The Student Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry

During the practical lessons in the Student Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław, students are obliged to follow the safety and fire regulations, in particular:

  1. To follow fire instructions and internal regulations of the Laboratory, as well as the recommendations of the teachers and laboratory workers;
  2. It is prohibited to stay in the Laboratory when the teacher is absent;
  3. Before lesson, students should get to know the localization and labeling the protecting devices and means, and properties of the chemicals;
  4. In the Laboratory one should move patiently, the communication routes should not be blocked;
  5. Do not bring coats, bags, rucksacks etc. in the Laboratory – they can be stored in the wardrobes near the Laboratory;
  6. In the Laboratory it is absolutely necessary to wear protecting clothes (aprons made of natural fibers) and the personal safety equipment (glasses, gloves), according to the recommendations of the teacher;
  7. Do not use mobile phones, electronic music players (also with headphones) etc. during lessons;
  8. In the aim of personal protection, if possible:
  9. Do not use contact glasses, only classical correcting glasses,
  10. Long hair should be buckled,
  11. Use comfortable shoes, but covered and not stiletto;
  12. When using laboratory devices which need contact with skin, like microscope, wipe the contacting parts before,
  13. Do not stand on chairs, use special platforms for that,
  14. Do not look into bottles or flasks, close containers which are not used,
  15. Never move or pour chemicals to not-labeled containers; do not use chemicals if the container has no label,
  16. Most of the laboratory activities are performed in standing position,
  17. In the case of any indisposition, student informs the teacher about this.
  18. Keep the work-place in order and property. Students should have their own soap, towel and cloth.
  19. In the Laboratory it is prohibited to eat, to chew (chewing gum), to smoke, to use cosmetics, to store food and cosmetics in the laboratory rockers. When eating outside, take your laboratory coat off.
  20. Do not move the devices, laboratory glass, chemicals etc. If not necessary for the work. .
  21. The chemicals for microcrystalline and drop analyzes can be used only for these methods;
  22. After using, put the chemicals on the correct place;
  23. Do not put pipettes to the bottles with chemicals;
  24. Do not put corks (stoppers) on the table;
  25. Tell your teacher if leaving the Laboratory, also after the lesson.
  26. Be especially careful when working with harmful or irritating substances, or when working with device which emits such substances.
  27. Be especially careful when manipulating glass packagings, in particular when opening or closing them. Ask the laboratory staff if operation concerns concentrated solutions in fume hoods.
  28. Use the equipment and devices in the proper way.
  29. Inflammable substances should be stored in tight packagings, far from open fire and sources of heat, protected against mechanical damage.
  30. Experiments should be carried in the way which does not causes risks. When manipulating with substances which can spatter, explode or burn, use gloves and glasses and inform the staff.
  31. Manipulations with volatile and harmful substances should be carried under fume hoods. After such works, laboratory glass has to be washed under fume hood, too. The residues of organic compounds are stored in special containers under the fume hood, those of heavy metals and silver in containers present in the Laboratory, too.
  32. Manipulations under fume hood should be made with the protecting window lowered, in standing position.
  33. In the case of any damage, inform the laboratory staff.
  34. In the case of any incident (cut, burn) inform the laboratory staff for help.
  35. In the case of break-down of water, electricity etc., shut off the appropriate devices.
  36. In the case of fire:
  37. Inform the nearest persons and the laboratory staff;
  38. Be sure that fire brigade has been alarmed;
  39. Remove inflammable materials (be careful!);
  40. Shut off gas and electricity;
  41. If necessary, leave the Laboratory, calmly, using main or emergency exits.
  42. After work, give back the entrusted materials and devices and clean the work place.
  43. Before leaving the Laboratory:
  44. Switch off the devices,
  45. Shut off water and gas used during experiments,
  46. Protect the harmful and inflammable materials,
  47. Wash carefully your hands after the work with harmful substances.

Head of the Student Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry,

Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław