Application details for Polyvalentvessels who wish to receive a licence to participate in the 2018 Atlanto Scandian Herring fishery

Applications are now sought from eligible vessels fulfilling the following criteria:-


  • The pair of polyvalent vessels that participated in this fishery in 2016 and 2017 are precluded from entering the draw. The draw is open to all other polyvalent vessels without a pelagic preclusion on their sea fishing boat licence, which hold the necessary safety clearances to operate in this fishery.
  • Participating vessels must have an Electronic Recording System (ERS) on board.
  • Each application is required to identify its pairing partner.
  • Individual vessels can only be entered once as part of pair.
  • Each application must confirm both vessels willingness to be included in the open draw.
  • Each application must confirm in writing (e-mail) when applying that both vessels, if offered a license meet the necessary safety standards and will participate in the 2018 fishery. Only written applications (email acceptable) which confirm the requirements set out will be accepted.

Landing(s) of Atlanto Scandian Herring in excess of the permitted catch limit(s) will be subject to Quota Balancing, in accordance with the Minister’s policy of 21 December 2018 regarding Quota Balancing for Pelagic Stocks.

Where and when to apply

Applications must be submitted by email to Sheila Murphy at the following

address: -

All applications must be received by Friday 2 February 2018.

Details of Draw

The Department of Agriculture Food and the Marinewill conduct an open draw for one pair of licences (two vessels) to participate in the 2018 Atlanto Scandian Herring Fishery.

Venue: The Departments’ Offices, Clogheen, Clonakilty

Date: Monday 05 February 2018

Time: 14:30

The Pair of polyvalent vessels that participated in this fishery in 2016 and 2017 are precluded from entering the draw. This draw is open to all other polyvalent vessels without a pelagic preclusion on their sea fishing boat license, (who hold the necessary safety clearances to operate in this fishery).

The draw will be for two vessels to operate as a pair.

A reserve will also be drawn. In the event of the first pair not being in a position to participate in the 2018 fishery the reserve(s) will be used.

Vessels selected and offered a licence are precluded from the draw for 2019 and 2020.

Vessel owners who apply and subsequently, when selected, withdraw for whatever reason from the fishery will be disqualified for 2019and 2020 from being included in the draw.

One representative only, from each of the following organisations, the IS&WFO, KFO, IFPO, IS&EFO, IFPEA, is invited to attend if they so wish. Please notify Martina O’ Leary on , of who will be attending.