Getting to Know the Periodic Table

Objective: To be able to use the periodic table to identify, classify, and predict the behavior of elements.


1.  Number the groups. (1-18)

2.  Number the periods (1-7)

3.  Draw a heavy black line between the metals and nonmetals.

4.  Write the family name of each the following groups, above it’s group number:

Group 1 Alkali Metals

Group 2 Alkaline Earth Metals

Groups 3- 12 Transition Metals

Group 13 Boron Family

Group 14 Carbon Family

Group 15 Nitrogen Family

Group 16 Chalcogens

Group 17 Halogens

Group 18 Noble Gases

5.  Write the names of the two rows at the bottom of the chart: Lanthanides (top) and Actinides (bottom).

6.  Write the Atomic Symbol, Atomic Number (on top of the symbol), and Atomic Mass (under the symbol) for each element that exists as a gas at ordinary conditions in red on your table (key provided).

7.  Write the Atomic Symbol, Atomic Number (on top of the symbol), and Atomic Mass (under the symbol) for each element that exists as a liquid at ordinary conditions in blue on your table (key provided).

8.  Write the Atomic Symbol, Atomic Number (on top of the symbol), and Atomic Mass (under the symbol) for each element that exists as a solid at ordinary conditions in black on your chart (all other substances).

9.  Write the Atomic Symbol, Atomic Number (on top of the symbol), and Atomic Mass (under the symbol) for each element that is man-made (synthetic) in bold.

10.  Use the following chart to color the periodic table:

Group 1 Alkali Metals = purple

Group 2 Alkaline Earth Metals = red

Groups 3- 12 Transition Metals = green

Group 13 Boron Family = white

Group 14 Carbon Family = dark green

Group 15 Nitrogen Family = pink

Group 16 Chalcogens = brown

Group 17 Halogens = blue

Group 18 Noble Gases = yellow

Lanthanides = orange

Actinides = light blue

11.  Outline the symbol’s box in dark green if it is radioactive in its most common form.


Red (Gas):

H, He, N, O, F, Ne, Cl, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn, Sm, Eu, Gd

Blue (Liquid)

Ga, Br, Cs, Hg, Fr

Bold (Man-Made or Synthetic)

Tc, Pm, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr

Outline Box in Green (Radioactive):

Tc, Po, At, Fr, Ra, Rf, Db, Pm, Ac, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr, Ds, Rg, Cn, UUT, UUQ, UUP, UUH, UUS, UUO