you plan to enroll the new dog in obedience class?______

Do you believe in dog crates?_____ Why?______

When you go on vacation, where will your dog go and who will care for it?______

If you move, what will you do with your dog?______

If your dog becomes extremely ill, can you afford to pay vet bills for an extended length of time?______

How long do you feel a dog should be given for an adjustment period?______

Is your family willing to work witha new dog on any issues that he/she may have?_____

What dog behaviors would be unacceptable to your family?______

Other Animals in your care/in your home:

Have you ever owned a dog or cat?______Where did you get him/her/them? ______

Please describe those companion animals you still care for or that are living in your household:

Name / Breed / Age / Altered / Kept Where / Time in your care

Describe those companion animals you no longer care for:

Name / Breed / Age / Altered / Kept Where / Time in your care / Reason no longer with you

Name and Phone number of your Vet______

May we call your Vet and ask how you care for your animals?____ If no, why______

If you do not currently have a dog, how long since you owed one?______

How will you introduce your new pet to your current pets?______

What will you do if your new pet does not get along with your current pet? ______

Have you ever been charged with animal cruelty?______

Have you ever been charged with a violent crime?______

Have you ever given up, lost or euthanized a pet in the past 5 years? ______

Please explain:


If you currently have dogs, cats, or other animals in your home, please fill out the following on each animal:

Licensed?_____ If yes, what is license number?______

On heartworm preventative?____ If yes, what brand______

On flea/tick preventative?_____ If yes, what brand?______

What kind/brand of food does this pet eat?______Is this pet and inside or outside pet?__

Where do you leave this pet when he/she is home alone?______

Where does he/she sleep at night?______

Date of last vet visit?______

Tell us about this pet and its personality______

Licensed?_____ If yes, what is license number?______

On heartworm preventative?____ If yes, what brand______

On flea/tick preventative?_____ If yes, what brand?______

What kind/brand of food does this pet eat?______Is this pet and inside or outside pet?__

Where do you leave this pet when it is home alone?______

Where does it sleep at night?______

Date of last vet visit?______

Tell us about this pet and its personality______

How did you hear about us?______

Have you ever applied to adopt a dog from us?___ Which dog?______

Have you ever applied to adopt a dog from any other rescue or Humane Organization?

If yes, Which organization?______

What were the results?______

Will you allow a rescue representative to periodically visit your home?______

If no,why?______

Are you aware that if you adopt a dog from us, you are required to return the dog if you can no longer take care of the dog?______

Are you aware that if you adopt a dog from us and we learn that you are not meeting our standards that you will be required to return the dog to us immediately?______

What conditions/circumstances would cause you to give up a dog?______

Personal References

Please list three non-relatives who have known you for at least 2 years

  1. Name______Phone Number______

Address______Relationship to you______

  1. Name______Phone Number______

Address______Relationship to you______

  1. Name______Phone Number______

Address______Relationship to you______

By signing this form, I/we acknowledge that all information on this form is true and correct.I/we understand that submission of this application does not necessarily mean that I will be approved to adopt. I/we understand that Paw Crazy reserves the right to reject any applicant. I/we understand that any misrepresentation of fact may result in Paw Crazy refusing adoption privileges to me/us. Ifmy/our request for adoption is approved and later Paw Crazy discovers the above information is not true or correct, Paw Crazy reserves the right to remove the adopted dog from my home/farm.I authorize Paw Crazy to verify any and all information set forth in this application and contact my personal references.I give permission to accept my electronic signature as my legal signature.


Paw Crazy Foster Guidelines


  • Must be 21 or over
  • Complete Adoption Application
  • Have a fenced yard or adequate time to provide exercise for foster dog
  • Have experience with dogs (read body language well, know behavioral signals)
  • Dog will remain solely in your care for the duration of time of foster
  • You are not gone from home for extended periods of time, outside of work


  • A representative of Paw Crazy Rescue will assist you in the acclimation of a new dog into your home.
  • Understand that we do not always have a dog’s full background and may not know the dog’s history or full temperament.
  • We will do our best to assess each dog’s behavior to place them in the proper foster home.
  • Be safe in your own home. Until you have fully evaluated your fosters temperament, demonstrate proper caution with children and other pets in your household.
  • Understand that the amount of time a foster dog may stay with you is undetermined. They will be networked in the same manner as all other dogs.
  • If at any point in the time you are no longer able to foster the dog in you care, please contact Paw Crazy so the dog can be returned.
  • The dog will be given a collar and tag addressed to Paw Crazy Rescue, the collar and tag MUST remain on at all times.
  • The dog in your care must NEVER be permitted to run loose and must always remain leashed.
  • The dog in your care must remain with you in your home. S/he is NOT permitted to be left with a sitter or in anyone else’s care.
  • Do not set up any appointments for your dog without first contacting a representative of Paw Crazy.
  • Do not attempt to adopt your foster dog or provide any meet and greets with your foster dog. If someone is interested in your foster dog they must contact Paw Crazy and fill out an adoption application and their meet and greet must be assessed by a Paw Crazy representative.
  • When your foster dog has been adopted we will ask that you speak with the new adopters. You will know your foster dog’s temperament very well and will be able to give the best assessment of their behavior.
  • A Paw Crazy representative will be in close contact with you via phone to check up on the dog in your care.
  • A Paw Crazy representative will periodically check in on the foster in your home.
  • You must provide a clean hazard free environment for you foster dog.
  • Though it may be hard to part with your foster dog when they are adopted, keep in mind that you are now opening up a spot to save another life that may be desperately in need.
  • While in your care, you are completely responsible and liable for the actions of your foster dog. You cannot hold Paw Crazy Rescue liable.
  • You are not permitted to take you foster dog to a public dog park. This is too high a liability and your foster is in need of learning house manners. If you do not have other dogs and your needs more interaction with other dogs a Paw Crazy representative will arrange interactions.

I have read and understand the requirements and guidelines for fostering through Paw Crazy Rescue. I will comply to these requirements and guidelines to the best of my abilities. I give my permission to accept my electronic signature as my legal signature.


To be Completed by Office: