You are about to embark on a journey in the past. However, this journey will also bring you to the present as it will provide you with the ability to see how the history of Chin and Japan past has influenced its present state. Enjoy the trip!
Boxer Rebellion and the Chinese Communist Revolution
1. Before we begun studying China and its communist revolution, we must study what exactly communism is. Please write down your thoughts as to what communism is, and label them “My thoughts on communism.”
2. Use the link below and write what communism is. Compare and contrast it to your definition of communism.
Use the following link for questions 3—9:
3. What was China’s biggest concern during the Boxer rebellion?
4. How does the cartoon depict European powers and their influence of China? Be specific, e.g. is it a gentle influence? A strong influence? More controlling than influence? Be sure to explain why.
5. Who was the leader of the Chinese communist party?
6. Who was the adversary of the Chinese communist party?
7. What war forced the communist party to join its adversary?
8. What other nation did the communists team up with their adversaries to fight?
9. What is the red book?
10. Examine the propaganda posters. How do the posters depict communist and Chinese ideals?
Meiji Revolution/Resoration
Use the following link for questions 1---3:
1. During the Tokugawa period, what was Japan’s relationship like with foreign countries?
2. What was Japan’s policy on Christianity during the Tokugawa period?
3. What was the most important philosophy of Tokugawa Japan?
Use the following link for questions 4-5:
4. During the Tokugawa period, what group of people where the lowest caste?
5. What class of people were ranked just above the merchant class? Why?
6. The event that led to the end of the Tokugawa period was when U.S. naval Commodore Matthew Perry’s steam ships entered Yokohama (port next to modern day Tokyo), and threatened the Japanese with force if Japan did not open itself to more foreign trade. Many Japanese where upset by this. How does the depiction of Perry’s naval steam ship portray these feelings? Also, why do you think that Japanese where concerned about opening their country to western nations?
7. During the initial part of the Meiji period, what did the American powers force Japan to do during the Meiji period?
8. How does the image portray both the good and bad that western ideas and technology in brought to Japan?
9. How does this tobacco ad portray Japan’s traditional culture and the influence of western nations? Look carefully at all details of the ad.