Parent Primary School Sport Funding Questionnaire (March 2014)

Name (optional): ______Class: ______

Use of Primary School Sports Funding at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School:

The government providesdedicated funding to schools to help improve the provision of PE and sport. The money has been provided by the Departments of Health, Education and Culture, Media and Sport. This year we received £9050 in funding (£8000 plus £5 per pupil).

At St Mary’s we aim to:

Place physical activity and well-being at the heart of the schools vision statement.

Improve teaching resources so teachers can offer a more productive, inclusive and broader PE curriculum.

Provide a greater range of opportunities for pupils to compete in inter and intra school competitions.

Provide a greater range of sporting after school clubs.

Increase the profile of the school’s sporting activities and achievements

How have we used this year’s Sports Funding to meet these aims?

  1. Introduction of a specialist sports coaching and staff professional developmentprogramme(led by St Peter’s High School Sports Hub and partner organisations). (Years 2-6)
  1. Introduction of a specialist a Gymnastics Coaching and staff professional development programme.(EYFS / Y1)
  1. Introduction of a specialist Tennis Coaching and staff professional development programme.(EYFS / Y1)
  1. Increasing opportunities for children to participate in competitive sport.
(Year 1 – Year 6)
-30 sports coaching sessions (football, rugby, tennis, hockey, and cricket) for every pupil in Years 2-6. Sessions are led by specialist sports coaches on a 1:15 coach to pupil ratio.
-On-going professional development opportunities for teachers (through shadowing of coaches, team-teaching sessions and focussed observations).
-Termly Teacher training sessions in each of the focus sports (including the provision of training materials and resources) led by specialist coaches. / -20 sessions of specialist gymnastics coaching for pupils in Reception and Year 1 classes.
-On-going professional development opportunities for teachers (through shadowing of coaches, team-teaching sessions and focussed observations). / -10 sessions of specialist tennis coaching for pupils in Reception and Year 1 classes.
-On-going professional development opportunities for teachers (through shadowing of coaches, team-teaching sessions and focussed observations). / -Annual subscription to GPSFA. This enables us to participate in competitive football leagues and tournaments (A Team, B Team and Girls’), Hi-Five Netball league and Tag Rugby league.
-Fees to GSSN for participation in district sports competitions.
-Entries in other local and regional competitions.
£7000 / £1000 / £500 / £550
Total £9050

What are our expected outcomes?

Physical activity and well-being are at the heart of the school’s vision.

Planned investment leads to sustained improvements to the teaching of PE across the school.

The development and implementation of a varied, stimulating, inclusive and highly effective PE curriculum which responds to the wishes of all interested parties.

The school is well resourced to provide physical education for all pupils.

The pupils’ exposure to competitive sport is greatly increased.

Everyone who is involved with the school is well informed as to the sporting progress made by the pupils.


Sports Premium Funding Questionnaire

To help us achieve our aims, and determine how we spend future funding, we would very much appreciate feedback from parents. This is an opportunity for you to comment on the current PE provision at our school. This applies to both PE that is taught in the school day, after-school sport provision and competitive fixtures or events against other schools. We would welcome positive feedback as well as areas for further development.

Question.1: What are your opinions regarding the quality of PE provision in our school?
Question.2: What competitive activities would you like to see undertaken at our school?
Question.3: How do you feel the current provision for PE could be improved?
Question.4: How would you like to be kept informed about PE and sport activities in the school?
Any other comments or points relating to school PE and sport:

Many thanks for completing this form. Please return it to school by Friday 25th April