Personnel Manual




Topic Page Topic Page

pg. 1

Welcome i

Contact Information ii

Work Life Policies 2

Introduction 2

Employment Application Disclaimer 2

Equal Employment Opportunity 2

Sexual Harassment Policy 3

Drug & Alcohol Abuse 3

Safety 4

Smoking 4

Building Security 4

Ethical Conduct / Conflict of Interest 4

Confidentiality 5

Communication 5

Electronic Mail / Computer System 6

Personnel Record 6

Dress Code 7

Housekeeping 7

Problem Resolution Procedure 7

Parking Regulations 7

Compensation Policies 8

Hiring Procedure & Employee Classification 8

WOC Appointment 8

Internal Control Training 8

VA Required Trainings 9

In-Service Trainings 9

Initial Review Period 9

Annual Performance Review 9

Work Hours 10

Overtime 10

Inclement Weather/Other Emerg 11

Compensation 11

VA Employee Compensation & Hrs 11

Attendance / Tardiness 12

Resignations 12

Benefits 13

Earned Time Program 13

Federal Holiday Observed 15

Jury Duty Leave 15

Family Medical Leave Act ……….….16

Bereavement Leave 17

Vacation Request 17

Maternity/Adoption Leave 18

Military Leave 19

Miscellaneous Leaves of Absence 23

Flexible Spending Accounts 23

Health Benefit Plan 23

Dental Benefits Plan 24

Life Insurance, Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefits 24

Short & Long Term Disability 24


Injury on the Job 25

Workers’ Compensation 25

Unemployment Compensation 25

Retirement Plan 25

Employee Assistance Program 28

Transit Reimbursement 28

Summary 29

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pg. 1

June 1, 2012

We are pleased to welcome you to the Boston VA Research Institute, Inc. (BVARI). The purpose of this manual is to acquaint you with our Work Life Policies and Benefits Program.

The mission of The Boston VA Research Institute (BVARI) is to promote and to support research and education activities of the VA Boston Healthcare System and to advance the well being of all veterans and the general public by these endeavors.

BVARI is a non-profit, tax-exempt institute. Collaborative endeavors may be established with universities, for profit companies, hospitals, charitable foundations, professional societies, the Public Health Service, or other governmental agencies, and other non-profit entities.

BVARI provides a comprehensive program of employee benefits, which are described in this manual. Your supervisor or BVARI’s Director of Human Resources will be able to assist you should you have questions regarding the content.

We look forward to a mutually satisfactory employment relationship with each employee and would like to take this opportunity to offer our best wishes for your personal success at BVARI.

Sincerely, Sincerely,

Nancy Watterson-Diorio Helen Bril

Nancy Watterson-Diorio Helen Bril

CEO, BVARI Inc. Associate Director of Human Resources, BVARI, Inc.

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Contact Information

Name / Title / e-mail
Nancy Watterson-Diorio / Chief Executive Officer /
Helen Bril / Associate Director of Human Resources /
Jeffrey Burd, Esq / General Counsel /
Dan Burke / Director of Process Management and Information Systems /
Michael Charpak / Accounts Payable Administrator /
Page Humphrey / Financial Analyst /
Deni Peric / Executive Assistant /
Jennifer Notari / Grants Administrator /
Shelagh Pearson / Grants Administrator /
Janyce Sarmaniote / Director of Finance /
Megan McHugh / Human Resources Generalist /

Main Number: (617) 738-1313

Fax Number: (617) 738-8480

Web Site:

Boston VA Research Institute, Inc. (BVARI) Personnel Manual

Work Life Policies

Introduction / This manual was prepared to acquaint employees with personnel policies, programs and benefits at the Boston VA Research Institute, Inc., hereafter referred to as BVARI. The manual has been written for guidance and informational purposes only. It is a statement of BVARI’s present policies and is not an employment contract. BVARI reserves the right to change any or all policies, programs and benefits at any time with or without notice. Employment with BVARI is at will and as such is terminable by the employee or BVARI at any time and for any reason. Please take time to read the manual carefully and save it for future reference. The employee should check with his/her supervisor if there are any questions. Employee Manual policies will take effect June 1, 2012.
Employment Application Disclaimer / The following statement must be signed by all applicants before beginning employment by BVARI:
“If I am hired by the Boston VA Research Institute, Inc. (BVARI), in consideration of my employment, I agree that I may resign and that my employment and compensation may be terminated at any time, with or without notice, with or without cause, at the option of either the Institute or myself. I further understand that my employment relationship will be “at will,” that I am not being hired for any specified period of time, and that no supervisor or manager of the Institute, other than the CEO or Chairman of the Board, has the authority to enter into any other agreement for employment or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.”
Equal Employment Opportunity / Employment opportunities at BVARI are open to all qualified applicants solely based on their job-related experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities. Qualified applicants are considered for all open positions for which they apply and for advancement without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, and marital status, the presence of a medical condition or disability, or genetic information. BVARI complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws with regard to equal employment opportunity. Advancement is based entirely on an individual's demonstrated performance, job-related ability, skills, and knowledge and the resulting potential for promotion to the job openings applied for.
BVARI will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation affecting its employees or applicants due to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, medical condition, disability, genetic information, or any other category protected under the law.
Employees who believe they have been subjected to unlawful or unfair discrimination, harassment, or retaliation must immediately advise BVARI’s Human Resources Department. Employees must either complete the BVARI EthicsPoint website online complaint form at:
or call toll-free at 888-279-1921 to report any perceived violation of BVARI’s policy regarding harassment and discrimination. You also must report any inappropriate conduct that you observe whether or not it affects you directly.
The company's anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies are intended to result in effective responses to problems. They require you to provide the company an immediate opportunity to investigate and resolve your workplace concerns. You must notify the Human Resources Department at the above number regarding issues of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation.
Claims of any violation of this policy shall be reported to the Chief Executive Officer or the Director of Human Resources immediately. Please refer to Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA Medical Center Memorandum No. 00-021 “Equal Opportunity”.
Sexual Harassment Policy / BVARI is vigorously committed to maintaining a working environment free
of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of employees occurring in the
workplace or in other settings in which employees may find themselves in
connection with their employment is unlawful and will not be tolerated.
Drug & Alcohol Abuse / Possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs at BVARI is expressly prohibited. Employees may not use intoxicants in such a manner that his/her work performance is adversely affected of his/her conduct becomes embarrassing to BVARI. An employee should notify the VA Police if any person on Medical Center grounds is:
  Observed using alcohol or illegal drugs
  Considered to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  Observed with possession of alcohol or illegal drugs
A description and location of the offender should be provided. If a person operating a motor vehicle on Medical Center grounds is considered to be under the influence of an intoxicant, the employee should report to the VA Police the vehicle’s description, direction of travel, and license plate number.
For purposes of this policy, the possession or use of prescribed medications, by the person for whom they are prescribed and consistent with such prescription, shall not be deemed a violation of this policy.
Safety / Safety is everyone’s business. BVARI is committed to maintaining a healthy and
safe workplace. We expect each employee to share this commitment. Specific safety matters that pertain to the employee’s workstation will be covered by his/her supervisor. The employee is obligated to use any applicable protective equipment prescribed for his/her job.
The most critical elements in practicing safety are being careful and using common sense. Each employee should be continuously aware of his/her actions and environment to avoid dangerous situations. It is the responsibility of the employee to report any injuries or unsafe situations to his/her supervisor.
Smoking / According to the Surgeon General of the United States, smoking is the most preventable cause of illness and death in our society and the number one public health issue of our time. In recognition of this fact, smoking is prohibited at BVARI at all times. Please refer to Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA Medical Center Memorandum No. 00-002 “Smoke-Free Policy”.
Building Security / Please refer to Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA Medical Center Memorandum No. 138-009 “Space Key Control”.
Ethical Conduct/ Conflict of Interest / All BVARI employees are subject to Federal statutes and regulations applicable to employees with respect to standards of ethical conduct and conflicts of interest in the performance of official duties.
Standards of Ethical Conduct:
Each employee shall submit a signed “Standards of Ethical Conduct and Related Responsibilities of Employees” statement certifying awareness of, and compliance with, these laws and regulations. This form may be obtained from the Human Resources Administrator.
New employees are asked to sign this statement, which is part of the New Hire Packet, which they receive. The statement encompasses the following areas:
  0.735-10: General Requirements
  0.735-11: Gifts, Entertainment and Factors
  0.735-17: Outside Employment Activity or Compensation
The employee’s signature indicates he/she is and has been aware of and complied with the regulations pertaining to conflict of interest in performance of official functions in his/her capacity with BVARI and has ensured compliance by others.
The BVARI sponsored program through Ceridian, Inc. is an anonymous and confidential method of hearing employees concerns, suggestions and reports of misconduct. Our goal is to assure and enhance the integrity, people, processes, and assets needed by all stakeholders of BVARI. We believe that BVARI's viability and integrity depend on the protection of our critical assets, including our people, physical assets, and our information. There are two methods of submitting a report- telephone at (888) 279-1921 and through the web site,
Conflict of Interest:
The purpose of this policy is to protect the interests of BVARI when contemplating a new hire, a transaction or an arrangement that might cause an officer, director or employee to choose between personal interests and the interests of BVARI or that may call into question their independence or impartiality. This policy is intended to supplement, but not replace, applicable federal and state laws governing conflicts of interest including those VA policies pertaining to research conflicts of interest. Persons covered under this policy, as well as their relatives and associates.
New employees are asked to sign this statement, which is part of the New Hire Packet, which they receive, if they are Principal Investigators on the grant or contract, essential personnel, or administrative employees. The policy includes signature of the:
·  Affirmation of Compliance
·  Confidentiality and disclosure questionnaire
Confidentiality / Patient Confidentiality: As staff of a biomedical research organization, BVARI employees may have access to highly personal and sensitive clinic information regarding its research subjects. BVARI staff must safeguard and hold confidential all such personal information and may gain access to or disclose it only for legitimate research purposes.
Client Confidentiality: All staff has a responsibility to recognize the special relationship of trust between BVARI and its clients who support its research activities. BVARI staff may gain access to or disclose proprietary business information only for legitimate research purposes. All proprietary business information about BVARI and its clients must be treated in a confidential manner.
Employee Confidentiality: All employment-related information about other BVARI staff members must be treated in a confidential manner. Employees may not gain access to or disclose such information without proper authorization.
This Confidentiality Policy is critical to BVARI’s purpose and function. Any employee who violates it is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Communication / BVARI will use internal memos and emails to distribute information to employees in those cases where every employee needs his or her own copy of the subject matter. It is important to remember that these memos deal with internal information and should not be shared with anyone other than BVARI employees.
Electronic Mail / Computer System / The electronic systems (hardware, software and networks) provided to BVARI employees to use at work, or in conjunction with their work, are the property of BVARI and/or the Department of Veterans Affairs. These systems are to be used exclusively for work-related matters. Therefore, no one is to do anything that causes interference to the network or work of others.
Use of these systems for personal business or other personal uses is a violation of company policy and federal policy and will subject the violators to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination. There is to be no display or transmission of sexually explicit images, messages or cartoons, or any transmission of electronic mail communications that contain ethnic slurs, racial epithets or anything that may be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or religious or political beliefs. BVARI has a legitimate business interest in all materials generated by, transmitted through, or stored in these systems, in ensuring the use of these systems is within the requirements of this policy and in monitoring adherence to this policy. BVARI reserves the right to audit these systems and their contents at any time, without specific prior notice. However, individual employees and supervisors should not attempt to gain access to another employee’s computer or electronic mail messages without the latter are expressed permission. Upon hiring each employee must sign the “Computers, Electronic Mail and Voice Mail Usage Acknowledgment Form”, relating to this policy.
Attached is the link for the “Computers, Electronic Mail and Voice Mail Usage Acknowledgment Form”
Personnel Record / BVARI requires accurate, up-to-date information regarding each employee’s address, personal email, telephone number, marital status and other pertinent information for use in an emergency and for formal records such as W2 forms. If an employee changes his/her home address or phone number, or other pertinent information, the Human Resources Generalist must be notified. An employee is entitled to review his/her personnel record. It is required that he/she submit a written request in advance, and to do so through his/her supervisor so that the record may be duplicated.
An employee may challenge information contained in his or her personnel record, and request that the information be removed or corrected. If the employer refuses the request, the Statute gives the employee the right to submit a written statement explaining the employee’s position, and the Statute requires the employer to maintain the statement as part of the employee’s personnel record as long as the challenged information is retained in the record.
BVARI will maintain employee personnel files for three years after termination of employment without delegations or changes of information. (Except by mutual agreement of the employer and the employee). Further, if an employee brings a legal action against the employer in court or before an administrative agency (e.g., the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination), BVARI will retain the personnel record until final disposition of the proceeding.
For further information please refer to BVARI’s record retention policy.
Dress Code / Dress code is primarily based on the individual employee’s job description. Overall, employees are expected to maintain a neat, clean, well-groomed appearance. It is requested that employees demonstrate the good taste necessary to maintain the appropriate business image. An employee may be sent home if, in the supervisor’s judgment, his/her dress or appearance is deemed inappropriate. Please refer to Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA Medical Center Memorandum No. 05-037 “Dress code, Personal Appearance and Hygiene”.
Housekeeping / BVARI is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and atmosphere. Employees are expected to maintain a high standard of neatness in their work area and refrain from displaying anything that would be considered inappropriate for a business setting.
Problem Resolution Procedure / If an employee has questions, complaints, or individual problems, he/she should discuss them with his/her supervisor first. If the employee does not feel comfortable in discussing the matter with his/her supervisor, or if the employee does submit the matter to the supervisor and the supervisor is not able to resolve the matter, the employee should submit the matter in writing to the Human Resources Administrator. If mutual agreement cannot be reached, the employee may bring it to the attention of the BVARI’s Chair Person and/or CEO. After due consideration, a decision will be made by the Chair Person as to the resolution of the issue. The decision of the Chair Person or CEO shall be final, and not subject to further review.
Parking Regulations / All BVARI employees should be aware of Medical Center parking policies as detailed in the Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA Medical Center Memorandum No. 07-003 “Parking and Traffic Control”.

Compensation Policies