Experimental Sciences Laboratory

P O R T F O L I O 2 C H E C K L I S T


Your portfolio must include, the student agreement (signed) and the portfolio checklist

Act / Description / Generic/
competencies / Type of
evaluation / Activity Points / Earned Points
1 / Diagnostic
Science / GC 6.1 / Self-evaluation
2 / Knowledge acquisition
Scientific methodology / GC 4.1
DC 4 / Self-evaluation / 5
3 / Organization
Laboratory material / GC 5.1.2
DC 4 / Peer-evaluation / 10
4 / Application
Measurements / GC 5.4
DC 4, 11 / Peer-evaluation / 35
5 / Metacognition
Standard Deviation / GC 4.5 5.1
DC 4, 11 / Teacher
evaluation / 15
6 / Integrative
Salicylic protocol. / GC 5.1, 4.5
DC 3, 4, 5, 11 / Teacher
evaluation / 35






Feedback to Teacher:______

Students’ Signature______Date:______


*** One point will be taken if: you don´t write down your name, write down a reflection of has the proper signatures.

P O R T F O L I O 2 A G R E E M E N T

I ______understand that my portfolio is a collection of my school work and related achievements. The contents exhibit my effort and progress as these elements relate to the goals represented in my instructional program.

I agree to accept the responsibility for creating and managing my portfolio as I complete each requirement. I will submit its content for periodic review to my instructor. In doing so, I understand that the contents of my portfolio, as well as the way in which I have presented the contents, will be evaluated for the purpose of judging my performance in school.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature:

I have read and understand the above portfolio agreement and have reviewed my child’s portfolio requirements.

______Date: ______

Generic Competences
4. Listens, interprets and gives adequate messages in different contexts through the use of appropriate media, codes and tools.
(1) Expresses ideas and concepts through linguistic, mathematic or graphical representations
(5) Uses information and communications technology to obtain information and express ideas.
5. Develops innovations and proposes solutions out of formal methods.
(1) Follows instructions and procedures in a reflective way, understanding how each step contributes to the achievement of an objective.
(2) Organizes information according to categories, hierarchy and relations.
Disciplinary competences
3. Applies scientific and technological advances in the improvement of the conditions in its social environment.
4. Obtains, registers and systemizes the information to respond scientific questions, consulting relevant sorces of information and performing experiments.
5. Applies the appropriate methodology in the elaboration of interdisciplinary projects dealing with problems
related to experimental sciences.
11. Apply safety standards to reduce risks and harms to himself and nature in the use and handling of chemicals, instruments and equipment in any context.
Competence Elements:
-  Identify the materials and tools used in y the laboratory of experimental science and know the use, as well as the application of security rules in laboratory and everyday life.
-  Make different measurements to correctly recollect information generated during the research.
-  Recognizes the scientific method as a useful tool to solve scientific problems in life.
-  Uses the scientific method to solve scientific problems and in daily life.

Stage 2

Diagnostic Activity
Learning Method / Individually
Kind of Evaluation / Self assessment
Teaching Strategy / Questionnaire
Teaching Resources / Prior Knowledge
Due Date
Possible Points / 0

A.  Answer the following questions.

1-  How do you define science?


2-  What is a hypothesis?


3-  What is the scientific method?


4-  How do you design an experiment?


B- Comment with your classmates and add any extra notes of something you might have missed.


- Participation.

- Logical and coherent answers

Knowledge Acquisition Activity
Learning Method / Individually
Kind of Evaluation / Peer- Assessment
Teaching strategy / Questionnaire
Teaching Resources / Biology, Miller and Levine
Due Date
Possible Points / 10
Organization Activity
Learning Method / Individually
Kind of Evaluation / Peer assessment
Teaching strategy
Teaching Resources / Biology, Miller and Levine
Due Date
Possible Points / 10

A-  Research on internet the following laboratory equipment in page 5 of your book and print a picture size about 5 X 5 cm.

B-  Categorize and organize all of the materials in the tables and write all of the information required. It is recommended to use the following link.


C-  Research on the rules of NFPA. What is the meaning of the acronym NFPA? What is the objective of NFPA? Why are these rules important? What are special dangers that the rules of NFPA? What represents each color in the danger diamond of NFPA 704?

Criteria / 0
FAIR / 1.5
GOOD / 3
Charts / Is not organized or unclean. / **** / All hand written and organized.
Laboratory Equipment / 2 or more equipment is missing or the names were wrong. / 1 of the equipment is missing or the name is wrong. / All 54 laboratory equipment was properly glued and named.
Information / All of the information is incorrect or missed key information / Some information missed or incorrect / All of the information is correct. Includes required data.
Organization / More than 2 of the laboratory equipment was incorrectly classified / 1 or 2 of the laboratory equipment was incorrectly classified. / All laboratory equipment was correctly classified.
Images / 2 or more images are missed / 1 image is missed / There is an image per laboratory equipment.

Table #1 materials used to contain samples or substances.

Name of the material of equipment / Image / Use / Manufacturing capacity / Subdivisions of measurement / Manufacturing material

Table #2 Materials used to measure samples or substances.

Name of the material of equipment / Image / Use / Manufacturing capacity / Subdivisions of measurement / Manufacturing material

Table #3 Materials used to sustain.

Name of the material of equipment / Image / Use / Manufacturing capacity / Subdivisions of measurement / Manufacturing material

Table #4 Materials used for a specific use.

Name of the material of equipment / Image / Use / Manufacturing capacity / Subdivisions of measurement / Manufacturing material
Application Activity
Learning Method / Individually
Kind of Evaluation / Peer assessment
Teaching strategy / Laboratory report
Teaching Resources / Experimental Laboratory Siences, DEMS, 2010 and Online information
Due Date
Possible Points / 35

Each team will elaborate a lab report from lab practice #2 on length, mass and volume and lab practice #3 Acid- base titration that must include the following sections:

a-  Front page. School logos, name of the activity, group number, team members and date.

b-  Back ground research on measurement. History of measurement and how the SI units made. How many measurements systems exist? (2 page long)

c-  Material and methods. List all of the materials with any special specification (size, materials, etc). All methods must be numbered and explained even if their very basic.

d-  Results and Discussion. All results must have an average and a standard deviation. Graphs could be used if required. Use the charts on page 8 – 11 from your book.

e-  Research on the SI units of measurement and add a chart with the measurement for length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of a substance and luminous intensity. Add another chart with the metric prefix, symbol, factor and exponential.

f-  Make an analysis of the difference between the 3 different scales.

g-  Research on Arquimides law and how volume can be measured in an irregular structure. (1 paragraph long)

h-  Research on acid- base titration and its use in chemistry.

i-  Conclusion. One for each lab practice.

j-  Bibliography.

EVIDENCIA DE APRENDIZAJE / Actividad Integradora Etapa 1: Informe de Resultados / Ponderación:12 %
Tipo de
Evidencia Completa
( 3 Puntos ) / Evidencia Suficiente
( 2 Puntos ) / Evidencia Débil
( 1 Punto ) / Sin Evidencia
( 0 Puntos )
CONOCER / Conocimiento / ACG 5.1; CDB
CE4 / El reporte está elaborado en computadora incluye la portada y los apartados siguientes: Introducción, Material y método, Resultados y discusiones, Conclusiones y Bibliografía. / El reporte de laboratorio está escrito a computadora o a mano con esmero, incluye la portada y 4 de los apartados siguientes: Introducción, Material y método, Resultados y discusiones, Conclusiones y Bibliografía. / El reporte de laboratorio está escrito a computadora o a mano con descuido, incluye la portada y 3 de los apartados siguientes: Introducción, Material y método, Resultados y discusiones, Conclusiones y Bibliografía. / No entrega la evidencia.
Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva comprendiendo cada uno de los apartados para realización del reporte.
HACER / Habilidades / ACG 5.4 y 5.5;
CDB CE4 / Aplica la metodología e instrumentos de medición de manera adecuada para evitar incertidumbre en las mediciones y justifica los posibles errores. Y expresa de manera correcta las conclusiones. / Aplica la metodología, pero no los instrumentos de medición de manera adecuada para evitar incertidumbre en las mediciones y no justifica los posibles errores.
Y no expresa de manera correcta las conclusiones. / No aplica la metodología ni los instrumentos de medición de manera adecuada para evitar incertidumbre en las mediciones y no justifica los posibles errores.
Y no expresa de manera correcta las conclusiones. / No entrega la evidencia
Aplica la metodología adecuada para realizar las mediciones en el laboratorio presentando los resultados de manera adecuada y expresar de forma clara las conclusiones.
SER / Actitudes/Valores / CDB CE4 / Asume una postura personal adecuada y responsable sobre las normas de seguridad para prevenir riesgos de accidentes en el uso y manejo de sustancias, instrumentos y equipos
Entrega en tiempo y forma / Asume una postura personal adecuada; pero no una responsabilidad sobre las normas de seguridad para prevenir riesgos de accidentes en el uso y manejo de sustancias, instrumentos y equipos
Entrega en tiempo y forma / No asume una postura personal adecuada; ni una responsabilidad sobre las normas de seguridad para prevenir riesgos de accidentes en el uso y manejo de sustancias, instrumentos y equipos
No se encuentra en tiempo y forma / No entrega la evidencia
Trabaja de manera responsable, utilizando normas de seguridad para disminuir riesgos en el uso y manejo de sustancias, instrumentos y equipos.
Metacognition Activity
Learning Method / In teams of 5
Kind of Evaluation / Peer- Evaluation
Teaching strategy / Lab report and presentation
Teaching Resources / Biology, Miller and Levine. On line research
Due Date
Possible Points / 15

Answer the following problems showing your work. Find average, mean, mode and standard deviation.

1-  6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 9 ,10 3, 6,

2-  3, 8, 9 4, 8, 8, 9, 3, 3, 4,

3-  16, 18, 29, 5 12, 15, , 9, 10, 30, 12

4-  1, 5, 20, 13,, 20, 5, 10, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 5, 10, 25

5-  5, 45, 25, 38,50, 66, 39, 40, 24, 33, 80, 34, 80, 86, 8

Answer the following problems using Excel. Find average, mean, mode and standard deviation.

6- / 34 / 5 / 34 / 94 / 12 / 48 / 56 / 45 / 56 / 34 / 47 / 98 / 43 / 45 / 34 / 44 / 75 / 55 / 12
7- / 45 / 15 / 44 / 38 / 78 / 78 / 44 / 34 / 44 / 56 / 49 / 76 / 23 / 78 / 4 / 76 / 38 / 23 / 18
8- / 76 / 26 / 67 / 49 / 65 / 67 / 87 / 76 / 33 / 87 / 39 / 95 / 90 / 66 / 55 / 98 / 49 / 22 / 22
9- / 88 / 44 / 23 / 47 / 90 / 14 / 66 / 98 / 88 / 45 / 98 / 65 / 94 / 99 / 67 / 45 / 72 / 35 / 56
10- / 33 / 34 / 33 / 23 / 65 / 17 / 89 / 34 / 56 / 34 / 65 / 34 / 83 / 33 / 74 / 77 / 24 / 76 / 90
Integrative Activity
Learning Method / In teams of 5
Kind of Evaluation / By teacher
Teaching strategy / Research protocol
Teaching Resources / Biology, Miller and Levine
Due Date
Possible Points / 15

1-  In teams write a protocol on the effects of salicylic acid applied in plants using the format bellow. Pretend you are making a experiment using that variable.

2-  Write a background research using at least 5 different scientific articles. It must be at least 3 pages long.

Name of Team mates / Group:
Title of Research:
Dependent / Independent
Control Variables / -
From Laboratory / From Home
-- / -
Improvements of the experiment
Semestre: 2 Unidad de Aprendizaje: Laboratorio de Ciencias Experimentales
Etapa:2.Aplicación del método científico experimental
Actividad:Aplicación Experimento 1 Tipo de evaluación: Heteroevaluación
Competencia Genérica:
Competencia Genérica:
Competencias Disciplinares Básicas (Campo de Ciencias Experrimentales): / 5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a partir de métodos establecidos.
5.1 Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, comprendiendo cómo cada uno de sus pasos contribuye al alcance de un objetivo.