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February 3 - 4, 20033 February 2003

Miami, FloridaOriginal: English


(Adopted at the First Plenary Session, held on February 3, 2003)

1.Election of officers of the Meeting

  • Election of the Chair
  • Election of the First Vice-Chair
  • Election of the Second Vice-Chair
  • Election of the Rapporteur
  1. Adoption of the Agenda
  2. Adoption of the Calendar
  3. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure
  1. Evaluation and analysis of implementation of confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) in the region

I.Review and promotion of CSBMs pursuant to the following documents:

  1. Declarations of San Salvador and Santiago on CSBMs
  2. OAS General Assembly resolutions on CSBMs
  3. Inventories of CSBMs Applied by the Member States of the Organization of American States
  4. OAS Roster of Experts on CSBMs

II.Review and promotion of transparency measures in the region

  1. Status of ratification and implementation of the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions
  2. Participation in United Nations Register of Conventional Arms and Instrument for Standardized Reporting of Military Expenditures
  3. National defense "white papers" in the region
  4. Consideration of methods to encourage participation in these instruments and further promote transparency in defense matters in the region

III.Evaluation of the impact of CSBMs applied and adopted on hemispheric security

  1. Next steps to further consolidate mutual confidence

I. Identification of new CSBMs to further consolidate mutual confidence in the region

  1. Review of CSBMs undertaken in other regions in the world with a view to consider adopting them in the hemisphere
  2. Consideration of new CSBMs pertinent to a particular sub-region: Central America, South America, and the Caribbean, taking into account the multidimensional approach to hemispheric security
  3. Consideration of the results of the fifth Defense Ministerial of the Americas, in particular the proposals on possible CSBMs to be implemented in the region
  4. Analysis of improved methods to exchange information on CSBMs (OASIS system, etc.)

- Improving exchange of and access to information on CSBMs for member states and other organizations

- Updating how CSBM reports are submitted and monitored, including the possible submission of sub-regional-bilateral reports

II.Future OAS efforts regarding CSBMs

  1. Committee on Hemispheric Security
  2. Special Conference on Security
  3. Defense white papers
  4. Making the OASIS system operational
  5. Reporting to the Secretary General pursuant to the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Arms Acquisitions

III. Institutionalization of the CSBMs approach in the Hemisphere: Improvements to the development, consideration, and adoption of measures

  1. Consideration and adoption of the draft Declaration of Miami on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures: Recommendations to the Summit-mandated Special Conference on Security
  1. Consideration and adoption of an Illustrative List of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures