Title - Template for Extended Abstracts for the International Conference on Engineering Technology and Industrial Application – 2016

First A. Author*1, Second B. Author2 and Third C. Author3

1, 2 Authors’ Department, Faculty, University, Country

(E-mail: , )

3 Author’s Department, Institute, Country.

(E-mail: )


This document presents the instructions required to prepare the extended abstract to be submitted to the ICETIA’16. All abstracts should be written in English. In order to achieve graphical consistency, the extended abstract should be preferably written using Microsoft Word. It should start with the paper’s title, author(s) name (s), authors’ affiliation, address and e-mail, followed by the Abstract's text and the keywords (up to six words). Please, indicate the author making the presentation with an asterisk (*).

The abstract should be written in MS Word format in single-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the text paragraphs. Please, briefly explain the background and scope of your research including the problem formulation, the aim and objective, your materials and methods, analysis and discussion, and the main conclusions of the study. Maximum of 2 figures/photographs can be included in the abstract. Authors are requested to submit Abstracts (600 – 800 words with maximum of 2 pages in the length of paper size of A4) in electronic form (MS-Word) via online at our Conference Management System (check our web: ). An incorrect format may result in your abstract being returned to you or it may be rejected. The scientific committee will decide the contributions for oral and poster presentations.

A digital version of the ICETIA Proceedings will be published online in the web: publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id and electronic version in USB flash disk covering the full text papers. In the case of Extended Abstracts, the authors should use the full length of the page. In the case of an Extended Abstract, the authors should use the full length of the page. In the case of Extended Abstracts, the authors should use the full length of the page. In the case of an Extended Abstract, the authors should use the full length of the page. In the case of an Extended Abstract, the authors should use the full length of the page. In the case of an Extended Abstract, the authors should use the full length of the page. In the case of an Extended Abstract, the authors should use the full length of the page.

Figure 1. Example graph for the extended abstract.

Keywords: Abstract, COD, Extended, TDS, Template, up to 6 words arranged in alphabetical order.

Acknowledgment: The authors would like to acknowledge xxxxx for the funding support of the research project [Project Number = XXXXXXX].