Comic Relief Red Nose Day

As a result of selling the Comic Relief red noses and holding our non-uniform day we are very pleased to announce that as a school we managed to raise a fantastic £677.11 for Comic Relief. Thank you very much for your contribution to this worthy cause.

Parental Questionnaire

Thank you to all who have already returned their parental questionnaires. If you have not already completed your copy please do and return it to the school office or your child’s class teacher when we return after the Easter holidays. Thank you.

Easter competitions

The standard of entries for our Easter bonnet and Egg dioramas was very high and judging the event was very difficult for our school council. Thank you to all pupils and parents for their hard work in supporting this competition and congratulations to the following children who were winners for their class and who have each received an Easter egg.

Nursery: Millie and Jessie

Reception: Kian and Junior

Year 1: Ruby and Lilly-Mai

Year 2: Lexi and Amy

Year 3: Riley and Sophie

Year 4: Tyler and Tianna

Year 5: Emily and Tyrone

Year 6: Lucasz and Grace

Every Child Needs a Mentor

At St Michael’s, we strongly believe that every child is unique and has great abilities. Taking this into account, after we return from Easter we will be working once again with an organisation called Every Child Needs a Mentor (ECNAM), to offer a mentoring programme to our Year 4 pupils. This is a fantastic programme and an exciting opportunity for the children involved.

Key Dates for this term:

(These will be added to as the term progresses)

Monday 3rd April – Monday 17th April – School closed for Easter

Tuesday 18th April – Children return to school

Breakfast and After-School Club:

Breakfast Club: 7:45am – 8:45am (£1 per session)

After School Club: 3:00pm – 5:30pm (£2.00 per hour/£4.50 for whole session – this includes a snack)

PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately we cannot allow arrears of more than £10 to build up. In order to continue to be assured of a place in either of the clubs we must ask that parents ensure that Breakfast/after school club fees are paid promptly.


We continue to work closely with our local PCSO Carol Ball to monitor parking around the school at the start and end of the school day. PCSO Ball has asked us to remind parents not to park on double yellow lines or the yellow zig zag markings at the front of the school and to avoid blocking the driveways of residents.

Obviously the safety of all of our pupils and their families is of paramount importance and cars parked dangerously can endanger pedestrians lives. PCSO Ball will continue to make spot checks in the new year to monitor the parking. We appreciate your support in this matter.


Congratulations to all those pupils who have achieved 100% attendance for the second half of the Spring term and all those who have also managed to achieve 100% for the entire Spring term. Each child has received a certificate to acknowledge this achievement. Well done!

Children are expected back in to school at the usual time on Tuesday 18th April.

We have had a very productive and busy Spring term and we would like to thank you for your continued support.

On behalf of all the staff at St Michael’s it is my pleasure to wish you all an ‘eggcellent’ Easter!