Louise thought Mack must be the stalker. Jacob returned home. Mack sprayed graffiti on Ray's car after he was refused a day's work.
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ITV 1 Friday

Paddy and Emily agreed to foster two sisters. Steph shaved Bob's moustache off. A bin-man moved in next door to a shocked Edna.
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ITV 1 Monday

Monday 9th December

Louise started to think Mack could be the stalker after Ray accused him of vandalising his car.

Edna was furious when she found out the gentleman moving in next door was her arch enemy, Jarvis.

Christmas was looking bleak for the Dingles with all their debts, until Zak came up with a plan.

Paddy and Emily took two troublesome foster girls into their home.

Date: Tuesday 10 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Edna and her new neighbour get off to a shaky start. Louise is sickened to discover that Mack used her bed while she was on holiday. Zak is unmoved by the news that his father is dying.

Cast List

Shirley Stelfox, Emily Symons, Steve Halliwell

Date: Wednesday 11 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Mack is accused of stalking Louise, but it's Ray who ends up in jail. Zak is in a dilemma over whether or not to visit his dying father. Jack finds fatherhood troublesome as Victoria falls under the influence of a wayward friend.

Cast List

Rob Dixon, Emily Symons, Seamus Gubbins, Clive Hornby, Hannah Midgley, Steve Halliwell

Date: Thursday 12 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Louise decides to tackle Mack head on, but things don't go according to plan. Turner worries that Steph is up to no good. Fostering pushes Paddy to breaking point.

Cast List

Emily Symons, Rob Dixon, Richard Thorp, Lorraine Chase, Dominic Brunt

Date: Friday 13 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Ray has had enough, but Louise refuses to be driven from her home by her sick stalker. Paddy and Emily's patience is tested to the limits. Len finds an unexpected ally in Jarvis.

Cast List

Seamus Gubbins, Emily Symons, Dominic Brunt, Kate McGregor, Peter Martin, Richard Moore

Date: Sunday 15 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Determined to salvage his marriage, Eric heads for London. Terry digs himself deeper into a hole as the stalking allegations fly. The Reynolds prepare for Angie's funeral.

Cast List

Christopher Chittell, Billy Hartman, Anthony Lewis, Vicky Binns

Date: Monday 16 December Time: 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Gloria flounders as the time of her maiden speech approaches, but Eric saves the day. Ollie and Marc say their final farewells to Angie. Charity recognises Cain's guilt as he is drawn to Angie's graveside.

Cast List

Janice McKenzie, Christopher Chittell, Vicky Binns, Anthony Lewis, Emma Atkins, Jeff Hordley

Date: Tuesday 17 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Zak is confounded by his dying father's talk of stolen treasure. Ollie and Marc make conflicting decisions about their futures. Diane worries that the stalking is taking its toll on Louise.

Cast List

Steve Halliwell, Vicky Binns, Anthony Lewis, Elizabeth Estensen, Emily Symons

Date: Thursday 19 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Zak discusses his dead father's ramblings, but Sam won't let it lie. Cain looks for a target for his anger, and finds Jason. Louise is stunned by the stalker's latest move.

Cast List

Steve Halliwell, James Hooton, James Carlton, Jeff Hordley, Emily Symons

Date: Friday 20 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Louise makes plans to leave the village. Sam's investigations unearth a fortune in a Chilean bank. Ollie and Danny's living arrangements cause strife for Len.

Cast List

Emily Symons, James Hooton, Vicky Binns, Cleveland Campbell, Peter Martin

Date: Monday 23 December Time: 7:00pm to 7:30pm

Subtitled, Widescreen


Terry is down and out as the villagers close ranks against him. Diane is saddened by Louise's decision to leave. The villagers are in festive mood as they prepare for the carol service.

Cast List

Billy Hartman, Elizabeth Estensen, Emily Symons

Soaps by Alison Graham

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Louise's stalker is getting closer to his target, who's growing increasingly nervous at the attentions of her watcher. Everyone seems to think it's Mack - mainly, it seems, because he smuggled a woman into Ray and Louise's house. We aren't sure why this makes him a predator, particularly when you consider the sexual mores of Emmerdale are akin to those of Pompeii just before the earthquake.

Soap & Flannel thinks the culprit is Terry. Actually, we have no proof, but we don't care. We just think it's Terry.