Oak Park River Forest High School

Tibensky Academic Enrichment Scholarship Application



The Tibensky Family Academic Enrichment scholarship will provide opportunities for students to experience the wide variety of academic enrichment programs offered by Oak Park and River Forest High School. This program is funded by the Tibensky Family through the Oak Park and River Forest Community Foundation. A scholarship, not to exceed $2,500 each, may be awarded yearly to students wishing to participate in an overseas or domestic travel program during the school year. This is a need-based scholarship.

Application Requirements:

1.  Applicants must be current OPRFHS students interested in furthering their academic accomplishments by pursuing exchanges, field studies or trips.

2.  The activity must be offered through Oak Park and River Forest High School.

3.  All parts of the application must be completed. This application requires an essay explaining why you want to go, what you expect to get from the experience, and how you are qualified to participate.

4.  Student must demonstrate financial need and provide page one and two of the family’s 2015 tax return or proof of free and reduced lunch.

5.  Recipients are to share their enrichment experiences in an oral presentation or written report to the Fund Advisors and/or the selection committee, after completion of the activity.

6.  Any activity selected by current senior must be completed and reported on by the end of the current school year (prior to graduation).

Selection Process:

Scholarship applications will be reviewed by the Tibensky Family Scholarship Committee and recommended to the Board of Directors of the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation. All applicants will be screened for financial need. Applicants will be notified of scholarship awards as soon as possible.

MOST IMPORTANT: Proof of financial need is required. Being in the free/reduced lunch program, supplying an IRS form, and/or a statement from your Counselor qualify. For the trip/program/enrichment experience, please attach an itinerary or description of the trip/program. Please do not repeat all of the trip information in paragraph form in your own words. You must explain in detail why you want to go and what you expect/hope to get out of the enrichment experience. Every year, over half of the applications have to be excluded simply because they are not complete enough. ANY APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY PARENTS, NOT THE STUDENT, ARE IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATED.

Application Deadline:

Submit applications as soon as possible after the exchange, field trip or enrichment activity is announced. December 1, 2017, is the final date, but the scholarship may be awarded earlier in the school year depending on deadlines. Please return completed applications to Ms. Susan Johnson, Director of Student Activities, Room 174.

Print or type all responses on separate paper.

Completed applications must be returned to Ms. Susan Johnson in Room 174 by December 1, 2017.

Include all of the following information. Remember, your application is our only method of selection. Include any financial documents and/or supporting documents you feel appropriate.

ü  Name

ü  Address

ü  Telephone Number

ü  Email Address

ü  Year in School and ID number

ü  Counselor

ü  Teacher sponsoring the exchange, field studies or trip

ü  Best time and method to reach you for any additional information or an interview.

Answer these questions carefully and completely and attach any appropriate supporting documents.

Describe the proposed exchange, field study or enrichment experience including when and where it will take place, its purpose and activities (or attach information).

1.  Describe the proposed exchange, field study or enrichment experience including when and where it will take place, its purpose and activities (or attach information).

2.  Itemize the cost of the trip and provide documentation of your financial need is a major factor in awarding this scholarship. Please provide the following:

·  Itemize the cost of the trip or provide the printed trip itinerary and costs.

·  Provide documentation of your financial need (ex. free and reduced lunch) or pages 1 and 2, listing income and deductions, of your family’s most recent tax return.

3.  In detail, explain what you hope to accomplish by participating in this activity and what it means to you to be able to participate.