Oregon District Continuous Improvement Plan
Cover Sheet
2007 / 2009

District Information:

District Name:
Santiam Canyon School District 129J
150 Evergreen Mill City, OR 97360
CIP District Contact:
Kim Maurer

Date of Submission:
November 21, 2007
I certify that this Continuous Improvement Plan was developed in compliance with requirements of Oregon and Federal statutes and regulations. The District School Board Chair has approved this plan for submission to ODE.
Name of Superintendent:
Brad Yates / Name of Board Chair:
Dan Lemke
Signature of Superintendent / Signature of Board Chair
Date: / Date:


Executive Summary3

Description of the District6

Self-Evaluation Summary13


Setting Goals86

Action Plan88

Summary of the Planning Process95

Budget Narrative – TitleIA Schools125

Contact Information 126


AttachmentA – Professional Development Plan128

AttachmentB – Title IIA Needs Assessment138

AttachmentC – Healthy Teen Survey146

AttachmentD – Technology Curriculum K-12149

Santiam Canyon School District is located in Linn and Marion County. The Districtemploys 95 staff members,has 620 students enrolled,and a total budget of $6.2 million for three schools and district office.


  • Gates ElementaryMET AYP for 2006-2007
  • Mill City Middle MET AYP for 2006-2007
  • Santiam High MET AYP for 2006-2007
  • Santiam Canyon School District MET AYP for 2006-2007
  • Gates Elementary Grades K-4 received “Exceptional” report card ratings for

2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007

  • Mill City Middle School Grades 5-8 received “Strong”report card ratings for 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007
  • Santiam High School Grades 9-12 went from a “Low”report card rating for 2004-2005 to a “Strong” rating for 2005-2006 and a “Satisfactory” rating for 2006-2007.
  • Santiam Canyon School District conducts parent teacher conferences threetimes a year, provides after school intervention and summer school.
  • Our 9th year of providing full day kindergarten 5 days a week for all kindergarten age students.


  • Secondarystudent achievement levels are lower than elementary student achievement levels in English/Language Art and Mathematics.
  • Professional development forchanging student demographics and new standards is a continual challenge.


  • 2007-09 CIP Goal 1: All students will meet or exceed state standards in English/Language Arts by 2013-2014.
  • 2007-09 CIP Goal 2: All students will meet or exceed state standards in Mathematics by 2013-2014.


  • Continue theGuided Reading program at Gates Elementary.
  • Continue the Read Right program at Santiam High School
  • Continue Positive Behavior Supports K-12
  • Full time Math instructor for Mill City Middle School
  • Use NWEA MAPS Math and English Language Arts testing data to inform instruction
  • Contract with Linn Benton Lincoln ESD to provide Data Driven Decision Making and Data Teams professional development


Santiam Canyon School District 129J is located 35 miles east of Salem in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Santiam Canyon is a diverse district that covers 1000 square miles and serves620students. We draw students from Marion Forks, Idanha, Detroit, Gates and Mill City. Gates Elementary is a K-4 school located in Gates; Mill City Middlea 5-8 middle school, Santiam High a 9-12 high school and District Office are all located in Mill City. The District employs 95staff and has a total budget of $6.2 million.


The economic base of the area has shifted away from timber and no replacement industry has emerged. Since 1995 our enrollment has declined steadily from 905 to our present population of 620. The District has an attendance rate of 93.7%. Many of our employed parents commute, creating a large number of latch key children. Our socio-economic status is reflected in our district wide free and reduced lunch rate of 63%. Many of our families have a high poverty level and their educational level does not provide the opportunity to relocate. These conditions create a high number of students with low skills and high needs.

Santiam Canyon School District has a dedicated staff of 95 employees, who provide a safe and academically challenging learning environment for all students. The Districts serves all students through a variety of programs. These programs include Title IA Basic, Title IA After School Intervention and Summer Programs, Title III English Language Learners, Title IV Safe and Drug Free, TAG, Special Education and Alternative Education. The Districts students are distributed between three buildingsas shown in Table 1. Gates Elementary serves221students in grades K-4,Mill City Middle serves189 students in grades 5-8 and Santiam High serves 210 students in grades 9-12. Table 2 shows special population numbers and Table 3 reflects our Ethnic numbers.


Santiam Canyon School District
2007 Student Distribution
School / K / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Gates / 47 / 44 / 39 / 40 / 51
Mill City / 36 / 55 / 41 / 57
Santiam / 64 / 44 / 53 / 49
Total Students 620

Source: September 2007 LBLESD Enrollment Totals


Santiam Canyon School District Special Population
2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Free and reduced lunch rate / 61% / 63%
Special Education / 18.4% / 16.3%
English Language Learner / 2.3% / 2.9%
Talented and Gifted* / 3.7% / 3.5%

Source: 2006, 2007 ODE District Report Card *District Data


Santiam Canyon School District
2007 Ethnic Summary
Gates Elementary
K-4 / Mill City Middle
5-8 / Santiam High
9-12 / District
Number Enrolled / 221 / 189 / 210 / 620
White / 188 / 163 / 179 / 530
Black / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
Hispanic / 17 / 12 / 13 / 42
Asian Pacific / 1 / 0 / 2 / 3
American Indian Alaskan Native / 2 / 9 / 7 / 18
Unknown / 11 / 3 / 9 / 23

Source: September 2007 LBLESD Enrollment Totals


Santiam Canyon School District has 3 schools and a District Office. District Office is a modular unit that was purchased in the late 1980’s. All of our building are located in Mill City expect Gates Elementary which is located 5 miles away in Gates. Gates Elementary has 221 students in grade K-4 and has been constructed over time from the 1920’s to the 1970’s in various pieces and portions. Mill City Middle was built in 1987 and has 189 students in grads 5-8. Santiam High was built in the 1960’s and has 210 students. According to a Feasibility Study conducted in2001 all of our buildings are in need of various degrees of repair.


Santiam Canyon School Districtstaffing is reflected in Tables 4, 5 and 6. The District has worked very hard to implement all of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements. Our Title IA Schoolwide is 100% highly qualified.


Santiam Canyon Classes
Taught by Highly Qualified Staff
2005-2006 / 2006-2007
District / State / District / State
All Schools / 93.7% / 91.6% / 98.3% / 90.0%
High Poverty Schools / ---- / 89.7% / 96.6% / 90.2%
Low Poverty / ---- / 93.7% / ---- / 89.9%

---- No Data available Source: 2006, 2007 ODE District Report Card

Shading indicates years meeting or exceeding the State Standard Averages


Santiam Canyon School District
FTE Staffing by School
Gates Elementary / Mill City Middle / Santiam High
2005-2006 / 2006-2007 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Administration / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 1.0
Licensed Staff / 12 / 10.6 / 12.1 / 9.6 / 14.9 / 13.1
Instructional Assistants / 10 / 8.2 / 6.4 / 3.9 / 5.0 / 5.0
Other Staff / 6.9 / 6.4 / 5.2 / 4.9 / 8.1 / 9.0

Source: 2006, 2007 ODE Building Report Card


Santiam Canyon School District
Total FTE Staffing by District
2005-2006 / 2006-2007
Administrators (FTE) / 4.5 / 4.0
Teachers (FTE) / 39.3 / 38.7
Average Years of Experience / 14.4 / 13.5
With a Masters’ Degree or Higher / 61.7% / 56.1%
Instructional Assistants (FTE) / 21.4 / 21.1%
Other Staff (FTE) / 27.0 / 28.4%

Source: 2006, 2007 ODE District Report Card


Santiam Canyon School District MissionStatement

We will provide an educational environment, which promotes growth, productivity and success for our children in a changing world.

Statement of Beliefs

We believe that…

  • We share the responsibility for producing lifelong learners.
  • All students have value, the ability to learn and contribute.
  • Resources and technology shall enable our students to develop competitive skills for a global society.
  • Our educational programs should include a core curriculum supplemented by a variety of electives and integratedtechnology.
  • Decisions should be based on what is best for our students.

Student Outcomes

Students will…

  • Demonstrate proficiency in using current technology.
  • Respect authority and themselves.
  • Use acquired knowledge to work collaboratively and independently in creative problem solving.
  • Actively contribute to the community and schools.
  • Demonstrate competency in the basics and a variety of electives.
  • Be able to effectively communicate through listening, writing and speaking in more that one language.
  • Demonstrate persistence and commitment.

Prompt 1: Describe the Districts progress since 2005 in attaining:

each of the 10 Oregon Education Performance Standards

each of the goals in the 2005-2007 CIP

1. All districts shall maintain standard schools (Division 22).

The Santiam Canyon School District School Board reviewed the Division 22 standards and assured compliance at the February 7, 2007 School Board Meeting.


The District is in compliance with all standards of Division 22

Area of Concern

None noted

2. All students will show continuous individual growth in all core academic subjects. All Districts will provide opportunities for students to demonstrate career related knowledge and skills and extended applications.


Santiam Canyon students are making continuous growth in core academic subjects. Table 7showsEnglish Language Arts growthcompared to state averagesand Table8 shows Math growth compared to state averages.


Santiam Canyon School District
Percent Meeting or Exceeding English Language Arts
State Standards
English Language Arts / 2005
Santiam SD
Average / 2005
State Average / 2006
Santiam SD
Average / 2006
State Average / 2007
Santiam SD
Average / 2007
State Average
Grade 3 / 79% / 89% / 94% / 90% / 92% / 81.4%
Grade5 / 55% / 81% / 67% / 83% / 64.8% / 71.3%
Grade 8 / 45% / 62% / 41% / 66% / 64.6% / 68.1%
Grade 10 / 37% / 56% / 42% / 57% / 59.3% / 65.1%

Source: 2005, 2006, 2007 ODE Report Card & Oregon State Assessment Data

Shading indicates years meeting or exceeding the State Standard Averages


Santiam Canyon School District
Percent Meeting or Exceeding Math
State Standards
Math / 2005
Santiam SD
Average / 2005
State Average / 2006
Santiam SD
Average / 2006
State Average / 2007
Santiam SD
Average / 2007
State Average
Grade 3 / 92% / 88% / >95% / 88% / 94% / 69.4%
Grade5 / 67% / 84% / 88% / 84% / 68.5% / 67.9%
Grade 8 / 44% / 63% / 39% / 65% / 64.6% / 70%
Grade 10 / 41% / 49% / 30% / 47% / 47.3% / 55.1%

Source: 2005, 2006, 2007 ODE Report Card & Oregon State Assessment Data

Shading indicates years meeting or exceeding the State Standard Averages

Table 9 reflects student growth within our District over the past 2 years. Gains from 2005 to 2006 at grades 3, 5, and 10 followed by 2006 to 2007gains at grades 8 and 10 in English Language Arts. Grades 3 and 5 showed gainsin 2005 to 2006, while grades 8 and 10 showed strong gains in 2006-2007in Math. Theimpactof the previous CIP goals are reflected in these gains. The Data helped the District to identify areas of concern (issues) for the 2007-2009 CIP. Santiam Canyon School District is very proud of these gains and feels positive about the academic changes that have occurred.


Santiam Canyon School District
From 2005 to 2007
English Language Arts / 2005 / 2006 / Change +/- / 2006 / 2007 / Change +/-
Grade 3 / 79% / 94% / +15% / 94% / 92% / -4%#
Grade 5 / 55% / 67% / +12% / 67% / 64.8% / -2.2#
Grade 8 / 45% / 41% / -4% / 41% / 64.6% / +23.6#
Grade 10 / 37% / 42% / +5% / 42% / 59.3% / +17.3#
Math / 2005 / 2006 / Change +/- / 2006 / 2007 / Change +/-
Grade 3 / 92% / >95% / >+3% / >95% / 94% / -1%#
Grade 5 / 67% / 88% / +21% / 88% / 68.5% / -19.5%#
Grade 8 / 44% / 39% / -5% / 39% / 64.6% / +25.6#
Grade 10 / 41% / 30% / -11% / 30% / 47.3% / +17.3#

Shading indicates positive District growth from year to year

# Reflects ODE March 2007 Cut Score adjustments

Table 10reflects English Languages Arts and Table 11 reflects Math subgroup growth within our District over the past 2 years. The District has worked very hard to focus on the subgroups. Santiam Canyon School District feels positive about the academic changes that have occurred.


Santiam Canyon District
English Language Arts Achievement by Subgroups
Group / ELA% Meet
or Exceed
2005 / ELA%
or Exceed
2006 / Change
+/- / ELA%
or Exceed
2006 / ELA%
or Exceed
2007 / Change
and Gifted / 86.6% / 79% / -7.6% / 79% / >95.0% / +16%
Students With Disabilities / 15.5% / 32% / +16.5% / 32% / 35.6% / +3.6%
Migrant / 29.4% / 34.4% / +5% / 34.4% / * / NA
Limited English Proficient / 5% / 6.3% / +1.3% / 6.3% / 45.5% / +39.2%
Economically Disadvantaged / 36.6% / 47.7% / +11.1% / 47.7% / 65.4% / +17.7%

Source: 2005, 2006, 2007 ODE Report Card and Oregon State Assessment Data

Shading indicates positive District growth from year to year

*Suppressed due to insufficient data


Santiam Canyon District
Math Achievement by Subgroups
Student Group / Math % Meet or Exceed
2005 / Math%
Meet or Exceed
2006 / Change +/- / Math %
Meet or Exceed
2006 / Math%
Meet or Exceed
2007 / Change +/-
Talented and Gifted / 100% / 84.6% / -15.4 / 84.6% / >95% / +10.4%
With Disabilities / 35.5% / 47.9% / +12.4 / 47.9% / 49.2% / +1.3%
Migrant / 31.6% / 68.4% / +36.8 / 68.4% / * / NA
Limited English Proficient / 22.2% / 44.4% / +22.2 / 44.4% / 63.6% / +19.2%
Economically Disadvantages / 57.7% / 60.8% / +3.1 / 60.8% / 68.2% / +7.4%

Source: 2005, 2006, 2007 ODE Report Card and Oregon State Assessment Data

Shading indicates positive District growth from year to year

*Suppressed due to insufficient data


Career related knowledge and skills are developed over time starting at the elementary school and continuing through high school. Students investigate various careers and the requirementsfor employment in those fields. Students are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities at the middle and high schools to acquire experiencesthat support their career related interests and prepare them for future opportunities.

At Gates Elementary, the social studies curriculum exposes students to their first career awareness through the study of community life. Students discuss careers as a means of financial support and learn how people work together to supply the needs of each other. Each Spring Gates sponsors a Career Day. All K-4 classes attend 9 career stations. Presenters change every year and come from a multitude of occupations. After 4th grade a student who has attended Gates all 5 years will have had exposure to 45 different occupations.

Mill City Middle School students begin investigating what acareer means to an individual’s life (i.e. salary, work ethics, working conditions and environment). Students are supported as they start to narrow their career choices to fields that appeal to them. Information opportunities include but are not limited too, speakers from traditional and non traditional fields representing, different income levels and various educational requirements. Students then select a career, research it and present a 4-8 minute speech. Mill City Middle School uses Career Information System (CIS). CIS is used by the students to do career research. CISalso provides the District with an electronic tracking of each student’s career exposure.

At Santiam High School, students continue to explore, plan and set goals with career targets. All students have an advisor that they meet with on a weekly basis. Seniors are required to have a plan leading them to a career of their choice. The students have four years to complete the entire plan. The plan has to have goals, strategies for reaching those goals, and a course of action after completion of high school.The advisor assists students in the four year process as they move through their Personal Education Plan that is their Career Plan and Profile. Many students are undecided about their career so students are required to select a career of interest and job shadow a person currently working in that field. Through a job shadow students are given the opportunity to, speak directly with people already working in fields that interest them, asking them for information regarding prerequisites, skills needed, and what attracted that person to their career.

Students who choose to graduate and immediately join the work force are assisted in, selecting their remaining high school classes and identifying strategies for setting and reaching their goals. This planning will help them to prepare for their employment in the work force. If students choose to pursue further training or education they will; research programs, select schools or training programs, learn how to gain entrance to the school or training program, that will lead them to achievement of their careergoal. School counselors and advisors assist students in their search.


English Language Arts gainsin grades 3, 5, 8and 10over a 2 year span(Table 9 page 17)

Math gains in grades 3, 5, 8and 10 over a 2 year span(Table 9 page 17)

All 5 subgroups are making positive gainsover the 2005-2007 span(Table 10 page 18 and Table 11 page 19)

Area of Concern

Maintain consistent English Language Arts grade level gains

Maintain consistent Math grade level gains

In the 05-07 CIP the District felt that we needed additionaldata. We achieved that goal using a private vendor to provide consistent interim assessments. We have sufficient data; we now need to be able to properly analyze the data so that we can make informed sound decision in regards to academic achievement. For the 2007-2009 CIP the District is going to contract with a certified trainer from Linn Benton ESD. The trainer will provide high quality Data-Driven Decision Making and Data Teams professional development. The process will start in the winter or spring of 2008. The specifics of the contract are being finalized.

3. By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards in reading and mathematics.

AYP History

The number of students meeting standards in English/Language Arts and Math has increased in the past three years as shown by Table 12. The statewide goal of students expected to meet or exceed the standard for 2004-2005 through 2006-2007 is 50% for English Language Arts and 49% for Math. The statewide attendance goal is 92% and the statewide graduation rate requirement is 68.1%


Santiam Canyon School District
English Language Arts, Math and Attendance/Graduation*
AYP History
History / Overall
AYP / Eng. Lang. Arts AYP / Math
AYP / Attendance*
Gates Elem
2004-2005 / MET / MET / MET / MET
2005-2006 / MET / MET / MET / MET
2006-2007 / MET / MET / MET / MET
Mill City Middle
2004-2005 / NOT MET / NOT MET / MET / MET
2005-2006 / MET / MET / MET / MET
2006-2007 / MET / MET / MET / MET
History / Overall
AYP / Eng. Lang. Arts AYP / Math
AYP / Graduation*
Santiam High
2004-2005 / NOT MET / NOT MET / MET / MET
2005-2006 / NOT MET / NOT MET / NOT MET / MET
2006-2007 / MET / MET / MET / MET

Source: 2005, 2006, 2007 ODE AYP Data

Shadingindicates years that AYP was MET

*Grades K-8 use attendance indicator and grades 9-12 use graduation indicator


Every child in the Santiam Canyon School District is expected to participate in State Assessments. Staff members go “above and beyond” to assure that every child is tested. Unfortunately, a few students are not tested due to their absences during the testing window. Even with those students missing, we have achieved the Participation Target as reflected in Table13. Student test participation is expected to be 95%.